
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in SAO?

- This is an SAO Fan-fic with elements of the Fate series.... - The MC can be a 'little' narcissistic Well God decided to reincarnate me.... Yes its one of those isekai stories........ Luckily he gave me 3 wishes! Since I didn't want to go to some random world where I could end up in a worse situation (*cough* *cough* death mage anyone?), I decided to go to an anime world! - I do not own any of the characters from the original work. - Any story elements from the original work are also not mine. - I do not own the cover either.

brady_123464 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

The Most Important Part of Magic is Style!

The next phase of the plan is the starting point to Keane becoming the world's number one beauty! He will continue to train his magic, because as stated before, he needs the abilities to back up his handsome self! When people see how talented he is, they will simply fall more in love with his beauty. For any bad guys he defeats, their last moment will be blessed by being able to witness his beauty before their death. Even to his enemy Keane is merciful. For they will die by the world's most handsome man's hands. How could Keane not be called a saint considering he graces the enemy with his beauty.

These were Keane's thoughts surrounding him learning magic. Right now, it's been two years since Finna became his maid. Due to her being by his side, Keane was able to increase his mana control to the point many higher existences would feel enviable. Of course Finna never told Keane such things. She didn't know how such information could effect him. It could simply add to the numerous amount of things that allow him to hold such a narcissistic attitude, or make him even more eager to surpass the ones he hasn't to become the sole number one! Either way for Finna would end in a bad result, so her decision was to stay silent about Keane's excellent growth and try to change his personality. However, deep down she knew that that he would never change.

As it just passed Keane's fifth birthday, it was time for him to finally get to his beginner's magic training and was walking with Finna to an open area. Even though he knew that the first four sub-jobs would back up his handsome self, he didn't feel as excited about them as he did about his other sub-jobs. This is mainly because the first four could only be used in an isolated area or in front of someone he trusted. Keane knew this before he selected the 'mage', yet he still hasn't come to terms with the fact he can't show the world his beauty through magic. He tried to comfort himself through the sense that it was better than being sent to a laboratory, but he still felt disappointed. On the other hand, when Keane saw the sub-jobs he felt the immediate desire to complete the first ones. Nearly enough to break the rule Finna placed for him.


<Current Restricted Sub-Jobs:

- Beginner Barrier

- Beginner Gravity

- Beginner Healing

- Beginner Illusionist

- Beginner Mentalist

- Beginner Precognition

- Beginner Space

- Beginner Strength

- Beginner Summoning



Most of these were sub-jobs which Keane can use in public and he was very excited to learn them. However, there was one more sub-job which almost caused Keane to create a trap to make Finna stay until she taught it to him. And that sub-job was...


<Beginner Charmer>




This was Keane's first thought when he saw the sub-job. Of course, he was incredibly excited that his decision paid off. However, there was one thought that had haunted him ever since he first heard the explanation about the system, 'What if Finna used this when I first saw her?'

As Finna already left by the time he found out about the sub-jobs, Keane had to wait a whole six months to hear her explanation. Then when she arrived, he had to wait until his parents left and she materialized to be sure of her response. Even though compared to the six month wait it was only a few minutes, Keane became very impatient. That is why when she materialized he lashed out at her through his mind. For Finna, she thought him being angry suited him even worse than his narcissism as a baby. Due to this, it took her a minute to regain herself and respond.

"As you were a very precious soul it would be disrespectful to manipulate your thoughts. Even angels have their own morals. If you're wondering if I used it to increase my looks then you are also wrong. While I do not like to brag about myself, this is my natural look."

That was the response that Keane received from Finna. She also gave him a very displeased look which made him confused. It took him a few seconds to realize his mistake and felt slightly guilty. After all, if Keane was criticized of his looks being fake then he would do his upmost to destroy the other person. He quickly apologized to her, as a fellow beauty he thought he must show her some respect. To this Finna was once again shocked, she thought he was too prideful to do such a thing. Finding that there was at least something decent about the handsome soul she met in that white space made her smile a little. She accepted his apology and went on to hear of his growth. This also allowed her witness another good trait within him. However, it also forced her to laminate on his short comings.

The meeting ended with Keane confused as to why she left with a sad look. He wondered, 'Is she a shotacon? Was that why she wasn't entranced by my handsome looks? Maybe she is displeased leaving behind the world's cutest baby?' He ended up asking her this in their next meeting and received a weird look from Finna due to the combination of narcissism and misunderstanding from Keane. She cleared it up, but wondered why she was sad in the first place.


