
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Woke Up

It was almost night when Raku woke up, seeing he woke up Mom came forward and hug Raku.

"Raku do you remember Mom?, are you hungry I will ask your Dad to buy you food."

"Mom where am I?"

"You were knocked unconscious, your big brother found you and your friend were attack by a wild animal in the forest."

"Then what about Chitoge?, Is she okay." Raku Immediately asked.

I then explain to him what happen and how I was the one that found him, I also told him the I let Chitoge go home first to change cloth and take care of her wound.

"Then it is good."

"What do you it is good, the next time you want to play in the forest bring your brother with you." Dad suddenly shout scolding Raku, but suddenly Mom hit Dad on his head.

"What do you think are you doing shouting at your injured son and do you want to let Arima injured as well by telling him to become Raku bodyguard, shouldn't you asked your subordinate to guard both of them?"

"It is probably fine, Arima is strong enough to beat up those guys in the main house."

"That doesn't mean you can let him do something dangerous."


"Raku seems to be hungry after waking up."

Raku then started to blush, seeing it was also time for dinner Dad called someone to bring takeout and asked the restaurant to cook the wild boar meat that was killed by me.

"Nii-san how did you kill the boar that was attacking me and Chitoge?"

"I just throw my dagger and hit the boar on the head."

"As expected of my lovely son, you already so powerful at a young age." Mom suddenly hug and rubbed my hair and also letting me sit on her lap.

"Raku next time ask dad to find someone as your bodyguard if you want to play in a dangerous place."

"This will also prevent you and your friend being injured, or at least train yourself if you don't want someone to follow you around."

"Ok I understand Nii-san."

The four of us than started to have our dinner it was a luxurious hot pot meal.

The next day seeing that Raku only needed to change the bandage on his head everyday, the doctor allow Raku to be release from the hospital since he didn't have any serious injury, Mom and Dad asked us to wait in the room while the both of them deal with the paper work.

"Nii-san I am bored let's go outside of the room and explore the hospital."

"Sure. I will go with you."

Both of us decide to went out and look around the hospital, then we came to the backyard of the hospital, there's plant and other people, there's some old people with a nurse pushing the wheelchair for him, or there's a patient who is walking with a crutch to help him since there's a bandage on his leg.

"Nii-san look there's a girl watching over her." after saying that Raku went closer and standing below the window and shout to her.

"Hey, do you want to play with me?" He then shouted to the girl.

"I can't go outside I am sick."

"Then how about I go to play inside your room, we can play a game with you."

Hearing this the girl started to think for a while then said. "Ok, what should we play." 

"How a bout a board game, I bought a lot of them."

She then tell Raku to come to her hospital room.

Raku then run to inside the hospital and went to her room while pulling me along with me.

We then arrive at the front of her hospital room then, Raku knocked on the door, he knock on the door from the room the girl voice said to enter.

"Hello, my name is Raku, and next to me is my Elder Brother Arima, what is your name?"

"It is nice to meet you Raku-san, and Arima-san, my name is Tachibana Marika."

"Marika it is nice to meet you, since I was just release from the hospital I didn't bring any of the board game, tomorrow I will bring the board game with me and let's play it."

"Then what should we do now."

"How about we talk about each other."

Marika only nodded after hearing raku idea.

Raku started to talk about the story when he was at school the time he was playing with Shuu, the time he was learning on how to cook with the uncle in the house, good thing I stop him from talking about the detail further where suddenly the guys was rushing to fight over the food by punching and kicking just like a thug, remembering that some of then even bringing out metal bat to fight each other and where Dad suddenly beaten up those guys without breaking a sweat.

"I am interested in how your food taste Raku-san."

"Then should I bring a cookies or cupcake that I make, when I visit you?"

"Raku don't do that, we don't know what kind of food that Marika can eat, since she is sick we can just made her something without thinking anything."

"Is that right Marika?, I am sorry."

"You don't need to do that Raku-san, it is fun to have someone visiting me."

"Then next day I will bring Chitoge to play with you as well."

Both of them started to talk with each other, I then look at the watch in the wall I remind Raku that we need to go back since Dad and Mom is probably looking for the both of us and said you can play and visit Marika again next time.

"Marika goodbye, I will visit you again tomorrow."

"Then see you again Raku-san, I will be waiting." she showed a smile towards Raku.


It seems I got another reward, even though I didn't check the last time I got when saving Raku.

I decide to check it after I went back to the inn.


A/N :

sorry for being late for the release, I finally have the time to breath from the work

Thanks for the power stone:

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