
Is It Wrong To Use Forbidden Magic In The Academy?

In a world where magic exists in various forms, Lam Hoffman, a seemingly ordinary student at Calleimus Academy, harbors a burning ambition to rise to the top. He challenges all kinds of magic, believing them to be inferior to his own. "Elemental? Unique? System? Familiar? Summoning? Anti-magic? Those magics can only mimic a fraction of what I'm capable of. Behold my magic, the greatest one to ever exist!"

Vanhel · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Classroom Of The Weirds

"Fuck... I can't believe it took me 2 hours to find my way to the dormitory last night..."

"They should've made a black magic spell to add 3 hours' worth of sleep."

Last night, when I finally found my way to the dormitory, I had to endure the tiresome process of administration just to get a fucking room. They initially assumed I would be expelled, so they didn't bother assigning me one. I was told to find a room that wasn't full yet, but I doubted anyone would want a roommate who could kill with a snap of his fingers. Eventually, I was given my own room on the fifth floor.

"At least I don't have to share a room with lowlifes."

When I stepped into the main building, I could feel eyes targeting me. All of them were whispering and talking about me behind my back, staring at me with fear.

"Hey, it's him."

"He's the one who took the wyvern down."

"I heard he gains his power by eating people."

"Sssshhh! Don't look him in the eye, or he'll turn you to stone!"

Good, fear me and tremble before my magic. Wait—who said I eat people? Only tribesmen shaman did that, and they stopped in the 3rd century!

"Ughh, whatever."

I walked through the corridor, keeping an eye out for a sign with 'Dragon' written on it.

"Well, this should be the place..."

When I entered the room, someone familiar greeted me enthusiastically.

"Hey, hey! You're here! Good morning!" Alan Boltz exclaimed, waving at me with a radiant smile.

"I think I walked into the wrong room, sorry."

"Wait, wait, wait! You're not wrong, it's the right class!"

"It's true, yo! This is the Dragon class," Ling Renwu confirmed, convincing me I was in the right room.

"If this is the Dragon class, then why is this pickle here?!"

"Ehehehe... Well..."


"So you're telling me that even though I took down the genetically modified wyvern and saved the whole school's ass, I almost got expelled, but this bimbo gets into this class just because of his 'bravery'?"

"Well, if that's what the principal said, then it must be true," Ling Renwu shrugged.

Alan just chuckled and scratched his head in response to my protest.

"You know what? Fuck this shit, I don't even care anymore."

I walked past them and took an empty seat near the window.

Just then, the classroom door swung open, and Chancellor Melissa walked in, her presence immediately draw everyone's attention.

"Good morning, students!"

"I'm sure most of you already know who I am, but since I couldn't attend yesterday's opening ceremony, I'll introduce myself again. I'm Melissa Agatha Ignatius, though you can call me Ms. Lisa. As the chancellor and principal of Calleimus Academy, I want to congratulate all of you for making it into this class."

"As you know, the Dragon Class is specifically designed to train the brightest mages of your generation. This means that each of you here is among the best of your peers. However, don't get too comfortable. This also means you'll need to work twice as hard to pass this class, so be prepared."

She paused, her gaze sweeping over us. "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Your actions have consequences, not just for yourselves, but for those around you. I expect each of you to rise to the challenges ahead and prove yourselves worthy of the trust placed in you."

"Let's begin with introductions," Chancellor Melissa continued. "Each of you will have a chance to share your name, your magical specialty, and what you hope to achieve in this class."

Alan immediately raised his hand, eager to go first. "I'm Alan Boltz, and I haven't found my magic yet but... I'm here to become the strongest mage and protect those who can't protect themselves!"

Strongest mage my ass. You almost became a wyvern snack. Protect? Against who, me? I'd love to see you try, dumbo.

"That's quite admirable, Alan. I hope you'll discover your magic and fulfill your dream here. Next, please."

Ling Renwu stood up next. "Name's Ling Renwu. I'm a Magic Warrior, a master in enhancing my aura. I'm here to purge evil with my fists!" He declared loudly, with a broad grin and a confident stance.

Next was Axel Hagan, who rose quietly and spoke with a hint of melancholy. "I'm Axel Hagan, a fire mage. I seek to reclaim what I have lost."

