
Is It Wrong To Use Forbidden Magic In The Academy?

In a world where magic exists in various forms, Lam Hoffman, a seemingly ordinary student at Calleimus Academy, harbors a burning ambition to rise to the top. He challenges all kinds of magic, believing them to be inferior to his own. "Elemental? Unique? System? Familiar? Summoning? Anti-magic? Those magics can only mimic a fraction of what I'm capable of. Behold my magic, the greatest one to ever exist!"

Vanhel · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Entrance Exam II

"Alright, time's up. Put your pens down."

The instructor's voice snapped me out of my dreamworld. Lifting my heavy eyelids, I glanced left and right.

Some students appeared as though their souls had been ripped out, others were intensely scratching their heads, and a few were praying like it was their last day. However, some remained composed.

I stared back at my empty paper, not a single scribble on it. This is what you call a perfect zero.

"Okay, everyone, just leave your papers on your desks. You can head out now."

As the instructor dismissed us, everyone began packing up and heading out. Some looked relieved, probably glad to be done with the exam and eager for a break. Others seemed disappointed, perhaps not satisfied with how the test went.

Since there wouldn't be any more tests until the afternoon, everyone was free to explore the school or relax in the cafeteria.

"Let's see... I'm gonna check out what the cafeteria has to offer."

I headed downstairs to the cafeteria, only to be met by a swarm of students. There wasn't an empty table in sight.

"Ughhh, I'll just come back later."

With the cafeteria packed, I decided to walk around and explore a bit. Wandering through the hallways, I eventually stumbled upon the library. The place was quiet and inviting, a stark contrast to the bustling cafeteria.

I approached the counter where a woman with glasses was waiting. She seemed to be the librarian.

"Hi, where can I find the ancient magic section?"

"It's in aisle 8. By the way, are you a new student?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just surprised you asked about ancient magic. Usually, people are more interested in recent magic developments."

"Haha, well, I find it pretty interesting."

"Oh, it sure did. There are many interesting magic people came up with back then."

"Yeah, they sure did. Anyway, I'll go read some books now..."

"Ah, yes. Sorry about that. Please enjoy your time."

I was fibbing; ancient magic isn't really my thing. The only magic I find truly awesome is mine. I'm just here to see if there's any information on it.

I walked into aisle 8 and searched through every single shelf, scanning every book, but found nothing.

"I suppose it's true that it's lost forever. Well, that's probably a good thing for me, since it means no one will ever know how to avoid or react to it."

In the end, I just pulled a random novel from the shelves to pass the time.

Why am I so laidback? I just failed every single test. Shouldn't I be worried?

Pfft, that's true if you don't have any plan and just messed up. But I have my own way.

The final test wouldn't be your typical exam. It's the Calleimussian Rumble, a battle match among new students to demonstrate their abilities and talents. Securing a spot in the top three of this battle guarantees a seat in the Dragon class.

It doesn't matter if I flunked every other test; the only thing that counts now is my victory in the battle. This is my chance to flaunt my magic in front of thousands of spectators.

"Well, it's about time. Let's go, shall we?"

Slipping the cheesy novel back onto the shelf, I walked out of the library.

Walking down the hallway, I could hear murmurs and chatter from afar. For some reason, students were swarming in the corridor.

I tried to approach and take a glance, but I couldn't see anything. So, I pushed myself into the crowd to find out what the commotion was all about.

As I reached the front of the crowd, I finally saw what all the fuss was about.

All 596 students' names were written on the bulletin board along with their exam scores. The crowd buzzed with excitement and anxiety as students searched for their names, some sighing in relief while others groaned in disappointment.

I pushed my way through, craning my neck to get a better view. The board was divided into sections by score ranges, and clusters of students gathered around each section, whispering and pointing. 

