
Is the Strongest Man in the World really that strong ?

[Authors Note: Thank you readers for spending your precious time to read this Novel. Your support is greatly appreciated. It is important to note that The Story takes a slow burn process as it slowly sets up the world and characters. Showing their pain and joy through words. The Story approaches the Protogonist Journey from birth, leading upto the current events that Plague his Life. And was designed to make the later parts of the Story more believable as readers can know how much Akamu struggled to reach that point. Thank you] The Midas of Records The Strongest of the Strongest The Everest of Strength These are a few names that Grace the Walls and Billboards everywhere. But there's only one thing that runs in the Mind of our Protogonist when he sees all these What does it mean to be strong ? Lifting More Weights ? Lifting up a broken human's spirits ? How is Strength even measured ? These are the questions that continue to haunt AKAMU a.k.a Strongman Midas, the Protagonist of the Story. Set in the Backdrop of Strongman Competitions, the story begins in the Village of Andisols. Home to the Keahi Volcano that erupted a few years ago. Akamu, a lifelong Anime and Manga Fan, especially influenced by Dragon Balls series. Called the Son of Keahi Volcano, he shares a Mysterious connection with it since his Birth. Follow along this wonderful and humorous Journey as he searches for his Vegeta and ChiChi in his quest to become The Strongest man who ever lived. But not everything is as Lighthearted as it seems, as Life soon shows its ugly side as he begins knowing what Burdens that comes with his dreams Will he be able to carry them all, or collapse under the Pressure. Is the Strongest Man Alive really that strong ?

Sathoshi_Hachiman · Realistic
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27 Chs

19. I want to stand by you

Meanwhile in the Village,

Alice waited in the Entrance of the Village everyday, waiting for Akamu's return.

She decorated the Village entrance herself, but other villagers weren't thrilled about his return.

They took down the Decorations soon after she left. Making her Re-Decorate everyday.

Even her parents were getting worried about her. She was spending everyday to get decorations. The Villagers kept destroying it before the Village Shopkeeper stopped them.

He began paying them a little to not destroy it, them taking it back to his shop.

He began selling Alice the same Decorations she thought was destroyed. With little added details.

Alice didn't notice it much, buying it everyday.

Sometimes it would be high priced as he said he didn't buy stocks for the day.

Alice however, didn't mind, paying him. Her legs becoming more bruised and aching from regularly going to the Volcano and getting the materials.

She used extra money to buy decorations.

Days and months passed. Alice began doubting if Akamu even survived, with her parents telling her Albert wasn't contacting the Village anymore.

Her hope was going dark, the Loanshark beginning to badmouth Albert for defaulting his payments.

Even Albert's friends were losing trust.

They thought Akamu was dead, Albert not wanting to return here with the Grief from the Loss and his inability to repay the debts.

His reluctance to sell the Land, his only asset, was a heavy indicator that Albert won't be returning anytime soon.

Alice didn't want to believe it, but Akamu's absense was taking a Toll on her. And soon she discovered how the Village has been using her to gain money.

Her parents made her watch how the Villagers pretended to destroy it, taking it back to the Shop to get money.

It was morally wrong. But with the Village in that state, they had to take anything they had.

When Alice finally confronted them, they said Albert led to their suffering. So they see this as a way of him repaying for the Village.

Since Alice was associating herself with Akamu and his family, she too was considered as a member of that family.

The Loansharks tried taking advantage of this situation, joining the people to ask if she wanted to become part of that Family.

Alice hesitated, running away. But these questions followed her everyday. Wherever she went.

They wanted her to either Accept she would Marry into Akamu's family when she's old enough. That leading to her paying off Albert's debts.

Or Denounce her growing Love for Akamu and stop decorating and waiting in the Village Entrance.

Even Alice's parents were asking her to denounce Akamu. But she wasn't ready.

She wanted to stand by him when no one does. But that promise was also Isolating her from the Village.

Alice couldn't handle the growing animosity, going to Keahi Volcano and telling what was happening.

"Why did u curse Akamu like that. Why are u letting him suffer like that.

Why are u making me suffer like this.

Is it because I'm taking your gifts away for myself.

If i stop, will you bring him back ?"

Alice's tears fell on Keahi's feets, the foot of the mountain used as a Place of prayers and thanks by Akamu's family and now Alice.

Alice began saying how hateful the Village had become

"The Village doesn't want them here. They're doing everything they can to keep Akamu away.

Away from Me.

Away from you.

Are u happy with that!!!

He always came here to see you. Spent every night talking to you

And this is how you repay your friend ?

When others said you were just a Volcano, me and him believed you were our Guardian Angel.

Even after your anger erupted, Albert said it was your warm embrace on this land which was filled with Bitterness.

The Villagers isolating their lands, giving them up to unknown people.

He asked us to wait patiently till you gave these lands back to us.

It's been 8 years.

Each passing year, you're proving the Villagers right and doing Albert wrong.

Your staunch supporter and believer is suffering and you watch.

And now I'm suffering because of believing in you"

Alice cried through the Night, asking Keahi

"Why did you fail me ?"

As the night passed, Keahi began slowly rumbling. Like Akamu would describe it as 'Keahi's snores'

Alice heard it, her tears soon turned into anger. Thinking it was a mockery from Keahi's part.

"You think it's funny huh. Keeping Akamu away from me.




She began punching wall of rock and dust that formed the feet of Keahi, in anger and frustration.



She repeatedly kept punching, her hands bleeding, getting covered in her own blood.

Her pet dogs left their cave to stop her, pulling her back.

One of them ran to her home to fetch her parents.

Alice kept repeatedly trying to punch, but the dogs pulled her back.

Her parents soon arrived, seeing their daughter in an Enraged state, bleeding and crying. Trying to punch the Volcano.

They took her away by force, Alice trying to get away from their grip, wanting to break apart that Volcano if needed to get an answer.

She was taken to Mallow Village to get treated. The doctors advising her to stay here till she recovered.

Her both fists were damaged, knuckles broken. She needed extensive recovery time.

Alice blamed Keahi for this. But soon realised it was for her own good.

Keahi Volcano erupted again after a few weeks. It's final eruption for the foreseeable future.

The Village was vacated again, Alice's parents moving to Mallow Village.

The Eruption was as big as the one during Akamu's birth. The clean up would take atleast a year or two.

Alice thought it was Keahi's answer. But to two different questions.

First was if Keahi really wanted to keep Akamu away from her.

Second was if this was Keahi's anger towards the Village that mistreated her and Akamu.

She didn't know which one to believe. Akamu's disappearance was still the Question that will lead to more answers she had.

And all those questions would be answered in 2 years time.