
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Unexpected Visitor

We then choose to find a seat inside the Cafeteria, after seeing an open table the three of us seat on the chairs, I then put my bag that was filled with four bento box from the convenient store.

"Arima are you sure you can finish all that?"

"That's a lot of food Ichijo-kun." Nagisa chimed in.

"Yeah I can easily eat them all, I have a big appetite since I use a lot of energy daily."

"But isn't expensive to buy that many Konbini boc lunch?"

"Yeah that's why from tomorrow I intend to cook my own breakfast and lunch."

"You can cook Arima?"

I explain that I can only do some basic dish like fried rice, omelette, curry, and miso soup, and other smaller and simple dish.

"Wait Arima you are living alone?"

"Yeah my house is quite far from the school so I moved into an apartment to made it easy for me to go to school."

"That's nice, you can do anything you want at your house."

"It's not like it will be easy, I need to cook my own meal, wash my own clothes, clean the house once in a while."

"Well I can see the plus and minus of it, so can I play at your house?"

"Sure but not today, I need to set up my game console and Pc first, it will be a mess since there will be so many cable and construction to do."

"Do you need help Ichijo-kun?" Nagisa suddenly asked.

"Well it will be faster that way, but are you fine with that Nagisa?"

"Yeah it is fine since I am also interested in where you live."

"How about I help you too Arima, I also want to see what games you are playing."

"Sure, I will treat you guys for dinner as a thank you."

We then continue to talk with each other I also asked how was the class for each of them, Nagisa said he is not able to keep up, while Karma seems to be at a breeze, I asked Nagisa if he want's me to teach him the parts he doesn't get.

He said it was fine he can still keep it up.

"So in your class is there anyone interesting Karma?"

"No it seems my class all are filled with serious guys, Nagisa how about you?"

"There's no one I found interesting since it is still just two days since we went to school."

"Karma it seems you are forgetting the fact Nagisa here is the most interesting individual at his class."

"Hahahahah you are right." He seems to laugh quite loudly attracting a few people around our table.

"Both of you really are having a blast, then what about you Arima?"

"Well there's one person with a delinquent style name Terasaka, it seems he was from a different class, but our class have a science class together but the teacher was on a leave because of sickness, he then ask someone to skip class but he was rejected immediately and made fun of by the whole classroom."

"That's sound extreme." Nagisa said with a pale face

"Well he is used to be a top dog with his brute strength, but unfortunately this school doesn't fly like that."

"Have you heard Arima it seems the school has a special place for people like that." Karma suddenly said.

"You mean the E-class right?"

"What is that Karma-kun, Ichijo-kun?"

"They say all the flunkies will be thrown into the E-class, it seems if you are there you will be treated as the pariah class of this school." Karma explain it to Nagisa

The mood become very bad for Nagisa, I decide to save the conversation by steering the conversation to another topic, we were talking with each other, Karma even invited us to the arcade tomorrow.

"Finally full."

"It is surprising if you are not full Arima."

"Well I still have room for desert, Karma is there any sweet stuff that is being sold?"

"They are selling cookies and some dessert sandwich."

"OK then please excuse me, both of you can go on ahead, after school I will be waiting at the gate like we talked about."

"Yeah sure."

I then left the both of them and rush towards the cafeteria counter and order a dozen of the Chocolate chip cookies, I then head back to my own classroom when I suddenly bump into Kanzaki on the corner of when I was turning.

Is this a cliche moment when the Rom-com protag bump into a girl and see her panties, but it seems my Rom-com protag aura is not that strong, so I don't see anything.

I extend my hand towards her.

"Are you okay?"

"Um.... I am fine."

"Good then, I am sorry for bumping into you, here let me give you this for bumping into you." I took one of the cookie from the bag to her, then went back to the classroom without looking back and sit on my seat and enjoy the snack I bought while enjoying the rest of the lunch break.

The class atmosphere doesn't really change much on the surface, but I can feel that they are being careful when I am around, if I suddenly thrown to the class E it will be very interesting since they will have a chance to use my status to oppress me.

I just enjoy the process the of learning, this time I took time to do it on my own without relying on my Mind Palace talents, it seems being detach from my body and letting a emotionless AI to control my body have a side effect on my psyche.

It was quite boring but I need to deal with it, being bored is also a part of being alive, it is one of the essence of human being, you can say a driving force that made us innovate new things and move us forward to experience new scene, events, and story.

