
Celebration Day

In the distance, Lucien could see something roasting in the village center. The smell was mouthwatering, and he realized it was the boar his parents had hunted.

This wasn't an ordinary boar; it was a monstrous creature, three meters tall with black fur and pointed tusks. A golden four-pointed star adorned its forehead, capable of emitting lasers.

His parents had mentioned wanting a celebration for the completion of the wall, and they were tired of chicken and fish. So they craved boar meat, making today a day of communal feasting with free food for all villagers.

"Lucien, let's go there! Fast!" Brigantiea said, practically drooling.

"Ah, yeah—"

In an instant, the three of them teleported to the center of the celebration. There, the giant boar was being roasted, its massive belly turning slowly on a giant skewer operated by golems.