
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Sir_Smurf · Fantasy
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195 Chs


Distant lights sparkled in the damp darkness of a rocky passageway.

The flickering dots created long shadows at the feet of monsters. Fire-breathing

hellhounds growled as they sniffed the air. The white fur of a pack of horned almirage

rippled as they looked around restlessly with their adorable faces, floppy bunny-like

ears bouncing in time with their feet. The beasts were on the hunt, using their

extraordinarily sharp senses of smell and hearing to locate the invaders crazy enough

to enter their territory.

Monsters tracked their prey as they snaked their way through the countless tunnels

of the intricate maze known as the Dungeon.

Somewhere deep within—KASHH KASHH.

The sounds of digging echoed through the hallways.

"Hey… is this really the right spot for mining?"

"Ahhh, do you doubt Lilly's information? Lilly did the proper research, and she knows

that upper-class adventurers bring home lots of those stones from this area."

A young girl used a portable magic-stone lamp to illuminate an area for the young man

to slam his mattock into the cavern wall.

Welf and Lilly worked in a dark corner of the Dungeon while quietly bickering back

and forth.

"Sir Welf, Lady Lilly… still no success?"

"M-monsters could be here any moment… I don't know how much more my nerves

can take…"

Two new hushed voices joined the conversation coming from Mikoto and Bell.

All four adventurers were careful to keep their bodies low and out of sight. The boy

with ruby-red eyes and white hair and the young girl with long black locks tied into a

ponytail were sidled up close beside where Welf and Lilly engaged with the cavern

wall. Bell and Mikoto were serving as lookouts. Needless to say, they were watching

for monsters.

They were in a semicircular small room at the end of a long, narrow hallway. The four

of them had come here to mine the Dungeon for a specific stone. If a group of monsters

came barreling down the lone path or burst from the Dungeon walls around them,

there would be no escape. With no end to their mission in sight, the two human

lookouts shed another drop of nervous sweat every time the mattock hit the stone


The wall that Lilly and Welf were facing bore the scars of their labor while hundreds

of pieces of stone littered the floor around them. As of yet, they had still not hit pay

dirt, and as Bell listened to the pair's unproductive bickering with an unreadable

expression on his face, he happened to spy a spare mattock at Welf's feet. Abandoning

his post, the boy went to pick up the tool and set to work.

The tool itself was made from the same material as many of the weapons and armor

used by adventurers. Trying it out, Bell swung the metal tool against the cavern wall a

few times.

Just as he began, rock crumbled away and a few twinkling objects fell to the floor.



A few flashes of light caught their attention as the ore rolled on the ground.

"W-we've done it! It's blood onyx!"

"You did it, Bell!"

"As expected, truly!!"

Relief and joy instantly spread throughout the party as they picked up three of the

gemstones, stowed them in a small bag, and quickly left the dead end behind.

Transitioning from the subterranean cul-de-sac into a much wider regular path in the

Dungeon, they finally got a chance to breathe.

"As requested, we have collected more than two blood onyx… And with this, our quest

is complete, right?"

Lilly took one of the minerals out of the bag as they walked through the room. She

examined the black onyx's surface, directing her gaze at the bands of bloodred and

coal-black reflecting light from above. Welf and Mikoto, walking close beside their

supporter to protect her, exchanged smiles as they were drawn in, too.

"Our other quest for the almirage furs was fulfilled after slaying that pack a while ago

as well…"

"Yeah. Got 'em both done real quick… You know, Bell, ever since I joined up with you

guys, drop items and stones like today seem to just fall into our laps. Do you just have

really good luck?"


Bell had received two quests from Eina before Apollo's banquet was held. The deadline

was fast approaching, so the party of four adventurers had journeyed to the thirteenth

floor in the middle levels of the Dungeon.

Bell laughed drily at Welf's comment. About one month ago, when he obtained the

Advanced Ability "Luck," Eina had taken a guess as to its effect—and now her words

bubbled up in the back of Bell's mind.