[Rank 595/596]

Lam Hoffman

Fire Apt: 0

Water Apt: 0

Lightning Apt: 0

Earth Apt: 0

Wind Apt: 0

Enhancement Magic: none

Speed: C

Strenght: C+

Agility: C

Swordmanship: D

Special Magic: None

Written Exam: 0/100 (F)

Rumble Opponent: Klein Augvenhousz (Rank 37/596)

Oh, there it is—my name at the bottom of the list. Surprisingly, there was someone who did worse than me. This guy must be a real hopeless loser.

"Excuse me, sorry, please let me through."

Suddenly, someone pushed through the crowd next to me. He stood there, panting, as he stared at the list.

I followed his gaze and realized he was looking at his own name, right at the bottom. We found our loser, and I didn't even need to look any further.

He stared at it for a few seconds, and I could tell he felt like the world was crumbling around him. Of course he did; I couldn't imagine being worse off than someone who didn't even try at al-

"Yoshaaa! I made it to the list. This is my first step to becoming the greatest mage!"

What the heck? Is this guy out of his mind?

He's at the very bottom, but he can still smile and shout like that? Everyone is looking at him as if he's a weirdo.

"Hey, you're Lam Hoffman, right? Yaah, I lost to you by a bit. Don't sweat about the result, we've got plenty of time to catch up. Looks like we'll be in the gnome class together. I'm Alan Boltz by the way."

The weirdo just offered his hand to me with a huge smile.

"Hahaha, would you look at that? Two failures consoling each other. How amusing."

Suddenly, an unwanted third party showed up. Typical bully accompanied by his two loyal dogs.

"So, you're my opponent, huh? Looks like today's my lucky day! This will be a piece of cake!"

"Boss, check out this guy. Can he even throw a punch? He's going down easy."


"Some dogs running their mouths, huh?"

The bully's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with anger as he stepped forward.

Our face met and our eyes locked onto one another.

"What's the matter, pig? Cat got your tongue?"

 "You think you're tough, huh?"

"Boohoo so scary...what you're gonna do? hit me with your Augvenhousz secret magic? Oh, what is that? Don't they have magic to lose weight?"

"You little punk! You're fucking dead."

I just smirked, unfazed by his threats. "Sure, tough guy. Save the theatrics for the battle, shall we?"

"You'll beg for mercy as I humiliate you in front of the whole school!"

"Let's go!"

Just like that he and his underlings turned around and walked away.

"Hey, Alan, isn't it?" I said, approaching the weirdo. "I like your spirit, but don't get your hopes up too high. Sometimes, not everyone is born to be a winner. Oh, and we won't be classmates, since I'll be in the Dragon class."

After sharing my advice, I walked off without a backward glance. Reality can sting, but it's necessary to face it. We're not on the same level—just because our current ranks are similar doesn't make us equals. I know my worth, and once I enter that arena, I'll prove who I truly am.

"Thanks, but I won't give up. Even if I stumble a thousand times, I'll rise a thousand times," he affirmed. "I've long decided—I will become the greatest mage of this era!"

I paused, dumbfounded. Is this guy for real? What a total airhead. Does he honestly believe he's the protagonist of some story?

"Do as you like, but if we meet on the battlefield, I won't show any mercy. Remember that."

Now, let's get this over with.

In the end, no matter what magic you wield, what swordsmanship you master, or what blessings you receive, it's all useless. I will get what I deserve. This academy is merely my first stepping stone. Once I make my mark, not just this academy, but the entire kingdom, no—the whole world will bow at my feet.

The only reason this academy bears the name of Calleimus the mediocre mage is simply because I haven't been born yet. Prepare yourselves, students of Calleimus, for I will take whatever I want, whenever I want, and wherever I want!

Now, let's get this over shall we?



As I walked towards the arena, the only sounds that reached my ears were the echo of my steps and the laughter reverberating through the hallway.

I wonder...

What kind of face they'll make?

It's getting more and more interesting.

I can't wait...

I gripped my trusty handbag tightly, its contents lovingly crafted over the years. At last, I could finally put them to use.

"This should be fun. Showing off a little won't hurt, will it?"