

A heavy aroma seeped through the gaps of the door that connects the staircase and the basement. It was something cooked, something roasted.

Upon smelling the aroma, Frei slowly opened his eyes in anticipation for the constant arrival of "Gloria". For the past two days, the only thing that kept Frei alive, and hopeful was "Gloria"'s constant check-up on him. Her pleasant presence alongside her gentle aura was therapy for Frei, as she was the only one beside Wall that came into the basement. Each time she came, Frei would waggle in happiness even if it was short, or eating the leftovers, it was fine for Frei as he'd get to see her.

The door swung open. She entered the room, holding a tray holding a plate of roasted chicken's breast and a few vegetables. The aroma became clearer and stronger as she placed it right below Frei's dangling body, enticing him even more. 

"Like it? I cooked it especially for you" she said as she grinned from ear to ear. She cooked it when all the attendees were busy and the masters were out. "Here eat." She gently cut apart the breast meat, and impaled it on a fork. She extended the fork up towards Frei's mouth while having the other hand open right below the fork-holding one, preventing the dead chicken from escaping her grasp.

Frei snapped his mouth wide open, his lips dried, his eyes restless. He reached out his head to eat the meat. He devoured it in one swoop. It was good, better than good actually. His eyes gleamed, a bright, visible light, glittered inside his dark abyss-like pupils. He was taken aback in surprise and shook, as he never had something this delicious before. The meat was juicy, plump and its texture was great, its roasted, crispy skin was extraordinary as it goes especially well with the meat inside.

"Is it that good?" She chuckled joyfully. 

Frei nodded.

"That's good to hear Frei" She said, her smile widened. "I'm glad you finally be able to eat good food, especially all that you've been through."

Upon hearing her statement. Frei paused, his body trembled, as he was reminded of the torment that he has endured during the past few days. The stinging pain in the mark began to intensify as if it was still being seared. He could still feel the cold dirt ground that he curled up on and the endless barrage of assault that he endured during the beating. He closed his eyes not wanting to face the pain, and the memories of being experimented on yet within him lies a subtle bitterness. Then he felt a tender sensation, two arms were wrapped around his torso, and the gentle caress of soft fabrics brushing against his skin. He calmed down, his breathing became lighter, and his body no longer trembled. He felt peace.

He opened his eyes and saw "Gloria" hugging him, her head gently placed against his chest as she gently caressed his wounded back. When she saw that Frei had opened his eyes, she smiled and her hands reached to the top of his head, caressing his hair and patting him.

"Endure this. Live…." She murmured silently. Though Frei heard it.

She let go and went back to her original position. 

"Have another bite Frei." 

Frei chowed it down in matters of seconds. Then he chowed it down again when she fed him again. Again, again then again. Neither of them spoke and there was an awkward silence between the two of them. Frei really liked the meat, but then a thought lingered within Frei.

'What's the point?' 

As after all of this, when Wall gets back, the pain will resume and he will still be rotting inside the basement. He will still be fed leftovers everyday, only occasionally be fed good food like today, be left dangling as his wrist starts to groan in pain, the thought depresses him. Then his faint desire of leaving this place bloomed even bigger. He wouldn't suffer any more like this if he left like what Arthur and Berg suggested. 

'But how?'

He was reminded of the teachings "Gloria" gave him about magic, and the things Wall did to him with mana. Then His imaginations run wild, overwhelming him with ideas, both good and the bad, the view of the outside world, the horses, carriages and houses built beside each other, the holy empire that "Gloria" showed him. To achieve this desire, he filtered the ideas in his head, gradually forming a plan to leave. 

"Frei? Are you daydreaming?" 

He ignored the chicken breast that she was going to feed him whilst his brain was brainstorming ideas of how to execute his solid idea. Linking all the things he has seen and observed, he began forming a plan. It was a moment of clarity for Frei, as his mind cleared up, all the fog that existed in his mind seemingly stopped existing and he momentarily saw the world clearly. 

"Is… my chicken… poisoned?" she glances at the meat that was impaled on her fork.

The finger knives that Wall was able to conjure, the fire magic that "Gloria" was able to cast, the magic that he himself could cast yet all of that knowledge seemed to fade away when he was faced with fear and torment. 'How could I forget about it all!' he thought angrily, he could have escaped the moment Wall left, however he was only stopped by his own fear and weakness to punishment that he was so susceptible to. 

"It tastes good… is…is it me?" She questioned her own existence, after taking a bite into the chicken. 

He realized his mistake, but the opportunity was still not lost. The nobles were mostly out, and the attendees were busy, he could find time to run away if he used his time efficiently. He rethought for a bit, and came to a conclusion that it was doable, he grinned from ear to ear. He could already imagine seeing the houses and horse carriages in person, and to stop being cuffed up against the wall, dangling.

"Am I the problem?" she asked, which distracted Frei and broke his concentrated thinking. Which gave him an idea and made him chuckle.

"Can you… help me?"

"Yeah sure, Frei. What is it?" she answered without hesitating, albeit slightly confused.

"Can you use magic and cut the cuff holding my wrists, like the old man?"

She was slightly bewildered by Frei's request, especially at Frei's sudden increase in confidence and talkativeness. Nevertheless she was willing.

"No… I can't." 

"You can't?"