

Life of a 14-year-old, written and imagined by an 11-year-old girl living in a small town. The story talks about how Isabella fought against all odds.. coming from a small setup and ends up being a big shining STAR

asmi_tyagi · Teen
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 1 : The big match

It was a bright and sunny day. The sky was as clear as a crystal. Our story takes place in a small town in the capital of Spain, Madrid. It was the birthday of a 13 (technically 14, now) -year-old girl named Isabella. She lived in a small house surrounded by big, tall buildings. Her house was kinda ordinary, but the members inside it were anything but.

Before we begin with our story, let me tell you a little bit about our main character. Isabella was a girl with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She loved to keep her hair open most of the time. She wasn't exactly brought up in a calm environment, but eventually, she learned to keep up with all the hustle and bustle around her.

Isabella Johana lived with her father, Patrick Johana, and her mother, Mariana Johana. She was an only child. But lonely was a word that could never be used to describe Isabella. She was very outspoken and an extrovert. She wasn't afraid of what others thought. She said what she wanted to say when she wanted to say it. Plus, she had so many friends in her school, society, and football class. She was famous.

It was Isabella's birthday. In the morning, she got up early and had a nice, refreshing breakfast. Not because she wanted to have a fresh start on her birthday, but because she had the biggest (well, till now) football tournament of her life on the very same day! She thought that it was a sign sent from above telling her that she had to win it. After all, she had practiced hard day and night, and now, finally, it was the time for her to shine. She would show everyone who teased her and called her a baby, her true potential.

Isabella reached the tournament centre just in time for the big game to begin. Her team was called "THE WILD WOLVES" and was competing against their mortal enemies "THE POSH MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM" (I know, a long name for a football team) The 'TPMSRT' were 'the wild wolves' mortal enemies because of the last match they had played against them. They had lost in the end. They felt terrible as they had a confident feeling in the start but then got disappointed and started to lose faith in themselves. And then, rumours started flying that the 'TPMSRT' had cheated which made a bad impression on them (the 'TPMSRT'). So then, they actually cheated, by pushing 'the wild wolves'' captain, on purpose! After that, the captain, named Sophia got injured and of course, wasn't allowed by her parents and doctor to play in the tournament. But nobody saw this and thought that Sophia had fallen accidentally and not by someone's pushing The good news was that now Isabella had become the team captain. But the thing was that nobody had put so much pressure on her before, especially for a thing that she deeply cared about and was scared about letting other people down and ruining everything! So, today was a big day, and everyone was depending on Isabella to lead the team to victory!

The referee blew the whistle, the game had begun. The match was fierce, and both the teams wanted to win badly. No one was going to know who was the winning team until the very end. There were only 6 minutes and 27 seconds left for the tournament to be over. The match was tied 7-7. Then, something happened. Something big!

A teammate of hers passed the ball to Isabella. She received it and started dribbling her way to the opponent's goalpost when the other team member suddenly gave her a great shock. Isabella tripped on the ball and fell on the green grass. before she knew it, everything had blacked out.

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