
Isekai'd With My Mafia Family: All My Dragons Wives Are Overpowered!

Lucien a typical man with a normal personality, always yearned for a simple, ordinary life—a dream shattered by the stark reality of his mafia family's existence. Graduating at the age of 22, he found himself thrust into a world of chaos when his family perished in a car bombing. Suddenly transported to another realm, Lucien, equipped with the "Emblem of Shire" skill, is tasked with developing the land. However, his mischievous family members prove to be a constant challenge. Just as he begins to settle into his new role, tranquility is shattered by the arrival of a lustful dragon, intent on mating with him. Soon, more dragons encroach upon his territory, making him anxious about what will they do. Faced with these unforeseen challenges, Lucien must find a way to manage his land and preserve the peace he so desperately craves.

Solastius_Seena · Fantasy
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129 Chs

Isn't It Ok to Have More Than One Wife?

"Sure, I will join," Lucien said with a smile to Tilly, then turned to see Lithira waiting for him. "Come here, let's eat together," he suggested, reaching out to hold her hand.

Lithira hesitated for a moment but eventually joined them. Lucien settled between Brigantiea and Lithira, while Amane and Seren took seats in front of them, eyeing the food hungrily.

Dr. Amanda and Gibson also joined, sitting beside Seren, eager to enjoy the meal.

After every food was shared evenly, they started to eat. Lucien was still watching the crowd in the restaurant, many villagers queued waiting for their food with happiness on their faces when they got it.

The food was simple, it was a stew with carrots, potato, and a little chunk of chicken. The vegetables were cut into really small pieces, most of it was the broth.

The stew was watery, different from the stew Lucien ate back home. Probably, because the milk was diluted into water.

They could choose the carbo, from bread, oat, or potato. So they won't get bored easily.

As Lucien tasted it, it was plain compared to the food in his world, probably because of the lack of onion or garlic in it. But seeing everyone in front of him happily eating, he felt the food was more delicious than usual.

Turning to Lithira, who was enjoying her soup, Lucien asked, "Is the food to your liking?"

Lithira nodded, her mouth full. "Yeah, it's delicious. It's my first time trying a white soup. It's milky but savory," she explained.

Lucien smiled at her response, pleased she was enjoying the food. However, his attention was soon drawn to Brigantiea, who had already devoured her soup and bread.

Brigantiea screamed, "Give me more stew and bread!" while the workers came to her and gave her a second round of food.

Lucien sighed, realizing there was no need to ask her opinion on the food.

His thoughts turned to the protein content of the meal as he lifted a spoonful from his bowl, noting the sparse amount of chicken and carrots.

"It wasn't enough," he murmured to himself, contemplating how to address the villagers' nutritional needs.

"I know, right? The food lacks savoryness. It should have garlic or onion in it!" Amane suddenly chimed in, nodding in dissatisfaction.

"No, it's not that, Mother. This food lacks protein," Lucien sighed, trying to explain his concerns.

"My Lord, don't think too much, this food is already enough for us," Gibson reassured him upon hearing their conversation.

"No, it's not. This soup still lacks nutrition for adults and children. I want to decrease the number of malnourished people, so we need to add more," Lucien insisted.

"But our supplies are limited. However soon, the fields will be ready to harvest. But for now, it's the only thing we can give," Gibson reminded him, attempting to reason with Lucien. "And if we keep adding more, our finances will collapse."

While Gibson remained loyal to Lucien, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the constant push for seemingly impossible ideas, causing him a headache as he grappled with budgetary concerns.

Lucien sighed, acknowledging Gibson's point and realizing he needed to be content with the current outcome. "You're right."

"Lucien, milk, and oats are full of protein. But if you still think it's not enough, adding more plant-based protein would be good," Seren suggested.

Lucien's interest piqued. "Go on, tell me more."

"Nuts like almonds are also rich in protein, as are spinach and asparagus if the village has them. But there are more affordable options, like soybean," Seren explained, interlocking her fingers. "With soybean, we can make milk, tofu, or tempeh*, all of which are protein-rich."

"Oh yeah! Soy! We can make shoyu* and miso* from it!" Said Amane in excitement, she stood up from the table because of how happy she was.

"I'm sure we have spinach and asparagus, although not in large quantities. But soybean? Do we have them, Gibson?" Lucien lifted his head, suddenly intrigued.

He had already surveyed the vegetables the village could produce, but he hadn't considered soy.

Blessed by the water from the 'Tree of Life,' the village's land was incredibly fertile, capable of cultivating a wide variety of crops from tropical regions to those suited for four seasons.

