
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Bet Result

After a moment of silence she suddenly asked.

"Arima do you know what is love?"

"No I don't, actually no know what love is?"

"Is that so?, then why can someone say they know what love is?"

"Because they never thought the meaning the word deeply, human create language that help them comprehend a vague concept, so don't worry if you don't understand the word love, the only one who understand love is a certain lovey-dovey couple I know."

"Are you saying it's fine for me to be like this?"

"I don't know, after all it is your life, who am I to tell you."

"But you are the one who bring this conversation up, are you making fun of me!!!?" she suddenly raised her voice I noticed a vibration in her tone.

This caught me by surprised, since this was the first time I saw a crack on her perfect guise, her usually energetic and vibrant eyes become a bit dulled and cold.

Seeing her staring at me like that, I calmly replied to her. "No, I didn't intend to make fun of your effort or anything, I just become interested in you as a person, that's all."

She stared at me for a long time, I decide to just eat the snack on the table, ignoring her gaze that aim towards me.

"You know I am more comfortable with you being like this."

"You are weird Arima."

"I am just built different, "

"It is incredible that you don't change your expression even in this situation."

"Why should I?, You can't do anything to me in the first place." after hearing my words she started to giggle.

"Arima can I visit you from time to time to your company?"

"No, I do not intend to mix work matter with personal matter, and I am quite busy so don't come here ." I then walk back to my table to continue my work bringing my snack along with me, after hearing my words she become silent for a moment, seeing this I re focused my self in dealing with my work.

"I want to ask if I have your full support that means I can ask anything to help me in my idol carrier right?" she suddenly said to me.

"Yes, I will do anything I can to help you and I will also ensure that you and B-Komachi get the best resource available." I answer her, while being focus on reading the document about a report from a business that I invested.

Suddenly I felt someone standing beside me, suddenly my face was grab by two small and soft hand.

"Ai....mmph.." Ai suddenly gave me a kiss on my lips, my eyes suddenly become wide open, I was thankful I didn't blush since I already saw the method of adding the world population live because of my parents.

Not long after her lips separated from mine, she then returned to where she initially sit, I become shocked by what suddenly happened.

Seeing my reaction she said.

"Arima I win the bet since I made your stoic face showed a shocked expression." 

She then let out her small tongue showing her mischievous smile.

[Picture Here]

"Ok then I will tell your president that B-Komachi will get my full support from me." 

"Hmm...." I saw her becoming disappointed by something. 

"Why did your mood become low?" I asked her.

"I was expecting that you to deny it and then it will force me to give you another surprised kiss."

"Unfortunately there's no second time, from now on I will put up my guard when I am with you." hearing my words she immediately pout and was about to said something, but suddenly the door was opened.

I saw Raku was back and behind him was my subordinate that is bringing the food that I ordered here.

"Aniki I am back, is there anything I need to do?"

"No Raku you can head home first, since I need to deal with some of the works here first, also use my personal car and bring along the bodyguards with you,"

"Then what about you Aniki?"

"Don't worry, I will call Tatsu and Ryu to pick me up after I am done."

"Ok then, Goodbye Ai-san, I hope you succeed in the challenge." hearing Raku words AI started giggle and replied. "I already did, please take car of us from now on Raku-kun."

"EHHHH, WHEN?, HOW?." he suddenly shout, shocking the people who were arranging the food in the office.

"Just before you came in." Ai replied.

"Ok that's enough, Raku you can head back now."

"No I will stay, I want to know about it, Mom gave me a mission to report everything you did in the company."

"Since you want to stay, then read this pile of document and make a report on why I order them to be reviewed and re-written." I suddenly point at a pile of document that was stacked neatly so that.

"I will check your report and grade them, if you don't pass I will give Onodera your dairy book that I stole from your room."

"How did you know that."

"None of your concern." Raku immediately started to work while started to cursing me.

One of the waiter that was arranging the food, table and utensils, came to me and said everything is already prepared, hearing that I ask them to return back to the venue and leave the rest to me.

"Ai you can eat now, you can take anything you want, if you also want to I can call your two friends and your president to come and eat here with you."

"Ok please tell them that I am here, thank you Arima, I will go out and eat first." I then only nodded and return back to my work.

Not long after her Saitou, Nino, and Takamine joined Ai on the room before entering my private office.

After the girls were full Saitou decide that it was time to go back, so he knocked on my office and to say thank you and excuse himself and the others, since the business dealing has been concluded and the funding will start to be sent tomorrow when the bank open he will need to prepare to start promoting and organizing the debut of B-Komachi.