After the bell ring I clear my desk and exit the classroom and went to the school gate to wait for Karma and Nagisa, by leaning on the wall near the school gate.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I then look to the person and saw Kanzaki who stood there.

'Um... Thank you for the cookies."

"Is that so, it is fine that you like them."

Before I was about to ask her something I heard Karma. "Arima c'mon, let's go I want to visit your house, also let me borrow your game console after we finish helping you out." I saw Nagisa was also following him from behind with a tired face, it seems they become closer after I introduce them to each other.

"Ahh please excuse me I will be heading out first, if we have the chance." I then went alongside with Karma and Nagisa heading back to my home.

We then arrive at my apartment, I brought them to the closest supermarket near my apartment before going home to buy some monthly snacks and groceries for the whole weak.

"Ok welcome to my humble abode, the box is probably in my room, Karma can you help me set up the console on the living room."

"Sure, Nagisa just help Karma, I can handle the PC since it is not that complicated, I just need to make sure the cable for the Pc isn't all tangled up and placed neatly so no one can suddenly trip on it."

"Sure, I'll help."

I lead the two of them to my room, when opening it they saw quite the huge amount of box that is labeled with a black marker to show what is inside them all.

I handed the box that was labeled as Game Console and handed it to the both of them, I also carry the box with the game CD and put it on the living room, After that I leave them for a while to set the PC up on my room.

I left them for 1 hour, it took quite a while to do cable works, after finishing bundling the last group of cable I then went back to the Living room.

I saw them already finish, Nagisa was helping by putting the game CD on a shelf that was on the living room.

"Thanks for the hard work you two, how about tea and snacks, and Karma feel free to play the games you want."

"Sure, I saw that you have some foreign games on there, I am looking forward to play some of them."

"Ok then, so what do you guys want to order, I will treat you guys today, yesterday night I walk around the neighborhoods and went inside some of the restaurant there to ask for their phone number for delivery."

"Arima I am interested in Pizza." Karma suddenly said.

"How about you Nagisa?"

"Pizza sounds good too."

"Ok then let's order it I saw a restaurant with interesting Pizza selection, how about the classic Cheese and pepperoni topping, one Shrimp and bacon topping, and one Dessert Pizza.:

"Sure let's order those." the both of them agree.

While we were waiting for the food, we played Dynasty Warrior, we took turn, the person who got the lowest score need to change.

The both of them stay around until it was quite dark before heading home, it was quite a good experience to spend times around with friends.

I decide to clean up and throw the trash on the bin and tied it up in a plastic bag to throw away in the morning, I then work on the school homework while eating some chips and watching Tv, suddenly I hear my doorbell is ringing, I then went to the door and take a look on the eye hole for the door, when I saw the person standing in front of my door I started to sweet.

It was Aria who was standing there with a smile, seeing that I can't run away I just sigh and open the door.

"Hello Aria, what are you doing here?, you know it is night time."

"Yes it is, I came because I am interested in your new apartment, and to complain why didn't tell me that you are now living alone here, if I know I would go to this school too."

"It's because I know you would do that I didn't tell you, well just come in first." I then let her in and told her to sit on the sofa in the living room, while I went to the kitchen and grab a glass and filled it with green tea.

"Here you go, I don't have a maid or butler here so I only have green tea from the local convenient store." I said while handing her the glass.

"That's fine, here Arima take this, I made them specially for you, a brownies, I made them by asking the maids in my house on how to do that."

"Umm... you didn't put anything on this brownies right?, like a powerful medicine that put a man in heat."

"No it is just your favorite chocolate and nuts brownies."

"Then thank you Aria, I will eat it for snack at home, so what do you want to do now?, are you going back home immediately."

Before she had the chance to talked I suddenly heard the doorbell again.

I sigh and went to the door to check, this time I saw Ai and Arisu standing in-front of my door, well this is very concerning since Arisu never met with Ai face to face before do now they are in a stand off.

"Ok the both of you please go in, don't suddenly fight with each other." I let them inside and bring them a glass of tea and let them sit on the sofa, while I sit on the floor across them and watching the Tv ignoring their very existence while doing my homework.

They only face each other while I was doing my assignment, I feel like they don't want tp disturb me, after I finish my homework, I went back to put it on my bag so I don't forget to bring it to school, I then return back to the living room to watch the TV and eat my snack.


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