
Is It Wrong To Use Forbidden Magic In The Academy?

In a world where magic exists in various forms, Lam Hoffman, a seemingly ordinary student at Calleimus Academy, harbors a burning ambition to rise to the top. He challenges all kinds of magic, believing them to be inferior to his own. "Elemental? Unique? System? Familiar? Summoning? Anti-magic? Those magics can only mimic a fraction of what I'm capable of. Behold my magic, the greatest one to ever exist!"

Lehnav · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Now, Kabuto, since you asked me to show my 'familiar,' I guess you want your little cat to have a friend to play with. So why don't you and your cat come closer so we can all play together? Or should I unleash this big boy's chain and let him run to you instead?"

Kabuto's face paled as he glanced nervously at his black panther, which had backed away and was now hiding behind him, trembling. The panther's confidence had vanished, replaced by sheer terror at the sight of Cerberus.

"No need for that," Kabuto stammered, taking a step back. "I think we're fine right here."

Cerberus let out a low, menacing growl, and the ground seemed to vibrate with its power. 

"Come on, free me from these chains and let me play with those delicious animals," Cerberus growled.

Suddenly, a sweeping flame surged between Cerberus and the trembling familiars. As the fire dissipated, a majestic bird engulfed in flames emerged. A phoenix, radiant and powerful, gallantly shielded the rest of the familiars from Cerberus' menacing presence.

"Mr. Hoffman, how many times do I have to tell you not to wreak havoc? Haven't the hundreds of lines of reports been enough?" Chancellor Melissa warned, walking steadily toward us.

I turned to face Chancellor Melissa, her stern expression unwavering as she approached. The majestic phoenix, still radiating heat, stood as a barrier between Cerberus and the other familiars.

"Chancellor," I began, "I was merely demonstrating the summoning ritual as instructed."

Cerberus, sensing the tension, let out another low growl. The phoenix, undeterred, stood its ground, flames flickering more intensely as a warning. 

Her eyes narrowed, clearly not amused by my explanation. "You know very well the kind of chaos your summons can bring, Mr. Hoffman."

Cerberus, sensing the tension, let out another low growl. The phoenix, undeterred, stood its ground, flames flickering more intensely as a warning.

"A fried chicken trying to act tough, huh? Why don't you loosen this chain so I can play with him a bit?" Cerberus urged me to release the chain binding him.

"Please return your summon, now," Chancellor Melissa commanded. 

I hesitated for a moment, glancing at Cerberus. "Cerberus, your job is done here, go back," I instructed.

"What?! You summoned me just to sit here without letting me taste those delicious dinners?!"

"Cerberus! Don't make me send you back by force!"

Cerberus growled, his three heads turning toward me, each one with a different expression of annoyance. The central head, which seemed to be the most articulate, snarled, "Fine, but next time, I expect a compensation."

With a huff, Cerberus began to fade back into the sigil, the chains retracting as his massive form was pulled back into the underworld. The ground stopped trembling, and the heavy, oppressive air lifted as he disappeared completely.

Chancellor Melissa let out a relieved sigh, but her stern gaze remained fixed on me. "Mr. Hoffman, your reckless actions could have had severe consequences. I will be speaking with you about this in my office later."

I nodded, knowing better than to argue further. The phoenix, still standing guard, flickered with a fiery intensity as it observed the now empty summoning circle.

"Thank you, Pyra," Chancellor Melissa said, addressing the phoenix. The majestic bird dipped its head in acknowledgment before disappearing in a burst of flame, leaving behind a trail of embers that quickly dissipated.

The other students began to relax, their familiars slowly emerging from their hiding spots. Some of them still trembled, but the immediate danger had passed.

Chancellor Melissa turned her attention to the students, her gaze softening. "Class, let this be a lesson. The power of summoning should never be taken lightly. Each familiar, no matter its size or appearance, deserves respect and care. This is not just about power, but about responsibility."

Professor Forrst, clearly shaken but trying to maintain composure, addressed the class. "Alright, everyone, let's continue our lesson. Remember, the bond with your familiar is built on mutual respect and understanding. Treat them well, and they will serve you faithfully."

As the students resumed their activities, I could feel their curious and wary glances directed at me. Kabuto, now pale and visibly shaken, avoided eye contact entirely. The playful atmosphere from earlier was now tinged with sense of fear and awe.


"Sigh... Mr. Lam, how many times has it been already?" Chancellor Melissa sighed, addressing me.

The chancellor sat behind her large, mahogany desk, her fingers steepled as she regarded me with a stern expression.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, avoiding her piercing gaze. "I lost count, Chancellor."

"I can't keep protecting you, Mr. Lam," she continued. "If these incidents keep happening, we might eventually have to expel you."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I know. I get carried away sometimes."