I then shook his hand before he left and said a few words before letting him go.


Since I was so focused on working I did not notice that it was already quite dark outside, seeing this I said to Raku.

"Raku you can go home now if you want to."

"No I will head back home with you."

"Ok, I already called Tatsu and Tora, they will be on their way here, so how is it?, did you finish all of it?"

"Yes I already compiled it, you can look at it here." he then showed me the computer that I already prepared for him, I check it for a moment and see that it was clear and easy too read, seeing this I rub his head. "Well good job Raku, it seems you learn quite fast, but there's some mistake here in there, you barely passed, keep it up and you can easily inherit the group."

Like always he said he was not interested and will do something else, I decide to clean up my desk and put all the document and file that was finished on a special place that will immediately be process by my subordinate.

After doing all that I talked with Raku asking if he was hungry or not, since we will be heading home soon I said he should eat some of the snack that was prepared.

Not long after Tatsu called and said they have arrived and will be coming up soon.

"Arima-sama and Raku-sama Tatsu and I is here."

"Well thank you Tora and Tatsu, Raku let's go head back home."

"Ok let's go back."

The four of us went inside the Elevator and went to the Basement of the building, where a group of car is already waiting for us four, we board on the car with a darken glass window.

After we were boarding the car, in the car I also started to talk with Tatsu and Tora asking them on how were their days and activities, I also asked them about their plan in the future since it will be impossible to be Yakuza for a longtime.

It seems Tora was interested in making a food truck for crepes, while Tatsu did not have a plan yet, hearing that I said if they really want to do that I will help them on their endeavor.

This keep on going until we arrive back home.


After arriving at the home back, Both I and Raku went to find our parents, because of me taking over Dad become quite relaxed and only deal with some very important decision on the company and his own project that still need to be handle personally and some project that was overseas.

We went to the inner part of the house where we usually spent family time.

"Dad we are back."

"Arima, Raku how was your day?" Dad asked.

"Raku how is your brother at work?, is he cool and mature like an adult?, do you have anything interesting to tell me?" Mom suddenly barrage Raku with endless question.

"Mom I am hungry is there any food?" I decide to run and find a chance to head to the kitchen.

"Oh no you can't run away this time, sit down across me and your father, I will let someone bring the food here." knowing my intention she immediately shut down any chance for me to run.

Both Raku and I sit down, while Mom went out to ask one of the servant at home to bring us our dinner for us before retuning immediately.

"So Raku spill the bean what happen the whole day?"

"Aniki was teaching me on my new job as his secretary, he also took me around to meet with some adults and have meeting with them." Mom suddenly become a bit down hearing that.

"The interesting event is Aniki made a bet with a Girl and it seems he lost."

Mom eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Raku words.

"My it become interesting, go on Raku."

While Raku started the story in detail the servant came in and serve the food, knowing my fate, I just focused my self on the food in front of me and enjoying a thick cut of tonkotsu and chicken curry with rice.

"When I return to Aniki private office I was told by Ai-nee that she won the bet against Aniki, but I wasn't told on how she won, if you are interested Mom, you can ask Aniki yourself."

"So Arima what happen?"

"Mom do I have to tell you?"

"Of course, after all it is the first time that you were defeated in a bet, I want to know what can of a girl she is, she can make you change the stoic expression on you."

"Sigh..... she gave me a surprised kiss directly on my lips." after saying that lightly I return to eat like nothing happened, Mom and Dad stared at me with wide open eye, while Raku was confused.

'Hmm the pork is quite juicy inside and crunchy because of the bread crumb."

"Say Arima care to explain further?" Dad suddenly said.

"Nope, no interested." hearing my answer Dad become speechless because of it.

"Nee Dear should I cook red rice and invite her to our house to celebrate." Mom suddenly said.

"I don't know, to be exact I am more leaning towards the Busujima girl since our family is quite close." both of them started to discussing about preparing to accept to daughter-in-law.

"Why the hell are you accepting this Mom, our society is monogamous now."

"And our family is a Yakuza family."

"Then why did Dad doesn't have another wife?" I asked for Dad forgiveness by sacrificing him to attract firepower.

Dad suddenly look towards me saying, 'what the hell with that about look?', I can only ask for his forgiveness and it was his fault in the first place that made this conversation to become very weird and uncomfortable.

After letting Dad deal with Mom I can finally return to eating my food peacefully.


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