Keane and Finna arrived at the decided place to begin his training. As his family was extremely wealthy, he had a very large estate. Naturally, there will be many open areas suited for his magical training. Since he couldn't go out of the estate due to his age, they decided it best to stay in his home. Finna released some type of warding magic so no one would accidentally walk in on them (a/n: he's only 5.... don't misunderstand). If someone came looking for them, all she needed to do was release it and they would casually appear to the searcher.

"It is time. I will strike all my enemies with my dazzling style!" As Keane was five years old, his pose was back to its proper form. He never forgets to practice them in front of his mirror every morning. There were a few times Sakura witnessed him so she started to rate each of the poses he showed her. While the image of her during his baby days still haunted him, Keane was able to form a bond with her through these moments.

Unfortunately Finna couldn't be as supportive. As it was her teacher hour she decided to wear an office like suit and skirt to look like a professional. In this new mode she scolded him saying, "Instead of spouting nonsense it's time to focus. Remember, you are in my class, I will not allow you to simply say what you will!" Finna seemed unusually happy when saying this.

"Did you forget who I am? I'm Keane Akagi! The world's most handsome man! I will say what I will!"

"And that's all you will be if you don't listen to what I say. Remember, you are receiving training from an angel mind you. I can stop whenever I feel like it." Finna was putting on a scary smile. She has gotten a little more confident in how to deal with him after the last five years.

Keane then became hesitant. He didn't like being ordered around, especially by his rival. Rather she is the last person he wanted to given to. However, knowing that she seemed serious in her ultimatum he begrudgingly responded with a simple, "Yes."

"Yes 'what'?"

"Yes Finna-Sensei!"

Keane let her have this battle, but he wouldn't let her win the war.

It was only during this time, but Finna felt that this was going to be the best part of her day. Imagining what an obedient Keane acted like filled her up with excitement. She detested the fact that he will go back to his usual self when her teachings are over, but she didn't let it get to her. However there was one thing that she miscalculated like usual.

"Ok lets start with the least destructive magic. Try to cast a small wind cyclone in your hand. To acomplis---"

"So like this? 'Air'"

"Eh?" Finna was once again in a daze. Yes, it was only suppose to be a small wind cyclone, but Keane was able to create it in front of him with the height close to six feet! It basically the same height as her! Even the speed of the wind coming from it wasn't half bad. Considering what an angel thinks of 'half bad', for a human, it actually means that his magic was pretty good! "How were you able to do this? I wasn't even finished explaining it!" Finna was disappointed, she wanted to show her knowledge of magic since he seemed serious in learning it.

"What do you mean? This should be natural for a man aiming to become this world's number one beauty!" As he was trying to control the cyclone in front him he couldn't strike a pose. This felt very awkward for him as he was used to doing one in this situation.

Finna couldn't even reprimand him for his words. She was his teacher, as such she needed to support him for his accomplishments, not that she really wanted to. With that, in a similar manner of speaking as Keane earlier, congratulated him and asked, "So can you do this with the other elements as well?"

It took Keane a few seconds to figure out how to disengage his magic and then he went on to cover the next three elements. The only problem he had was the fact of being unable to strike a pose. For him this was a major problem. If he couldn't strike a pose, then it would be harder to show off his style in magic.

Finna seemed glad that he had an issue with something related to the subject. She wasn't happy with the fact she will end up helping his narcissistic tendencies, but as it would still help him master the sub-jobs she must.

Thus, she taught Keane how to control magic outside of his body. They had to stop a few times during practice when someone came around to look for them, but that was all.

It ended up being hard -even for him- to be able to control magic without fully focusing on it. So Keane wasn't able to make much progress in the end. Luckily, he had a lot of time so there wasn't an issue.

It was eventually decided that the reason he was able to summon magic so easily is the fact he had unlimited mana. While Keane was a fast leaner and could probably control his magic better then most, it wasn't fast enough to the point he could complete his sub-jobs within a day.

With their training finished for the day they decided to head back for dinner. After, he returned to his room to sleep and showed Finna his status.


Name: Keane Akagi

Age: 5

Level: 10

First Job: Beginner Mage

Second Job: (Unlocked at Lv. 25)

Third Job: (Unlocked at Lv. 50)





<Beginner Mage>

Beginner Air (1/10)

Beginner Earth (1/10)

Beginner Fire (1/10)

Beginner Water (1/10)


Apparently, the first level out of ten in his sub-jobs had to due with how he was able to release his magic while previously when his status was first shown, he was unable to. It does seem that it will take a while for Keane to level up his abilities though. As for his overall level, given the fact that he had nearly perfect control over his inner mana, without having to advance his own jobs, he was able to level up to 10.


