
Isekai - City Slick to Goblin Quick

In a zany twist of fate, Hiroto wakes up not in the cozy comfort of his bed, but in the muddy shoes of a... goblin? Yep, you heard that right! The world of Valerion is nothing short of bonkers, and Hiroto's got a magical slate that’s more quirky than a smartphone. Teaming up with Luna, the moonlit mystery mage; Riku, a foodie cat-kin; and Elara, a warrior with a cache of secrets, Hiroto is on a mission. From heart-fluttering romance to hilarious goblin antics, to quests that are more slapstick than epic, Hiroto realizes that being a hero is no piece of cake... or is it a pie? And as ancient forces stir, will our goblin-turned-hero stand tall... or at least, taller than a goblin's height?

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Rabbit Tales and Roasted Marshmallows

Chapter 41: Rabbit Tales and Roasted Marshmallows

The orange embers of the campfire danced in the night, illuminating the faces of the adventurers. The gentle hum of night creatures surrounded them, and overhead, a tapestry of stars blinked against the inky backdrop of the sky.

Riku held a marshmallow on a stick over the fire. His eyes narrowed in concentration. "Alright, little mallow, this time you won't get burnt," he muttered. But as he tried to roast it, the marshmallow turned black and crumbled. "Again?! There must be some secret marshmallow-roasting technique I'm missing!"

Hiroto chuckled, "Or maybe you're just overthinking it?"

Elara watched with amusement. "At this rate, we'll run out of marshmallows before you get one right."

Luna smirked, "Speaking of tales, Elara, what's yours? What's the tale of the rabbit girl before she joined a goblin hunter and his friends?"

Elara hesitated for a moment, her ears twitching. "It's... a long one."

"We have all night," Hiroto pointed out.

She sighed, looking deep into the flames. "Alright. Far from here, there's a secluded village, where little rabbit children play and elders share tales under the moon. Imagine fields of soft grass, gentle streams, and a life in harmony with nature."

Hiroto nodded, his interest piqued. Riku, too busy with another marshmallow, only half-listened.

Elara chuckled, her voice light. "Once, I got my head stuck in a jar of carrot jam. I was... well, greedy. The whole village tried to free me. It was a hilarious sight."

Luna burst into laughter. "Oh, I'd pay to see that!"

Elara smiled, but her expression turned somber. "But life wasn't always laughter and games. Larger creatures often threatened us. We lived in the shadow of fear."

Hiroto's eyes darkened, memories from his own past clouding his vision. He empathized with Elara's words. "I understand that feeling," he murmured.

Luna noticed his distant look, feeling a pang of concern. "Hey," she whispered, nudging him. "You okay?"

Hiroto met her gaze, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "Just... memories," he admitted.

Luna leaned closer, her voice soft. "Whatever happened before, Hiroto, you've grown. Your past doesn't define you."

A moment of silence followed, broken by Riku's triumphant shout. "I did it! Behold, the perfectly roasted marshmallow!"

Elara clapped with delight. "Well done, Riku! About time!"

Luna smirked. "Took you long enough."

The rest of the evening was filled with more tales, laughter, and the occasional argument over marshmallow roasting techniques. Hiroto and Luna shared a quiet moment, strengthening their bond, while Riku continued his antics, providing comic relief.

As the embers dimmed and the group settled down, they felt closer than ever. Wrapped in their blankets, they drifted to sleep under the starry sky, their dreams filled with hope, laughter, and the promise of new adventures ahead.

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