Moreover, the time from planting to harvest for all crops was just three months, a testament to the land's abundant fertility. Truly, the village was graced by the Goddess.

"My Lord, I don't know the shape of a soybean, so I'm afraid we don't have the plant here," Gibson admitted.

Amane sighed in disappointment and took her seat again, muttering, "Wow, what a lame world."

Seren then opened her phone again to search for a picture of a soybean and handed it to Gibson, but he shook his head, indicating that he had never seen that type of plant before.

Once again, Lucien sighed in dissatisfaction.

But suddenly, Brigantiea chimed in, "Lithira might know the plant. She knows all the terrain in this forest and is familiar with the kinds of plants that exist here."

All eyes turned to Lithira, who looked nervous under the sudden attention. "Umm... Sure, let's see the picture."

Serena handed the picture to Lithira, and she seemed to have a moment of realization. "I think... I've seen this plant somewhere near the village. I'll check it out later to make sure."

Seren and Amane exchanged excited looks, already imagining all the food and sauces they could make from soybeans. Meanwhile, Brigantiea and Lucien looked proud of Lithira for overcoming her anxiety.

With that settled, they all continued eating until they were full. Afterward, they decided to continue their conversation.

"Anyway, who is this beautiful woman? Why don't you introduce us, Lucy!" Amane suddenly said, crossing her arms.

"This is another of Lucien's women, Lithira. The worst of all, she is Brigantiea's daughter! Can you believe that, Mom?" Seren was the one who answered the question as if she were tattling on him.

"What?! Really, Lucy?! You have an affair with Brigantiea's daughter!" Amane exclaimed, hitting the table in disbelief.

"No, it's not like that! She is just my friend, and I don't have that kind of relationship with Brigantiea!" Lucien tried to defend himself, knowing his mother's tendency to blow things out of proportion.

True to Lucien's fears, all of the villagers, and even Dr. Amanda and Gibson, looked at him with a mix of disappointment, shock, or disgust.

Brigantiea suddenly began to cry, covering her face, she exclaimed, "You've been making love with me all this time, only for us to be 'not that kind of relationship'? I gave you my body and heart... How can I go on living?" her performance was so good, everyone has sympathy for her.

'What the hell... She is messing with me!' Lucien thought to himself.

"Wahhh!!!! You're the worst, Lucy! I can't believe you said that and made Brigantiea cry!" Amane stood up and approached Brigantiea, attempting to comfort her with a hug.

Even Lithira looked shocked and began to cry, genuine tears streaming down her face. "I thought you liked me... You even asked to court me..." she sobbed, wiping away her tears.

"No, it's not like that, Lithira..." Lucien tried to calm her down, but she recoiled from his touch.

"Lucien, you're the worst! You've made both mother and daughter cry!" Now it was Seren's turn to try to comfort Lithira, gently stroking her hair.

"Hey! You need to say something to Brigantiea too! Look how sad she is! She's your first woman, you need to value her more!" Amane scolded, smacking Lucien's head hard, causing him to wince in pain.

"Sob... You've had an affair with my daughter, I can't believe it! You're a bastard, Lucien!" Brigantiea escalated her performance, screaming and even pounding her chest.

"Lucien! You manwhore!" Seren shouted, joining in the chorus of disapproval.

While the villagers whispered amongst themselves about his supposed affair, casting looks of disbelief and even booing at him. Although he was relieved that their satisfaction and loyalty hadn't decreased.

Lucien, confused and frustrated, finally stood up, feeling he'd had enough. "Listen! First of all, Brigantiea, you! You're the one who introduced me to your daughter! You even said I would be the one to mate with her when the mating season came! So stop acting like this!"

"Second of all, Lithira. I like you, but I know it takes time for you to feel the same, and that's why I called you a friend." He softened his voice and gaze as he looked at Lithira.

"Third of all! Isn't it normal to have more than one wife in this kingdom? You over there, you have two wives, so don't you dare mock me!" Lucien pointed at the crowd of villagers, and the man just laughed awkwardly.

"And you! And you! And you too!!!" He began pointing at every single man who had more than two wives.

After that, Lucien gasped and seated himself again. He drank all the water in his glass and looked at Brigantiea, whispering to her, "You're an asshole."

Brigantiea just smirked mischievously and stuck out her tongue.

Of course, Amane and Seren still looked at Lucien with annoyance. One because she realized her son might be a cheater unsatisfied with one woman, and the other out of jealousy, as her brother had two women while she didn't even have one man.