
Chapter 1 Mariya's pov

ERGH ERGH ERGH ERGH ERGH!" an alarm blared out. I sleeply rolled over reaching out to hit the snooze button. I was then very suddenly and rudely jolted awake by my side hitting the hard wood floor. "ugh" I grumbled. "the perfect start to a perfect day" I mumbled Staggering to my feet as I hit the off button. I was now too awake to sleep in any longer. Today started the second week of college at Clover Spring University where I was majoring in business.

"wow you good?" I heard my room mate call down from above. "yeah" I replied. "I just rolled onto the floor." I said rubbing my face. I blinked my eyes as our bright dorm came into view. I looked around at the small square room we were in and yawned. The dorm was a white box that had a desk on either wall and a mini fridge near the door. The last wall in the room had a window and our bunk bed. I had the lower bunk so all the light from the open window was shining in my eyes. That's strange I didn't remember leaving the window open last night. I flopped down on my dark blue bed sheets and sighed. My room mate Rebecca got untangled from her orange bedsheets and climbed down from the top bunk. "hey did you leave the window open last night?" I asked Becca. "no" she replied rubbing her eyes. "but maybe your 2 ton thud opened it" she giggled. I scowled and threw a pillow at her as she ducked and continued laughing. "you are definitely the evil twin" I frowned. "yeah yeah say what you want time to get dressed" she smirked.

Rebecca and I were identical twins and definitely best friends. We hung out so often it didnt usually surprised people to find out that we were twins. Becca and I looked alike and liked a lot of the same thing but thought very different. She was the hopelessly romantic type and had been in countless relationships. I However couldn't stand any of the gross boys our age and was quite independent. Rebecca and I had our own friends but we shared the majority of them. Becca had more guy friends though as she remained friends with most of her ex boyfriends. We were both single for the time being. Which was good in my eyes. This way we could focus on planing our business. Becca felt other wise and even though I had no problem with her relationships I preferred her full attention. I didn't know what it was like to have split your attention I had liked a few boys when I was younger but I never tried to start anything.

I decided to wear shorts and a light blue short sleeve shirt. Becca was wearing jeans with a light peach crop top and a white head band. I walked over to the mini fridge and took out a cup of sliced mango for breakfast. I thought of how long our class was going to be and groaned. "don't be grumpy Mariya I don't get grumpy people milkshakes." Becca teased. "I'm not grumpy you're grumpy." I poked back throwing the cup away. "gasp" Becca said in an exaggerated voice. "how dare you accuse me of such things" she whined with a pout. I smirked and lunged at her starting a tickle fight. We collapsed in a giggling pile on the floor laughing so hard our sides hurt. After taking a minute to catch our breath we went to the store to buy some things for the fridge before class started at 11.

---------Authors note: Hello! This is the first book I have ever written. I hope you like it and please feel free to comment on any writing suggestions or typos.