Another year then flew by and it was finally the day. Yes, the day Keane has been waiting for! He finally completed the 4 elemental sub-jobs!


<You have completed 10/10 in 'Beginner Air'>

<You have completed 10/10 in 'Beginner Earth'>

<You have completed 10/10 in 'Beginner Fire'>

<You have completed 10/10 in 'Beginner Water'>

<You are now allowed to choose your next sub-job in 'Beginner Mage'>


Keane just finished his training and got the notification that he has finished the four sub-jobs. He was elated that the time has finally come. As Finna was with him as usual, he informed her immediately. She seemed happy and also a little envious that he was able to advance in the system so fast.

Over the past year she has trained him, she has seen Keane's improvement first hand. It would be weird for her not to feel something seeing all their efforts paying off. She taught him to control the elements after releasing them from his body, as well as chantless magic. Finna worked hard to help him form his own spells as well.

With that, it was finally time for Keane to select his new sub-job. It was obvious what he was going to choose.


<You have selected the 'Beginner Charmer' sub-job>


He then rushed back to the bathroom in his room and looked into the mirror. What he saw created a mix of emotions. He was disappointed yet relieved and then happy at the same time.

Finna then appeared behind him and said, "Well I expected it, after all I wasn't effected either. I think for most people, if you're already great looking you won't be effected much. And in your case.... well I don't need to say it." Finna knew that the job wouldn't increase his looks, but held off on telling him due to the thought that it could discourage him.

However, her worry was unneeded as she saw the happy look on his face. She waited for him to say something, but he didn't as he was too indulged in himself. *Cough**Cough* She coughed a couple of times to get his attention.

This broke him out of his state and he noticed Finna behind him, "This can be considered a good thing. I mean, it just shows that my looks can't be increased through mystical means. I felt a little off when thinking of using such a shortcut to increase my looks, so I am relieved that it didn't work. It just goes to show that my looks can only be increased through my own hard work! To think not even God could improve my handsome self! My looks are simply too amazing that they are above God's ability!" Keane then struck another pose.

Finna expected his words and wished they were still training. It wasn't until she heard the 'God' statement that she responded angrily, "Hey! Don't think that you are above God! He simply didn't want to waste his power to increase your looks. You should feel lucky you have the system in the first place." She took a deep breath to stay calm after scolding him. She was still an angel after all, listening to him belittle her father would cause all angels to be mad.

Realizing he took it too far Keane responded, "Yes, I am sorry I didn't mean to insult him. I was simply too fascinated by the power of my looks to see reason." To Finna, she thought he still had no reason.

Deciding not to respond to his 'apology' she moved on the conversation, "So what does your status look like now?"


Name: Keane Akagi

Age: 6

Level: 14

First Job: Beginner Mage

Second Job: (Unlocked at Lv. 25)

Third Job: (Unlocked at Lv. 50)





<Beginner Mage>

Beginner Air (10/10)

Beginner Earth (10/10)

Beginner Fire (10/10)

Beginner Water (10/10)

Beginner Charmer (8/10)


In the past year Keane was able to increase his overall level to 14. While it's not a lot compared to the fact he was already at level 10 before he started his first four sub-jobs, it's still a big increase. Since inner mana control has allowed him to maximize the efficiency of his magic output, release magic out of any angle from his body, and balance his mana throughout himself, it has proved invaluable. Mastery over mana control is very hard, as such, it wasn't weird for him to get 10 levels for it, while only 4 from the four sub-jobs.

There was one level that surprised Finna when she saw it however, "How is it possible for your new sub-job to be 8/10 already?" She wondered if it was a glitch.

"Why are you surprised? I am the most handsome man in the world! Of course the system recognizes my looks!"

For once Finna may have actually thought that what he said fit the situation perfectly.

Thanks you for reading! If you enjoyed it please vote below!


I changed Fina to Finna... it looked better. I also changed it in the first 3 chapters where it was mentioned.


Readers may say Finna gaining interest in the MC is forced, but it really isn't. It won't be on a romantic level until many years later. It's natural for most women to be interested in a handsome and talented man no matter the personality (Just like most men are interested in any beautiful women)... or am I wrong


Now I slipped in the summoning magic in there.... I feel like there will be a lot of readers who want more then just SAO... so unless many against it then I may summon a couple harem candidates... but idk when to do it... maybe some time during this childhood arc or sometime during SAO.

(The summon will probably be someone compatible w his personality)


One last thing, I read over the previous chapters fully as I noticed some mistakes and fixed them. My bad... I wanted to get the chapters out as soon as possible to start out. They are small mistakes so I hope no one was inconvenienced.

brady_123464creators' thoughts