
What the Hell.

Mommy... I wanted to live, I wanted to live and get things right for us. That is what I can hear on my mind as I felt dizziness and then lost my consciousness.


I felt consciousness run through my body. I can remember everything clearly. I was afraid to move an inch, I'm afraid I might see myself in heaven or something.

Am I dead?.

I suddenly realized that I am lying on something fluffy, wow, I have never experienced such a soft.... bed?. Where the hell am I? Is this a freaking bed in heaven where all the dead come out?. I am starting to freak out so I decided to move. I moved a bit, It's a very soft heaven bed.. or is it a casket? holy sh--.

I opened my eyes and ---- wait, this doesn't look like the heaven I have read in books or wherever, and its definitely not a casket. I'm in a freaking big room with all this pink stuff. It looks like its a bedroom. Where the hell am I. Does people in heaven have their own room?.

I was startled when 2 -maid looking- human entered the room. I can say they look like maids from the way they are dressed. They look scared. I can see their hands trembling. There is no way I am in heaven...

so if not, where the hell am I?.

"Mi-miss, the breakfast is ready. Your brother told us to call y-you" Wait what?? I quickly stood up and hold one of the maids.

"Tell me where I am, What is this place?" I was si confused, I must have looked crazy with my sudden action. As I stood up, I just realized that I become taller, also my short black hair became brunette colored waist length hair. what in the actual fu--- wait, why is my skin white as snow ?!. I am now wearing a silk night pajamas when the last tine I remembered, I was wearing my thrifted top and pants. I was examining myself as the maids looked at me clueless.

"Uhm.. in your room Miss?" I ran as fast as I could to the nearest mirror I found. They looked at me like I was the crazy girl in town. I wanted to cuss all the cuss I know... A chinita but very beautiful hazel eyes, pointed nose, thin lips, long brunette hair and a fair skinned human looked back at me in the freaking mirror.

I am definitely in a different body. I screamed "AAAAAAaaa" more maids and one expensive looking man, gasping for air was in the door of the room. It looked like he just finished a marathon.

"What the hell Selene ?" The guy in a sweatshirt looking really handsome in his brunette hair, the same as the girl in the mirror, He looks like the brother of this body, is he?. I looked at him in my confused face.

"What is hapenning, What am I doing here?" I said as I am too confused with what was happening. His concerned face turned into confusion then poker face as he held my left arm and took me downstairs.

"That won't work Selene, what just came into your mind again, you know you are already engaged with Ezekiel, you can't act like you have amnesia or somethin just to stop the marriage because the wedding is fixed and will not be cancelled." Wait, Selene and Ezekiel... I have heard that before, haven't I ?

I just looked at him in my most -what the fck are you talking about- look.

"I thought we have already talked about this Selene, Just eat, we have some important errands to run later." No, I am not going anywhere until I have grasp what is happening. I run my eyes around the place as he drag me somewhere, maybe the kitchen since he was calling me to eat a while ago. The whole house, I mean mansion is maybe a hundred times bigger than the one we had. There is this grand staircase where he is dragging me right now, there where also paintings.

What is this magic. Why am I here.

"Just eat here and then get ready, or else Celine. I'll be in my room."

I just ate since I also felt hungry with all this thinking. I started lifting the spoon and ate..... wait..

what the hell is this sorcery, this is the best tasting steak I ever had. Well I only had the cheapest one we can afford before so this probably is something more expensive. Well in the look of this house, I can probably say this I expensive as heck. Wait, Eiszel Xin, focus.

I kept on looking around as I eat my food, this body's brother is currently not here, which I like. I don't want to talk to him and got him thinking I was crazy so being left here isn't that bad. I was currently sitting in the kitchen's bar stool, In my right side is a hallway then the living room where the grand staircase is also located. I can see from my view is a big painting in the living room, It's a family painting I suppose. The couple, with their children which is probably this body with her brother. They look like a very happy family, I started to miss my mommy. If only she is still alive. But maybe this is my 2nd chance? maybe if I just go with the flow with the character, I am gonna be with this happy family I have always wanted.

"Selene Avery!, I told you to get ready already !" My mind was suddenly summoned back to earth when the brother called this body's name loudly. He is such a loud human, I almost got a freaking heart attack with that.

"Wait I'm just gonna wash the plates an----" I said now calmly. I need to calmly process the situation and go with the flow until I grasp what is going on, and when I can, I wish I can have this second chance to have a happy family, Even though I really miss my mom.

"What do you mean wash the plates Selene?. You never did that once in your life, anyway just shut your good deeds right now because we are gonna be late. Now go and get the hell ready" He pulled me again and pushed me upstairs. Right, This body had been pushed and pulled alot everywhere. I started to look around again in this pink room. Why can't I freaking remember Selene and Ezekiel. It really felt familiar, anyways, I need to get ready and play the role of this body until I figured out everything, I don't want to ruin the life of Selene, whoever she is. I took a shower and wtf did I just saw. The biggest wardrove I have ever seen. Well, as If I even saw one my entire life. Selene owns a lot of dresses, just a couple of jeans and normal shirt stuff. I have chose and wore the jeans and a normal shirt, at least I'll be comfortable in this.

I was about to open the bedroom door when I realized something, If I want to play this body's life right, I would have to wear those girly dresses, that looks like what Selene like wearing. I swear I want to have a freaking breakdown changing into a cute black dress which is yes cute but No, I don't like dresses, I was still wearing sneakers, so now for the shoes, she have tons of heels but good thing she owns a couple of flat sandal shoes because there is no freaking way I am wearing heels. I brushed my long hair and then spoke to myself in the mirror as I am about to go out and try to be Selene. "I got this."

Finally, I have opened the door and saw Selene's brother or should I say it 'My brother' now? he is leaning to the wall near the door, he looked bored probably waiting for me to com out

"Finally!, You always get yourself out late." He said when he noticed me, He was about to pull me when I started talking.

"Where are we gonna go?" I said shyly and nervously as I don't know how I will interact to him normally. He looked confused with what I said but answered me.

"Do you not really remember ?, Its a preparation for your eighteenth birthday and wedding next week." Ohh, eighteenth birthday and weddi----

"WEDDING?" I didn't have the time to control my mouth and said that loudly because no way. He looked confused with his -duh- look in his face.

My mind finally started working, I think I now regret knowing what is happening. How is this even possible?

I had finally remembered the names, the pink bedroom, the brunette long hair, the mansion. Its from the book I just read!.

No f-cking way... this body is Selene Avery Noel's...

no f-cking way It's the Selene who is married to a billionaire !

Thank you for reading up till here, leave some thoughts below. Next update will be out soon !

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