
Isaac Books: Dastardly Thief Extraordinaire

Isaac Book is the best at what he does, or so he says. Stealing is his game. Join him on his journey in a world that is filled with magic and secrets. (A fan-fiction written for fun)

sulirspaz · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Mrs. Darling

As the old door creaked open, the cat's fur bristled in irritation. The floorboards emitted loud squeaks as a lean man of average height stepped into the musty apartment, kicking off his worn leather shoes, which audibly met the faded yellow wallpaper. 'Maybe it was once white. Who knows?' he pondered.

With his wand in hand, he flicked his wrist, causing a resounding 'BOOM' as the door closed and all eighteen locks snapped shut, one after the other.

"Darling, I'm home!" Isaac melodramatically sang out.

A silky golden-haired cat sought refuge under the sink, emitting a disgusted yowl.

"Sweety, honey, baby, don't be like that," Isaac pleaded, wiping a fake tear from the corner of his mischievous, twinkling brown eye.

With a swoosh, the cabinet door was wrenched open, and Darling went flying rump-first toward the grinning man's gloved hands. Isaac quickly holstered his wand and reached out to catch the irritated Darling by the neck.

Darling, furious from such treatment, twisted and wriggled in protest.

"Now, now, stop fussing," he chided the disheveled Persian, only to be met with a furious hiss.

Isaac chuckled in amusement. "You know you love me." He puckered his lips and leaned forward to give her a smooch on the nose.

Seeing her opportunity to retaliate against the foolish man, she extended her claws. The angry cat swiped at his smug face, successfully scratching his nose.

"Bollocks!" the man winced in pain, dropping the fiery cat. "My nose!" he exclaimed.

Isaac angrily reached for Darling, but she expertly dodged her dastardly owner, leaping out of the open window.

Isaac cursed and lunged after her, only to trip over a beer bottle from last night's binge. With a loud thump, he landed painfully on his rear.

His wand, which had been carefully sheathed by his side, went flying onto the dirty floor.

Rubbing his cheeks, Isaac grimaced. He reached out and retrieved his wand, running a finger down the smooth, ornate handle, reminiscing about the time he first acquired it.

"Black walnut wood with a unicorn hair core, 12" and of hard flexibility," Mr. Olivander had said. "A fitting wand."

'It truly is a remarkable wand,' he thought, admiring its intricate carved designs, his vanity taking hold.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Isaac mumbled, "No matter." He knew the importance of a wand in his line of work, and a broken one would be of no use. As his great-uncle Stanley had once told him, "Watch where you're stepping, you dolt."

Isaac holstered his wand once more, stifling a yawn as he checked his watch. It was midnight. He flopped onto his smelly, beer-stained sofa, where stuffing poked out from suspiciously cat-shaped scratch marks.

Lazily, he retrieved a map from his pocket and began inspecting it. The worn paper read: 'Ministry of Magic Headquarters.'

Isaac's face contorted into a maniacal grin as he took a charcoal from the fireplace and circled a particular spot on the yellowed paper.

"Yes! You'll do!" he exclaimed, fixating intensely on the circled location.

"Meroow." Darling growled cautiously as she cautiously entered.

"Back so soon?" he playfully pestered the small creature. Darling hissed in annoyance.

"I only wanted a kiss," Isaac grinned. But no sooner had he said that, Darling squatted and urinated on his favorite leather shoes, giving him what seemed to be an evil smile.

Undeterred, Isaac yelled with conviction, "I wanted new ones anyway!"

A cloud of dust floated down from the ceiling, surrounding him in a hazy haze. He coughed, waving his hands to disperse the particles and clear the air.

Isaacglanced at his ruined leather shoes with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Well, I suppose it's time for a change of style anyway," he muttered to himself.

He reached for his wand, holding it tightly in his hand as he stared at the circled spot on the map. A sense of anticipation filled the room as Isaac's mind raced with plans and schemes. He knew he had to act swiftly and decisively to accomplish his goal.