
Where It All Began 2

In school, Isabel walks to the cafeteria alone with her black hair reaching below her waist and stopping under her butt, swaying behind her.

She sees a group of boys talking and looking at her direction.

One of them, the most outstanding one, with blonde hair, fine muscular built, perfect symmetrical face and cute small pink lips that makes girls go crazy, walks up to her.

She looks away but he blocks her path. She moves sideways, he blocks her again. She moves to her right, but the guy isn't backing off. She gets pissed off.

"Ryan..... I can't walk through you."

"Hey princess, you seem lonely, mind if I... accompany you?" He winks at her. She only feels it all, too disgusting.

Sure he is the second most handsome boy in the school. He is famous also owing to being the basketball captain.

He loves to tease girls.. And particularly Isabel.

"Thanks... But no thanks Ryan. I can manage." She says putting up a fake smile.

Another boy from Ryan's group comes towards them.

"What's she feeling like? You should be honoured that a handsome boy like Ryan pities you! You are not even anything in his sight. The only outstanding quality you have is your long black hair. Your face is just average."

The boy said while touching her hair, the act of insolence made Isabel's temper rise.

"Piss off dollop head, the only outstanding quality you have is your useless brain full of shit. Take my advise Desmond, drop out, school ain't meant for losers like you."

She pushes his hand away. Desmond gets angry and puts his right hand on her shoulders.

" Hey.."

Before he knew it, he was dragged by his right hand and thrown over her head.

"The next time you dare so much to touch me, you're dead!"

*Isabel's POV*

Everyone has shock written all over their faces, I am a quiet girl. Okay not too quiet, but I don't like getting into fights but, I won't appreciate assholes touching me or playing around just because they think they are cute.

The sound of footsteps coming behind me, I hear and all too familiar voice, one I've come to love.

"Wow, it seems Desmond forgot to add, her outstanding qualities are many, intelligent, sharp tongues, strong and very beautiful." A handsome young boy said from behind her

Yeah he got it right, I am all those but not the last part. I'm fine, but I don't even classify to be among the top 20 most beautiful girls in the school. And we are all in our final year in high school. I turn, and my eyes with a pair of emerald eyes, a little bit messy strawberry blonde hair, a perfect V-shaped face, and his lips.. Ohh my, those lips every girl in school want to kiss.

Wait a minute, I hope i'm not drooling, I lose my cool when in front of this guy, Jasper Liones. The most handsome guy in the school. He is my best friend, but I always ask myself, what did he see in me to make me his best friend?!

I soon get snapped out of my day dream..

"Isa... Hello".

He waves his hands at my face, I get back to reality.

"Hey Jas."

"What were you so lost, thinking about?" He questions leaning his right hand on my shoulder.

Wait a minute, when, how.. How does he.. When does he get to my side? I'm stunned for a minute and quietly pinch myself to get myself back.

I hate how he makes me all clumsy. Uuuurrrgghhh Jasper.

"Its nothing, where were you up to?"

"Was about to get something to eat, and you?"

"Same here, before those scoundrels blocked my path."

Speaking of which, where did they go? I turned around but couldn't find any of them in sight.

"You scared them off Isabel. You really are something else."

"Me? I think you did. Well let's go, I'm hungry".

"All right then." He said half smiling.

Jasper and I have been friends since junior high, but we knew each other since grade school, we just didn't talk then.

He has always been kind and helpful.

We got to the cafeteria and bought some snacks and drinks. Went to an empty table and sat down to eat.

"I had another one of those dreams again, but this time around, I could hear them speak."

Yeah, I do tell Jasper everything. He seems more understanding than my parents by the way.

"Ummm Jasper, why do I keep having these dreams? It doesn't makes sense, I don't know these people, I have never seen them. I don't even really believe in magic, its just umm..made up!"

"Come on now, there is magic, its real, you can't deny that. As for your visions.. "

"Dreams Jasper, dreams more like nightmare not visions" I corrected him

"Ok, dreams. I don't know. They may have a reason. Its going to be okay. "

"How is it going to be okay? I really now feel like I might have hit my head hard during kung fu practice. Stupid, now i'm doubting myself. How pathetic!"

"Hey Isabel, stop it, don't over think, you will only hurt yourself, keep calm okay. Its all gonna be okay. Trust me." He pats my head reassuringly

God what would I do without this boy. I look at my watch.

"Lunch time is over, let's go to class".

We both get up, I pull him back.

"What's up Isa?" He looks at me puzzled.

"Umm nothing, I just want to say thank you for always been here for me."

He draws my cheek but not to the point where I feel pain and smiles.

"Let us go, I don't want a detention."

We both left the cafeteria along with other students.

After the close of school, I talk with one of my female friends as we leave the class.

"What was that I saw today, the way you've been looking at Jasper?" Catherine said while poking me.

"Looking at him how?" I tried feigning ignorance.

"Don't play coy with me, you know what i'm talking about".

"I don't." I lie to her

We both stare at each other, waiting for whom to blink first. Well she won, because my luck ran out when Mr kill joy approached us.

"Hey ladies!" he winks at me and I blush crimson red. Catherine couldn't hide her amusement

"Ta da, I won, double time Isabel. I saw that just now." she said pointing to my cheeks

"Saw what? I'm kinda lost here ladies." He kept on looking at the both of us.

"Ummm... I.... enhhh its no-nothing." I pinched myself again, determined not to make a mess of myself in his presence. Urrh I only make a mess in his presence.

"Its nothing Jasper, let us go, I need to hurry home, I think I might go for a swim later."

Catherine pulls our hands and lead us as we leave the school.

If you want to read more, you can check out the original, Astrid - The Hybrid Princess.

BaeVidacreators' thoughts