
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

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Saeko Visit

When I was about to pass him by I saw him took out a knife from his jacket and slashed it towards my neck, his movement is quite smooth as if he was trained using a knife.

I grab his wrist and slammed it down to the table while pushing away Miku-nee away from my location so she won't get caught up in the fight.

THUD!!!! TING!!!!

The sound of his arm made when it hit the coffee table and the sound of his knife being dropped.

I continue by grabbing him by the collar and dragging him from the seat, making him fall towards the floor.

"As expected you would do this." I walk towards him and then kicked him right in the guts, and turn him over with making lay on his back, I then put my feet on his chest applying pressure.

"Cough... Do you think this will stop me?"

Hearing that I removed my feet and picked him up and let him sit on the sofa and said quitely.

"No I never think this will stop you, but why do you think you can escape just like that, I'll make sure you get what you deserved for messing with me."

I then let my subordinate that was standing guard outside the whole time to come in and let them bring him to deal with special care, I also told Miku-nee to put charges on Kamiki Hikaru and release the information why Ai was photograph with me was because she came to meet me face to face to discuss the matter of Kamiki Hikaru.

In a certain sense all blame will be pin on him, when the police came to find him what they will find is his dead body with a message that he died being killed because of revenge, I also dug out some of dark material use for blackmail on other Entertainment industry big shot.

I plan to use it as a leverage and tool to make sure they keep their hands off from messing with my talents, after returning to the office I read all the report and backlog of paperwork, I also plan to give Dad a heads up on the material I have and ask him on the detail to use it, since it was my first time blackmailing someone and the net of the adult world is very intricate, I don't want to make unnecessary enemies with them.


Now was the last day of my leave I was, while reading the reports.

"Miku I will return back to school tomorrow, please send the report daily to my apartment."

"Sure Boss, I will ask Tatsu to deliver it to you."

When I was talking to Miku, suddenly my office door was push open by someone, I saw the person who was coming.

"Arisu what are you doing here?" I was surprised that she came to visit me, I was expecting it to be Ai.

"I heard the news, that you were dealing with the mess that was left by that Idol." Arisu said.

"Did you come here because of jealousy, the fact that I am dealing with the mess she made?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"Yes, I am." she bluntly said that in front of me and Miku-nee, seeing this she whistle and leave the room quietly while showing a knowing smile at me and Arisu.

"OK then that was surprising but now what?, don't tell me you just want to say that by coming here right?"

"Of course not, you have a date with Aria at a amusement park, and promised Ai to go to her concert to support her, I came here to ask for equality?"

"Where do you want to go to?"

"How about the pool?"

"Can you even swim?, and will your dad allow you to go there in the first place?"

"I am not sure."

"Then what about we just go to the aquarium, it would be better for us to get there, and you won't need to be worried about being too tired about it."

"Sure, I would love to be escorted by you."

"Ok then, I will head back ahead of time, Arisu do you want me to go back with me, it seems you head straight here after your class."

"Ok then let's go." I then head to the basement where the car picking me up is waiting for me, I ask the driver to drop Arisu at her house first.

She asked me about my job and the food that she cooked for me, I explain for the first week I ate everything they cooked and since I don't have the time to cook my meal I relied on eating out for every meal.

I also thanked her again before she was dropped off in front of her house, I then asked my driver to drop me off at my apartment.

I open the door with my keys and then lock the door immediately since I intend to throw my self immediately on my bed.

I then doze off the moment my head touch the pillow showing the fatigue that was piling up.

I was then woken up by the ringtone of my phone, I immediately pick it up without seeing who's the caller.

"Who is it?" I said in a hoarse voice.

"Arima, this is Saeko, can you open the door, I am in front of your apartment." Saeko replied.

I then walk out of my room and see the outside using the peeping hole to make sure, then opened the door after confirming it was really Saeko.

She immediately smiled at me and I invite her inside, I then noticed she brought a huge bag of groceries with her, she also asked if I have eaten yet, I told her I just woke up and haven't eaten anything since breakfast.

