
Is Seo Jun is my first love

Beak Eon was a fat girl. she was bullied in her school because she is fat. her classmate called her fatty cow. she liked a guy in her school so she proposed him but he reject her and insult her. then her family moved to another city. in that time she diet and do exercise and she got slim. she is now so pretty that everyone wants to date her. in her new school she have friends. first time she have friends she is so happy. in her school there is guy name Han Seo Jun. she meet him at a party in that party she ruin his shirt and didn't say sorry to him. now Seo Jun is her classmate. Han Seo Jun is handsome. but he is rude and arrogent. first they don't like each other. few days later they started liking each other but they have misunderstanding and jealousy. then they propose each other and Han Seo Jun become Beak Eon first love. but Seo Jun mom got transfer to another country that's why they have to break up. few years later Seo Jun come back to his country. first Beak Eon and Seo Jun ignore each other. then they started fighting then come jealousy and they feel in love again..

Samiha_Tanzim · Teen
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20 Chs

I am perfect

Bong Cha tell me she is damn pretty. Her style is so good. Girls you come with me. Don't forget that I am

here. Then they say sorry. We are on you side. Then why are saying this looking at her. Ae Ra say what?

Ahh.. sorry Beak Eon. Lets go and meet Seo Jun. I think we should go back. You guys come here to see

her. Now lets go. In that time Su Ji sees me and call me Beak Eon hi. Seo Jun also see me. Now I have to

talk with her. I don't want to. But I have to. Su Ji hi. Su Ji ask me are you here to meet Seo Jun? No,

friends wants come here. So, they take me with them. By the way they are my friends. She is Ae Ra and

she is Bong Cha. They say hi, nice to meet with you. You are so beautiful. Su Ji say no, I am not that

pretty. But Beak Eon you are so pretty and your friends are so pretty. You guys can be model in here.

Beak Eon I really want you to try one of my dress. Then she go and pick a off white silk shirt its simple

but looks so pretty and a shorts. Then she come and tell me try this you will look amazing in this dress.

No, its ok. Give them they will try this. Then Seo Jun say she doesn't have a courage to try a dress. Don't

force her Su Ji. After hearing this I tell Su Ji give the dress I will try this. If you want to click my pictures

then you can. Then I take the dress from Su Ji and go to the changing room.

Beak Eon you are really an idiot. Why I get agree to this. Now I can't do anything I have to wear this

dress and have to click some pictures. Then I put the dress and come out then Ae Ra tell me girl you look

so pretty. Then I look at Seo Jun I thought he will give some complement. But he is still quite. He doesn't

tell me anything. But one thing I notice when I look at him then he tries to look other sights. Bong Cha

tell me Seo Jun is looking at you. He wants to tell you that you look pretty. But he can't. Because you

both have ego. This is you two's problem. Then Su Ji come start clapping and say girl you look damn hot.

Now let's do a photoshoot. Then I see a guy holding the camera I saw him last day but I didn't talk to

him also I don't know his name. Then he come and tell me hi my name is Teahyun. I am Su Ji's business

partner. Also I am her boyfriend. You are what! You are Su Ji's boyfriend. Teahyun say yes, I am. Why are

you so shock. Seo Jun also wants to know why I am shock. No, I am not shock. I thought Su Ji was single.

That's why I got surprise when you tell me that you are her boyfriend. By the way congratulation. You

two look perfect with each other.

Then Ae Ra and Bong Cha hold my hand pull me to other side and tell them we need to show her

something. Then they tell me, see Seo Jun is single. And they are friends. Don't think so hard now. You

guys are making it all complicated. Last day if you should stay and listen to them then this

misunderstanding will not create. You idiot. But you need to leave early. Now clear everything with Seo

Jun. Ok, I will try to clear everything with him. Bong Cha say don't try. You have to do it. Then Su Ji call us

guys are you done seeing things.

Teahyun ask Seo Jun did she think that you and Su Ji are in relationship. Seo Jun say no, I don't think so.

By the way why are you asking me this. Teahyun say I am not sure but I think she thought that. And

that's why last day she leave and also today when she come she wasn't in a good mood. But after

hearing this. She got happy. Did you see her face? I think she likes you. Seo Jun ask him are you sure?

Cause I don't know. I am so confused like she acted so rude last night. Also she leave with her oppa. I

want to know who is that guy.

Then I come and say Su Ji I am not sure that I can do this photoshoot. I am not that pretty. It will look

bad that's why just leave it. Su Ji say no, who told you that you are not pretty. You are perfect. In this

world everyone is pretty and perfect. But I didn't realis that and never think that you are not pretty and

you are not perfect. Always think that you are amazing. And live your life like that. When someone say

you are ugly that's mean they are not confident about beauty and they are jealous of you. I am speechless after hearing this I am like wow, this girl is pretty, kind, intelligent. She is perfect. I really

wants to be like you. Su Ji say don't be like anyone. Be like you. How you are and how you want to be.

People will say be like them. But don't listen to them. You are perfect the way you are. Live your life

your own way. Don't think that what will other people think. That's not their live. Its your live.

Sometimes you have to be rude then be rude. If you be kind to those people who don't give you a shit

and always be rude with you. Then show them that you don't give them any shit. Time to time be

savage, be kind, be childish. Its your life make your own rule. Su Ji thank you for you advise. I will follow

this. You really motivate me. Thank you so much. Now lets do the photoshoot. Teahyun say first we

should do some couple photoshoot then we will do single ones. Should we start now. Couple

photoshoot with Seo Jun. It gives me butterfly.