
Is this the life of an undead;it turned out way better than i expected

Elias was an average high schooler who suffered the terrible fate of getting crushed by an ice cream truck just because he was startled. He opened his eyes and found himself in a mansion that little or no light could penetrate into despite the sunny afternoon. He was startled again after hearing this sweet soothing voice at the side of the room and introduce herself as Valentine blood falled the one who carries the will and blood of the queen of all vampires. Elias was quite astonished and at the same time confused at what she had said but everything soon became clear........as he finds out he himself had now been turned into a vampire, the carrier of the king of all vampire non the less. His fate has now been sealed with that of valentine as they now walked the same part, his life as forever been changed as he was now living the life of an undead just right after he was giving that role in a cosplay drama, is destiny at work in the life of Elias.....who knows?

prynex · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Nothing to fear

"You claim that they're two more vampire rank stronger than the royal vampire right, what are they?" Elias asked Valentine who then told him that directly above the royal vampire, were the Ancestral vampires, their physique is said to be unparallel and their affinity for dark arts is great, they could even walk in sunlight without harm.

As for the on the above them, they're only three known, they're the rarest of all, their affinity for dark arts is the greatest of all vampires, they gain resistance to all holy items, and can control more than one blood beast, most of all their regenerative ability and the ability to manipulate forces of nature.

"So, when I bond with the robe, I can become an Ancestral vampire?" Elias asked in curiosity but Valentine told him that it wasn't like that, he wouldn't become a full Ancestral vampire but instead half, In other words, untill he devours the body soul and mind of at least five royal blood vampire, or taste the blood of an ancestral vampire, or he could use other dark methods to evolve.

"No way I'll be eating another vampire, I mean isn't that cannibalism.." Elias asked but Valentine just shook her head in disappointment. "The life of the dark creatures are far different from that of a human being, we fight, we fight to survive, there's constantly dispute and conflict in the life of undead, peace Is something that doesn't exist in this world, you have no choice, you're a vampire now, so go into the world and live your life with the mindset to grow stronger."

"No way, I'm not going into the world at this time of the day, do you want me to get roasted!!!!?".

After that everywhere was silent, Valentine looked at the robe on the bed, she picked it up giving it to him, "Here use this." Valentine said tossing the robe to him which started floating in the air.

"What I'm I going to do with this cloak." Elias asked in confusion as he wore it. "The robe of Dracula is an ancient relic of the vampires, it's powers can turn an ordinary vampire from low blood to ancestral vampire or even Arch vampire, it's powers is almost limitless, Luckily for you it gives the wielder the power to walk on sun, you should go home, Incase you don't know it's been three days since your accident." Valentine said as Elias looked at himself from the mirror, he started to imagine about what people will say or think seeing him with a cloth like that everywhere he went.

"It seems you care so much about your sense of fashion, fortunately for you the robe can shape shift into two other forms, battle amour form and Suppressed form. In the suppressed form it looks more like the human overcoat, but more stylish, all you have to do is connect with it, it'll be hard seeing that it hasn't fully bonded with you yet, but if you do manage to connect, all you have to do is say this; Shift to suppress form." Valentine said as Elias closed his eyes.

After few seconds the orb in the clasp of the cloak glowed with a bright red light as Elias opened his eyes."Shift to suppress form." The robe illuminated with a bright red light before turning into a red overcoat, it had several designs of silver, it looked quite eye-catching as the silver looked real but in reality it wasn't, it was an anti silver, a magical item that repels or reduce the effectiveness of silver on the wearer.

There was this drawing of a bird at the back of the coat, it looked like a mythical bird from legend, but unfortunately the coat he was wearing was traded for his previous cloth as they had discentegrate from the pressure of the coat, so Valentine had to leave the room And fetch him a leather pants made from vampire materials and a belt with a skull head.

"Thanks, but now I look like a fictional character from TV shows, this would make me even stand out more, not to mention this, is there anything I can do to the silver hair, it's unusual for human to posseses this colour of hair." Elias asked but Valentine told him that it isn't possible to change it, it's is one of the few features of our inheritance and after that she wished him good luck.

Elias was surprised to see that she was the only one living in the huge mansion, but she tells him that the rest of her family went for a vampire ritual and would be back in a month time.

"Bye!, unfortunately I won't visit you unless I need something and thanks for this book of vampire and dark beings, it could really help." Elias waved her good bye as he took a deep breath, he placed the palm sized book into his pocket, as he walked the streets all eyes were on him, some how he could hear everything they were saying from afar as he figured that it might be the abilities of a vampire, he was quite surprised though, he had expected him self to be quite a laughing stock, but to most people they had admired him and whispered amongst themselves saying he looked cool.

Elias took a deep smile as his eyes flickered

"well what do you know? It turns out, I HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR!!!!!!!"

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