"This is your last chance, Mr. Lam," she said

"Please don't make me send you off myself."


"Ughhh, it's their fucking fault for being so weak and feeble."

I muttered to myself as I unlocked the door. Another day had gone by, and it appeared that my life as a student would continue to be anything but simple.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of Theresia sleeping soundly as usual. However, instead of being on her bed, she was asleep on her familiar sheep, which was hovering in midair?!

"Oi, Theresia! Why did you bring your familiar into the room?"

She continued to sleep soundly, not responding to my question. Attempting to wake her was pointless.

"Hey, sheep! If you poop in my room, I'll feed you to Cerberus. Got it?!"

The sheep, seemingly unfazed by my threat, continued to hover placidly. Theresia, still fast asleep, snuggled deeper into its wool, oblivious to the world around her.

I sighed, knowing that trying to rouse her was pointless. Theresia could sleep through an earthquake. 

Feeling exhausted, I threw myself onto the bed. Staring at the ceiling, I couldn't help but wonder if this student life was really for me. Maybe I should become a mercenary or an adventurer instead.

Sure, I promised myself a life of freedom, but with immense power, everything just seems dull and meaningless.

"Perhaps tomorrow something interesting will happen."

With that final sentence whispered, my consciousness faded, and before I knew it, I had succumbed to a deep sleep.


As usual, sunlight filtering through the gap in the curtains woke me up. I rubbed my face and stretched, preparing for yet another day.

Sitting on the bed, I glanced around the room, still feeling drowsy.

I went through my usual morning routine and began to prepare for class. However, as I gathered my things and glanced around the room, I noticed something was amiss.

I furrowed my brow, trying to recall something. Yet, that "something" felt oddly unsettling, like a puzzle piece missing from a picture I couldn't quite piece together.

"Something feels off... Did I forget something?"

With a shrug, I shook off the strange sensation and focused on getting ready.

I continued to focus on my tasks, but I couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease, as if something crucial had slipped my mind without me being able to pinpoint what it was.

Even before I left my room, I scanned it intently, still trying to discern the source of this strange feeling of something missing.

"Ughh, maybe yesterday's events are messing with my mind."

I slowly closed and locked the door behind me before heading towards the class.

The corridors were quiet, save for the occasional echo of footsteps and distant chatter from other students. Passing by the familiar sights of bulletin boards adorned with announcements and colorful posters, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. It was as if I was walking through a dream, where everything looked familiar yet subtly different.

Arriving at the classroom door, I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing it open. Inside, the usual bustle greeted me – students chatting, some reviewing notes, others already seated and waiting for the lesson to begin.

I took my usual seat, trying to shake off the lingering unease. Glancing around the room, I noted the familiar faces of my classmates, each engrossed in their own things. Kabuto was deep in conversation with Hugo and Axel, while Alice was meticulously organizing her notes. 

Just as I was lost in thought, the door creaked open, and Professor Forrst entered with a stack of papers under her arm. 

"Good morning, everyone,"

"I hope you're all ready for today's lesson. We have quite an exciting topic to delve into."

With the professor's arrival, the classroom quickly settled down as everyone returned to their seats.

"I trust you all had a productive weekend. Today, we'll be continuing our exploration of advanced summoning techniques," Professor Forrst said, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

As professor explained, I glanced around the classroom, my gaze falling on an empty seat at the front row.

Is that seat usually empty? Did someone miss class today? It seems normal, though; after all, the seat is often vacant, isn't it?

Is the seat vacant today? It shouldn't be, yet it always is.

We have 30 seats, but only 29 students attend. It's become normal for one seat to always remain vacant, right?

This is driving me insane. Are my thoughts turning against me now?

"Yawn... today's subject is kind of boring, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I could fall asleep at any time now."

Despite that I'm In the midst of turmoil, I couldn't help overhearing the students' complaints behind me.

Huh, sleepy? Fall asleep? Wait, hold on...

With a sudden revelation, my mind snapped, and I spontaneously stood up from my seat. 

Ignoring the curious glances directed my way, I strode purposefully towards the vacant chair. It had always been there, unoccupied yet present, a subtle anomaly that had nagged at the edges of my mind.

"Hey, what's he up to?" someone whispered behind me.

"Is he looking for something?" another voice murmured.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face the class. Professor Forrst had paused her lecture, her brow furrowed in mild concern.

"Is everything alright, Lam?" Professor Forrst asked.

"Where is Theresia?"

"I'm not sure I understand, Mr. Lam—"

"Theresia. Isn't this her seat?"

"Mr. Lam, I think you're mistaken. That seat is always empty."

"Besides, who's Theresia?"