
Isekai - City Slick to Goblin Quick

In a zany twist of fate, Hiroto wakes up not in the cozy comfort of his bed, but in the muddy shoes of a... goblin? Yep, you heard that right! The world of Valerion is nothing short of bonkers, and Hiroto's got a magical slate that’s more quirky than a smartphone. Teaming up with Luna, the moonlit mystery mage; Riku, a foodie cat-kin; and Elara, a warrior with a cache of secrets, Hiroto is on a mission. From heart-fluttering romance to hilarious goblin antics, to quests that are more slapstick than epic, Hiroto realizes that being a hero is no piece of cake... or is it a pie? And as ancient forces stir, will our goblin-turned-hero stand tall... or at least, taller than a goblin's height?

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Revelations and Realms

Chapter 5: Revelations and Realms

With Luna's arrival, a new chapter unfurled in Hiroto's Valerion adventure. As they shared stories, Hiroto learned that Luna, too, had left behind a bustling city—though not Tokyo. She hailed from a distant land, yet their tales of urban hustle, late-night ramen, and neon-lit streets bore uncanny similarities.

Luna had been a scholar, studying ancient civilizations and lost magic. Her journey into Valerion was a result of an experiment gone awry. Unlike Hiroto's abrupt transportation, she had willingly delved into the mysteries of alternate realms, and Valerion was her latest, unintended destination.

Her knowledge brought a fresh perspective to the goblin tribe. She regaled them with tales of distant lands and ancient spells, her stories seamlessly blending with Miko's old goblin lore. The two formed an unlikely but endearing duo: the old goblin seer and the young human scholar.

One day, Luna unveiled a weathered map. It detailed Valerion's realms, marking territories of elves, dwarves, dragons, and other mystical beings. Her finger traced a route leading to an ancient ruin, which, according to her research, held secrets that could potentially help them bridge the worlds.

The proposition was daring: an expedition into uncharted territories, facing unknown dangers. But Hiroto, with Riku's unwavering support and Luna's expertise, felt the call of adventure. The trio, along with a few brave goblins, set forth on this new quest.

As they ventured further from the safety of their enclave, the group encountered the diverse wonders of Valerion. Majestic waterfalls cascading from floating islands, vast deserts where sands shifted to reveal hidden oases, and enigmatic forests where trees whispered ancient secrets.

But with wonder also came peril. They skirted territories of hostile races, faced the challenges of treacherous terrains, and solved riddles guarding ancient passageways. Through it all, the bond between Hiroto, Riku, and Luna grew stronger, their combined strengths and wisdom guiding the way.

Yet, as the ruins loomed on the horizon, a realization dawned on Hiroto. While the possibility of bridging worlds was tantalizing, Valerion had become a world he truly cherished. The upcoming discoveries would test not just their courage but also the desires of their hearts.