
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Yui Kanakura, Party.

"Is there anything you want to ask, Yui-san?"

"Arima-kun how can you eat so much and not adding weight to yourself?"

"It's because I have a fast metabolism and I train my body with my Father subordinate?"

"It is very amazing for you to already train, I heard from Dad that you will be the one who will inherent the position from your Father that is amazing."

"It is normal and not that great, I was born lucky since I was born in a very good family background, the benefit is I acquire more information and channel to learn."

Well even if I am not born into this kind of family I can still achieve something but it also depends on luck and opportunity, after all having being reborn is an advantage but it is also not an overwhelming advantage since I was just a normal person who have no talents and experience.

"Arima-kun is really humble."

"Yui, you can stop adding kun to my name, since I will also call you Yui from now on."

"O-ok then I will call you Arima." She seems to be a shy person, since she blushed because I call her name directly.

"Arima do you have any thing that you recommend in the menu?"

"I like the Tamagoyaki sushi and sweet shrimp sushi."

"Then I should order that."

While waiting for the food to come, Yui started to ask me some question starting from what I have been doing for my summer holiday.

"That's sounds very fun, I want to play with you and your friends."

"There's no problem with that."

She then turn towards her Dad and started to ask him to allow her to play and visit our inn, while the two of them talking Dad and I also started our conversation in a low voice.

"Arima you really move fast, not only the Shichijou young lady but the Char Siu gang young lady, be careful that suddenly a group of girl hunting you because of your unintentional charm."

"What do you mean Dad?"

"Let me explain, you have a mature and stable aura around you and add that with the good genes you got from me and your mother it will make so many people flock around you, especially girls."

"Then I won't like those girl who can easily influence by my looks."

"Why?, don't you want to experience having a harem?"

"Then Dad why did Mom fell in love with you?"

"Hmm.... I never asked her."

"She told me the first time you both met was when you were covered in blood and wounded, she also explain even though you look dangerous but when she saw your eyes she sees a gentle and kind man." hearing my words he started to smile and said "Arima I will increase your monthly allowance from now on, so look forward for the huge allowance next month."

I don't know why I become very annoyed since he tried to show of his affection with Mom even without her being around, but I can only thank him since it was an interesting offer, after all those games and manga collection aren't cheap, especially when I am also trying to buy some stock on company like A**zon, Y*ut*be, and more.

"Ohh after this next week you need to follow me to go on a party with some important people in the country."

"Sure, Is it a formal party or a private one."

"It is host by a politician on this country it seems some of them were invited because of the strong background and deep wealth."

"I am surprised that our family a mere Yakuza can be invited."

"You really underestimate our influence, we may be small, but we have a wide network even reaching to the outside country, some of the company you know have ties with us because we fund them."

"Dad are you sure we are not a villain family that will suddenly be destroyed like in the novel."

"What are you talking about, are you or your brother a stupid young master from the novel."

"Sorry I don't have a thick enough face to say 'Do you know who my father is?', so I am not, and Raku is a kid with high moral and conduct because of Mom teaching him."

"See you said it yourself, and I have a policy not to leave threat behind." Even though he said that with a gentle smile, I know what that words implies and I was reminded how he is a head of a dangerous Yakuza, even though he is gentle that kind of face is only reserved for his family and trusted subordinate.

To relief some of the tension after hearing his words I redirect our conversation.

"Is that so?, then I am relief since I don't need to worry about you, after all I won't avenge you when you are killed, but Mom and raku is a different matter."

"You unfillial Kid, shouldn't you cry at my funeral and promised to avenge me like some Anti-hero."

"Why should I do something like that, you are a strong Yakuza boss, while Mom is a pure and innocent woman that was fooled by the Yakuza boss."

"If I didn't fool your Mom to marry me you won't be born."

Both of us started to argue against each other not knowing that we were being watch by the Daughter and Father combination across us.

"Issei I know you are happy and want to show off to me about your son, but please remember that we have important to discuss."

"Yes uncle Issei I want to continue my conversation with Arima." 

"Sorry, what do you want to talk about?"

"The meeting next week are you attending?"

"Oh Feng did they invite you too?, I thought that party are available to this country VIP."

"I was invited since Yui mother family have relation with the Japan Government, I am not to interested in the meeting so I won't go."

"Yeah I will be there along with Arima since this will help him experience the world and stifle his pride a little bit." hearing that I was really offended, what did this old man talking about do you think I am a Chinese novel protag who will think that the world as my toy, I am quite mature since I was beaten by society in the previous life.

"It seems the reason for this party have a large connection with asking for funding and lobbying, I will tell you more for a suitable price, how about it Issei interested?"

"Since it is coming from you, it seems the matter is quite huge, we can discuss this privately next time." He then look towards me, it seems he doesn't want me to touch something like this too early."


Thanks for the power stone:

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