Now that he thought about it, drop items seemed to be appearing at a higher rate than

before he leveled up… The boy tilted his head and mumbled to himself.

"Is this really okay? There was no time left on the quests, but… There's so much work

to do with moving into our new home, but we dropped all that and came down here…"

"It's always necessary to think about the future, Mr. Bell. That doesn't change just

because the familia got bigger."

Following Lilly's merry comment, Welf turned and smiled.

"And I'm sure after the War Game and all, you wanted a chance to test out your current

power, ain't that right?"

Welf keenly pointed this out almost like an older brother, leaving Bell speechless for a

moment. The white-haired boy nodded sheepishly as he said, "A-a bit…" He was lost

for words as he looked at the man resting a greatsword on his shoulder.

They had overcome the fierce battles of the War Game, deepened their bonds,

acquired new strengths, and become family in the process.

Today was their first trip into the Dungeon as the reborn Hestia Familia.

"—Everyone, get ready."

Mikoto, her eyes locked on the path ahead of them, sounded the alarm.

Even before she finished speaking, Bell and the others drew their various weapons as

quickly as Mikoto, everyone on their guard. All of them spotted the many sets of

glinting eyes rushing in their direction from deep in the darkness.

Welf and Bell moved to the front as the first wave of beasts came into the light.

"I'm counting on you to take point!"

"On it!"

More than ten creatures leaped from the monsters' ranks, aiming to slash at the party

in a swarm.

The hellhounds preparing to launch their ranged fireball attacks were the very first

targets for the two flashing knives and greatsword. High-speed slashes dismembered

the attacking monsters' bodies, while a slash with the ferocity of a sledgehammer

struck a particularly large monster, smashing it to pieces.

"Lady Lilly, a spear!"

Mikoto moved into position behind Bell and Welf, who had already begun fighting,

with her long black ponytail fluttering behind her.

Wasting no time, Lilly thrust a hand into her backpack and drew a short metal stake

with a blade on one end. She threw the weapon with all her might, and when it flipped

horizontally, in the blink of an eye, it extended into a two-meder-long pole before

landing in Mikoto's grasp.

A collapsible silver lance. The former member of Takemikazuchi Familia wielded the

weapon with ease from the center as she covered the flanks of the two forward

attackers. Her swift, accurate strikes skewered the agile almirage one after another. It

wasn't long before a trail of monster corpses and piles of ash were left in her wake.

Without missing a beat, she moved to intercept the natural weapons used by the

monsters—stone tomahawks—and deflected them away from Bell and Welf.

"Well, it appears that Lilly's completely not needed anymore."

Standing by in the rear, Lilly looked over her comrades while admiring their

handiwork. The entire encounter took less than a minute from start to finish.

Bell had become strong enough to pierce enemy ranks, carrying the party on the

offense. He and Welf had learned how to anticipate each other's movements, their

teamwork improving with each battle. Now that Mikoto had joined their group, they

could count on additional support from the center of their formation. Since Bell could

focus solely on attacking, their battle party was much more balanced than before and

at least twice as powerful. With an upper-class adventurer and a High Smith

strengthening their forward and center ranks, they had a distinct advantage over the

monsters on this level.

"There's nothing to fear on level thirteen!" Lilly gleefully declared, happy instead of

sad that she no longer had a role to play during battles. She hummed cheerfully while

making her way to the line of monster corpses to perform her role as a supporter: to

collect the spoils of battle.

That's when they heard something.

Ferocious war cries of monsters and a noisy, deep-voiced yell.

"Isn't that… a scream?"

"They are steadily approaching… I-it can't be."

Thud thud thud thud thud thud! Bell and Mikoto were petrified as the sounds echoed

and approached from the darkness.

And a heartbeat later…

Just as they had feared, a group of adventurers emerged from a hallway, pursued by

an even larger horde of monsters.

"They're coming right for Lilly and everyone…?!"

"Hang on a sec, hasn't this exact damn thing happened before?!"

