
is that you?

i know u before have we met before is that you??

nargas_abbas2005 · Urban
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12 Chs

rocky start

chapter one : rocky start

in a cold day at midnight who is everybody in his bed, our hero sitting in his apartment preparing to his exam

Ian : oh I'm get really tired i need sleeping , no no forgot the sleeping i have to take a high. score in this test.

Ian still wake up until 5 a. m , he get really tired

in the morning at 6:30

the alarm rings , Ian was in deep sleep

slowly Ian starts to open his eyes he looked at the alarm and he shocked he got up too late , and Get up quickly

Ian.: oh that's a rocky start of this day i hope i can arrive at the right time

Ian ran as fast as he can

then Ian arrived at 7:30

lisa : you are late again Ian

Ian : oh i can't take a breath

lisa : take drink water

Ian : thanks , have you studied well?

lisa : not very good , you?

Ian : i just hope i will Succeed

lisa : you are such a liar every time you said that and you take the highest score

Ian : this time I'm honest

lisa : i don't believe you

Ian : let's go to exam hall

lisa : you mean let's go to the hell

Ian : you are fun

lisa : I'm not kidding

then they go into the class

after the exam ended

lisa : did you answer well.?

Ian : not really

lisa : why are you in a rush?

Ian : you know i have a part job so have to go

lisa : oh right then go

Ian : see you later

lisa : bye

Ian get out of the university and directly went to his part job. , Ian works in a restaurant as a waiter


alex : oh I'm tired i can't believe you take me to four malls!!!

Rauna : I'm not get tired , but I'm starving

alex : me too

Rauna : waiter please come

Ian : what yours order?

Rauna : i want a pizza and steak and cola and salad and hamburger and fingers

Ian : it's will be ready in thirty minutes

Rauna : okay., thirty minutes that's alot

alex : you ordered to much so you have yo wait

later , Rauna and alex have eaten their supper

Rauna : let's order a sweetening

alex : okay

then Rauna ordered the sweetening but when Ian brought to her he made an accident

Rauna shouted : are you a blind how could you pour the juice on me !!!

Rauna was very angry , and Ian got nervous

Ian : I'm sorry I'm really didn't mean that it wan an accident

Rauna : sorry!?? your apologize can't fix that , your word sorry can't paid my jacket cost

Ian : don't make it a big deal

Rauna : it's a big deal but if you can paid the cost of my jacket it's not going to be a big deal

Ian : how much does it cost?

Rauna : 500 dollars

Ian : it's sounds like it's a big deal

Rauna : scum , i want to talk to the manger

then Rauna talk with manger and the manger summoned Ian

manger : how could you do that?

Ian : I'm sorry it was an accident

manger : i don't want to hear an excuses you are fire

Ian shocked

Ian : why?

manger : get out

Ian looked at Rauna she was malicious smile

Ian : she is an evil

Ian took his stuff and went out

he was so disappointed and he still thinking about what he is going to do

what is gonna happen next ??