
Is Seo Jun is my first love

Beak Eon was a fat girl. she was bullied in her school because she is fat. her classmate called her fatty cow. she liked a guy in her school so she proposed him but he reject her and insult her. then her family moved to another city. in that time she diet and do exercise and she got slim. she is now so pretty that everyone wants to date her. in her new school she have friends. first time she have friends she is so happy. in her school there is guy name Han Seo Jun. she meet him at a party in that party she ruin his shirt and didn't say sorry to him. now Seo Jun is her classmate. Han Seo Jun is handsome. but he is rude and arrogent. first they don't like each other. few days later they started liking each other but they have misunderstanding and jealousy. then they propose each other and Han Seo Jun become Beak Eon first love. but Seo Jun mom got transfer to another country that's why they have to break up. few years later Seo Jun come back to his country. first Beak Eon and Seo Jun ignore each other. then they started fighting then come jealousy and they feel in love again..

Samiha_Tanzim · Teen
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20 Chs

I like him

Oppa thank you for dropping me at home. And I am sorry to trouble you. Your house is so far from my

house. But you drop me. I will buy you lunch one day. Promise. Hyun Jin say please don't say thanks.

And if you want to buy me lunch then we can go next Sunday. If you are free. I am free. We can go. Hyun

Jin say I will tell you something that day. I hope you will understand. You become a big girl now. What

will you tell me? I will tell you about my feelings. What? Hyun Jin say bye, see you. Bye oppa.

Seo Jun at his house, why is she calling him oppa? Why is she so close with him? And why Su Ji said that?

Do I like her? I spend the best the with her today. It's our first date. But it messed up because of that

guy. I am really angry with Beak Eon. I will not talk with her tomorrow. And why I am thinking about her

right now? I must sleep now.

Beak Eon at her house, why Seo Jun is so close with her. They are looking like boyfriend girlfriend. I feel

so lonely. But I don't like that they are close. I spend such a good time with Seo Jun but at last Su Ji spoil

it. In that time my sister come in and ask me what are you thinking about? Nothing. Son Eon say listen I

am your elder sister I know that you are thinking about something. Just tell me what it is? Maybe I can

help you. There is guy, he is my friend. He is so annoying. But every single time he helps me. When I was

with him my heart beat runs so fast. I feel so good with him. But I don't know why I feel so bad today

when he meet his one friend. Son Eon ask me is that friend a girl? Yes she is a girl. Son Eon ask me are

you jealous? No, I am not. Why I would be jealous? Son Eon say listen when you meet someone who

gives you happiness, always tries to protect you, always makes you special that's mean you find the right

person. And if you are thinking who can be this love? When you are love with person, you are heart beat

will running to fast and you can't see him with other girl, you will be zone out when the person come

towards you. But sometime you can't be with that person. But the most heart breaking thing is when

you can't tell that person your feelings. If you don't want to regret then tell him that you like him. It will

be best thing. Don't be afraid of being reject. You will be happy that you tell that person that you like

her. Do you like someone? And do you feel regret that you didn't tell that person? Son Eon say no, not

like that. I think that it's not perfect time for us. But you don't have to think about that. First slove your

problem. Just remember what I tell you. Ok, I will remember that. I need to tell you something. I met

Hyun Jin oppa today he drop me at home. I told him that I will buy him lunch. Then he told me that he

needs to tell me something. About his feelings. Son Eon say ok, but first you have to think about your

feelings. Now sleep. Good night.

Is she saying right thing? Am I in love with Seo Jun? why I am blushing thinking about that? Should I tell

Seo Jun that I love him. But if something happened like last time. Hyun Min insult me and he makes me

realis that I am not beautiful and I don't deserve a boyfriend. If Seo Jun do the same thing. No, I can't tell


Next morning I am at school gate in that I see Seo Jun was parking his bike. After seeing him my heart is

about to leave me because it is beating so fast. He looks so handsome. Beak Eon remember that you

don't deserve to be with someone. In that time Seo Jun see me that I am looking at him. Then he ignores

me. In that time Soobin stand next to me and ask me how was your date? Do you like that guy? You

scared me. Soobin say I am sorry. But how was your date? First lets go in then I will tell you. Soobin say

ok, lets go. When we enter in the classroom Ae Ra come to me and say I am sorry Beak Eon I didn't

know that he was about to use you. I am so sorry. No, you don't have to say sorry. You didn't know

about that. Don't say sorry please. Soobin say I told you that don't go out with anyone but you didn't

listen to me. I am sorry Soobin. In that time sir come to our classroom so we all sit at our sits. Seo Jun isstill ignoring me. Then our teacher say next Monday we are going for picnic. Full class got excited. Bong

cha ask sir, for how many days? Sir say we are going for two days. Its my first time, going to picnic and I

will have fun with my friends. After the class ends we all friends gather. Seo Jun is standing in front of

me. Ae Ra say girls lets go shopping? Bong Cha ask Ae Ra when? Ae Ra say Sunday. Bong Cha say cool.

Beak Eon are you free that the day? I will be free after lunch. Bong Cha ask me are you going for a date?

No, its not a date. My sister friend drop me home last night that's why I am buying him lunch. Bong Cha

say wow Beak Eon. Is that guy like you? I don't know. Bong Cha ask Seo Jun why are you silent today?

You didn't say something about Beak Eon date. Seo Jun say it's not my problem. And people can make

mistake one time but she always make mistakes.