The oncoming party of adventurers was madly running for their lives. That was, until

they caught a glimpse of Bell's battle party. Their leader sneered as his bloodshot eyes

twisted with glee.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…!" Mikoto desperately apologized in response to Welf's


"You guys—Hestia Familia, aren't 'cha?! Be grateful, we'll share our haul with you!"

"Like hell you will!! As if we need 'em!"


Passing off monsters from one party to another—a pass parade. Welf's enraged shouts

and Bell's terrified screams overlapped as they approached.

Bell and his battle party turned their backs to the oncoming adventurers and the

thirty-plus monsters not far behind them and took off at full speed.

"Who the hell was it who said we had nothing to fear on this floor?"

"It depends on the time and place!! Gah, Lilly couldn't even collect any magic stones…!"

"Lady Lilly, quickly! Hand me the backpack!"

"Wh-which way was the exit again?"

Welf readjusted the greatsword against his shoulder and let his frustrations show.

Mikoto took the large backpack from Lilly and quickly slung it over her own shoulders.

Bell swooped in and picked up the short prum girl, running as fast as he could with

her in his arms.

The monsters picked up their pace, excited by the smell of even more fresh meat in

front of them.

The reborn Hestia Familia used everything they had to escape from the Dungeon.


Shrouded in darkness beneath the crescent moon, countless magic-stone lamps

dotted the cityscape of Orario.

Standing proudly in the middle of Adventurers Street—Guild Headquarters, the

majestic Pantheon. The clang of metal upon metal rang out from the industrial

districts. The business quarter truly came alive, with rounds of thunderous applause

bursting from the theaters and excited cheers echoing out of the casinos. Indeed this

city, blessed with the resources harvested from the Dungeon, never slept, the hustle

and bustle never ending.

In this thriving metropolis that seemed to symbolize prosperity itself, there was a

certain place.

Flirtatious voices came from within the many small buildings that lined the street


Sometimes strong and sometimes barely above a whisper, these were the voices of

men and women consumed by passion. Flickering candlelight illuminated the pairs of

shadows intertwining on many of the windows and walls up and down the street,

forms braided on beds.

Here desires turned into money, filled with bordellos as far as the eye could see.

The aptly named Night District felt completely different from the rest of the city. Dimly

lit and seemingly standing apart from all the other streets and neighborhoods, it was

always permeated with a mysterious, bewitching atmosphere.

"… That shithead."

Where people indulged their cravings and appetites, the brothels.

She sat above it all, watching from the highest floor of her own palace.

The shapely woman was heavily accessorized with a golden crown, earrings, an ornate

necklace decorating her cleavage, and bracelets around her wrists and ankles.

The only piece of cloth on her body that could truly be called clothing was a thin skirt

around her hips, held in place by a cord tied at her side. There was nothing keeping

her voluptuous breasts from view; only one strap of cloth prevented her from

exposing everything to the world. Her perfectly proportioned hourglass figure and

silky smooth coppery skin, openly displayed, were enough to make any man lose his

mind. Her beauty was strong enough to bring a country to its knees—her divinity

simply took it one step further. Truly, gender mattered not when looking at her body,

which could hold anyone prisoner as it exuded a sweet, alluring aroma.

Her room was dark, illuminated by only the crescent moon and stars above. With the

room open to the night air on all sides, she had a perfect view of the tower standing in

the middle of the city. She glared at it, as if trying to burn it down with sheer intensity

and loathing.

She stood in the highest place in all the Night District.

However, she wasn't satisfied.

As for why, it was because ofthe chalk-white tower in the center of the city that pierced

the skies, soaring overhead as though looking down on her, laughing at her.

The woman stared daggers at the highest floor of that tower.

That's where that vile woman would be even now, a Goddess of Beauty like her—the

silver-haired goddess whom she hated most of all.

"Why are you there? Why is it you and not me who sits on the throne?"

Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.

That woman was always looking down on her from the highest perch.

As if she were no different from the rabble when viewed from such heights.

Her beauty allowed that goddess to take anything she wanted within Orario—no, the

world. And she was rubbing it in her face.

That deplorable vixen. Unbelievable.