Hearing that she asked me to take a shower first, while she was cooking, hearing that I nodded and head to my room to bring my changes to the bathroom and took a shower.

I enjoy a relaxing bath and exit the bath after finish bathing, I then went to the fridge to get the 1 liter bottle of cola and a glass, also took out a bag of potato chips.

"Arima don't eat snacks too much, the food is about to be ready." I saw her wearing apron beneath it is her school uniform for her school.

"It's fine I have a huge appetite, Saeko how come you are here, I know you live quite far from here."

"It's because it is my turn to visit you, wait a moment why do you say it as if you have feeling for me and you are also competing with the 3A."

"3A?, what is that?" she became confused.

"Aria, Arisu, and Ai." I explain to her.

"Oh, answering your question, it is because I am interested in you." she said with a smile on her face.

"Correct me if I am wrong but I never really flirt with you and seduce you right?" I become confused, Aria, Arisu and Ai was probably involved with me since I made them interested.

"You did, but you did not notice it at all, so the four of us were saying that it will be a competition who get's to marry you."

"I decide to visit you on my own and make sure I have alone time with you without the other 3." it seems she is very smart, patience and have perfect timing to visit me now, since I am alone, hungry and tired, se decide to show her feminine charm when there's no one else competing against her.

"Ok please sit down Arima, the food is ready, I already cooked the rice and side dishes, if you are still hungry tell me I will bring more for you." she said that while preparing the table, the table that was empty was filled with fresh meals of Tamagoyaki, Pork Miso Soup, beef and potatoes, and Karage.

I immediately sit on the chair, and she put down a huge portion of rice in front of me and then she sat across me while still wearing her apron.

After taking a portion of rice for herself she immediately pick a piece of beef and put it on my bowl and told me to eat it immediately while it is still fresh.

Since I am hungry I immediately eat it after saying thanks to her for cooking the meal, I then finish the meal quite fast, when it seems the food was about to run out, she took out another plate of the same dish, seeing this I was surprised since I did not thought there's still more.

"Arima there's more on the fridge, if you want more please tell me?" she definitely trying to show her womanly aura, the fact she can see that I am still not full without me telling her is already an edge.

I only nodded at her and return back eating she seems to be prepared to refill my bowl of rice after I finish it.

After finishing the dinner I was very contently sit on the sofa while watching TV while rubbing his belly full of food.

"Thank you for the food Saeko."

"No problem Arima, I am cooking for the next weak meals, would you prefer Beef stew or pork stew?"

"Pork please." hearing this she nodded and started cooking, I decide to go back to my room and do the schoolwork that was sent to my by the school.

"Saeko if you finish cooking how about I help you do your homework and tutor you while at it."

Hearing that she finished her cooking quickly and let the beef stew simmering inside the pot and set a timer to remind her, she then took her book from her school bag and sit across me, I explain the part where she don't understand and explain what to watch when doing the type of question she has a problem with.

She then suddenly said. "Arima did you increase the number of competitor again?"

"Cough.... Cough..... why did you suddenly asked me that?." asking her with a bit of guilty conscience.

"Because you have the tendency to do something like that even without noticing, it's not a problem for me though, I am just reminding you that Arisu is the competitive type."

"Thanks for reminding me." I replied

"So what's your answer?, did you add another girl in the mix?" she asked again turning the question back to the original point.

"I don't know."

"You don't know or you don't want to say, it is cruel to give a false hope, but it is even crueler to pretend not to notice you know?" she said softly.

"No comment." I replied to her.

"Ok it is better if you say that from the beginning, now I already know another girl maybe fallen."

"I don't think so, I feel it maybe just become a friend."

"You aren't even certain, well that's fine since you at least notice that you have a great charm and personality." She sigh.

"Ok let's stop this kind of conversation and return back to working on this homework."

She nodded and continue to work on the assignment she have, while I already finish my own work and is watching Tv while sometimes helps her on a problem.


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