Theresia Valeriee yawned as she stood up, rubbing her eyes. "Theresia Valeriee... I use dream magic. I want to... sleep more," she said, yawning again before sitting back down.

With a cheerful bounce, Nana Fanhaust was next. "Hi everyone! I'm Nana Fanhaust, a puppeteer. I'm so excited to be here and I want to see the world!"

Kevin Brightwood followed, standing with a composed demeanor. "I'm Kevin Brightwood. I specialize in multiple forms of magic," he said with a hint of mystery. "I'm here to find my place in this world."

Hugo Franciuss a gentle smile stood up next. "Hello, I'm Hugo Franciuss. I'm a tamer and summoner. I want to make more friends and learn about different magical creatures." His kind eyes and warm demeanor seemed to invite friendship.

Rolling her eyes, Anastasha Braumerr was next. "I'm Anastasha Braumerr. I specialize in transformation magic. I'm here because I have to be, not because I want to be. So, let's keep this simple—I don't like being bothered." 

Alice Ancantrea rose gracefully. "I am Alice Ancantrea, the kingdom's sixth princess. As an ice mage, my goal is to become a good noble for the kingdom and its people."

Finally, Kabuto Tsuginumi stood up. "I'm Kabuto Tsuginumi, a magic swordsman," he said coolly, glancing at Alice. "I'm here to fulfill my promise to Alice," he declared loudly, earning a few curious looks from the other students.

As the other students murmured about Kabuto's bold claim, Alice could only blush and look down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. She fidgeted with her hands nervously.

Chancellor Melissa smiled warmly, sensing the mix of emotions in the room. "Thank you all for your introductions. It's clear that each of you has unique strengths and aspirations. Let's work together to achieve our goals and support one another."

"Alright, alright, let's calm down everyone. Next is... ah, how about you, Mr. Lam? Would you please introduce yourself to us?" Miss Melissa addressed me, inviting me to speak.

"Tsk... what a hassle," I muttered, as I stood up reluctantly.

"I'm Lam Hoffman. My specialty? Well, you've seen the wyvern. And I doubt anyone's foolish enough to challenge me. I'm here to make the world bow down to me!"

As I spoke, a hush fell over the classroom, my words echoing in the silence. I could feel the weight of everyone's gaze on me, some curious, others wary. But I didn't care. I was determined to assert my dominance, to let them know that I was not to be underestimated.

Chancellor Melissa regarded me with a raised eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "Thank you, Mr. Hoffman, for your... candid introduction," she said diplomatically, before moving on to the next student.

As the introductions continued, I leaned back in my chair, a smirk playing on my lips. I had made my intentions clear. Now, it was only a matter of time before they all realized the extent of my power. And when they did, there would be no stopping me.


"By extending the axis, we can prolong the duration of the spell," Chancellor Melissa explained, gesturing to the diagram on the board.

As Chancellor Melissa continued her explanation, I found myself drifting off, my mind wandering to other matters. 

I glanced around the room, observing my classmates as they diligently took notes and asked questions. Alan seemed engrossed in the lesson, his hand raised eagerly as he sought clarification on a particularly complex concept. Ling Renwu, on the other hand, appeared bored, his eyes glazed over as he doodled in his notebook.

"Now, who can tell me other ways to improve the diagram? Anyone?" Chancellor Melissa inquired, scanning the classroom for eager hands.

"Mr. Kabuto, would you mind sharing your thoughts?" Chancellor Melissa prompted, her gaze resting on Kabuto.

"Uhmm... we could try to add more circles?" 

"Well, that's an intriguing suggestion, but unfortunately, that won't be possible."

"Pfftt..Dumbass," I couldn't help but mutter under my breath, finding his answer amusingly idiot.

"What's your problem?" Kabuto turned around, annoyed as he addressed my jeer.

I met Kabuto's glare with a smirk, unfazed by his irritation. "Oh, nothing. Just amused by your brilliant contribution."

His jaw clenched, clearly not happy by my remark. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" 

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms casually. "Oh, I don't think, I know," I replied with a smug grin, enjoying the way my words seemed to aggravate him further.

Kabuto's fists clenched at his sides, but before he could respond, Chancellor Melissa intervened. "Gentlemen, let's keep the discussion focused on improving the diagram, shall we?"