Were all the children of Gekai, and the other gods, blind?

Ignoring her own unparalleled beauty and giving that their attention? Categorically


Cursing that goddess with every fiber of her being, the goddess Ishtar's beauty warped

into something much more frightening.

"Don't get full of yourself, Freya…"

Fully drawn curtains let in the moonlight, illuminating Ishtar in profile.

The irritating truth was that that goddess was not only higher ranked in name but led

a familia more powerful than her own. So powerful, in fact, that they could prevent

others from catching up.

For it was Freya's beauty, along with her powerful followers, that allowed that woman

to keep her place at the top.

"Keh!" Ishtar kept her eyes firmly on Babel Tower as a small laugh escaped her lips.

The smile on her face was one that could Charm anyone who laid eyes upon her—but

it also hid a dark side.

It wouldn't be long now.

It wouldn't be long until she pulled that woman down from her perch.

Ishtar's lips curled into a conniving grin.

"Just you watch."

Spitting out those words under her breath, she stood up from the sofa she had been

sitting on.

A bowl of exotic fruit sat on a table with a long, thin smoking pipe made in the Far

Eastern style sitting at its base, all beside the sofa. The goddess grabbed her pipe

before exiting the room. Several handsome young servants followed right behind her

as she descended into the center of the palace.

Her braided black hair swayed from side to side and looked almost as though hues of

purple were weaved into it. Smoke billowed from between her succulent lips after one

pull from her oriental pipe as she descended to the top floor overlooking a grand inner


Spread out beneath her were her followers. Ishtar put her hands on the railing and

addressed the prostitutes below.

"Now, ladies! It's time to ensnare new clients! Tonight again, drown yourselves in love

to your heart's content!"

The crowd roared in approval. They were composed mostly of Amazons and contained

a wide range from pretty, adorable girls to mature, sensual women. Ishtar looked

down at their enthralling, lust-inspiring faces and couldn't help but grin.

Her words were the signal for all the prostitutes to move out onto the streets. Some

tried to get customers on looks alone, others called out to passing men, or still more

directly approached the males who met their approval. The men had no idea that they

were being hunted. Their thirst for pleasure emptied their wallets, spread

information, relieved them of prized possessions, and surrendered their hearts to be

devoured by the women in the brothels.

Like the ancient capital of old, built on decadence and immorality, this place was now

alive with the celebration of hedonism and pleasures.

"Aisha, let's get moving… Before all the hunky ones get taken!"

"Ahh, right behind you."

An Amazonian woman responded to one of her kin. She walked the streets of the Night

District, her long, toned legs bathed in moonlight until she stopped and looked back.

The atmosphere within Orario's red-light district was foreign and exotic, unlike

anywhere else in the city.

The brothels were designed to look like those from an island country far away. The

red pillars and walls were brilliant and flashy, drawing in anyone who saw them. The

Amazonian woman stood for a moment and admired one of the villas highlighted by

the lights. Narrowing her eyes to hide her own pity, her long black hair fluttered

behind her as she turned to rejoin her friend.

She strode past a window in front of one of the brothels where several prostitutes

were lined up, waiting for customers.

Many young women had gathered in a chamber that was open to the street; only a

lattice barrier separated them from the street as they called out to passersby, smiling

and inviting them inside charmingly with friendly waves and finger curls.


Amid the prostitutes advertising their goods, there was one girl who sat quietly in the

corner of the chamber.

Unlike the other women around her, she sat with her knees together and lips closed.

Her cute, supple features and presence were enough to attract the attention of

potential customers. Wearing a kimono—said to be the traditional garb of that island

nation—underneath a traditional red bridal robe, her delicate body stood out like a


She had straight golden hair with green eyes, as well as a bushy tail of the same color

as her hair.

With long, fox-like ears, the girl was absolutely stunning.

The only accessory she was adorned with was a black collar around her neck as she

looked out from the chamber that served as her prison.

A cloud in the night sky shifted, allowing a moonbeam to cast its light upon her. She

quietly whispered to herself.

"Seven more days…"