
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Sir_Smurf · Fantasy
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195 Chs

A Tearful and Painful Festival Eve

Another autumn morning has arrived. This is the time of year when you can feel the

sun gradually coming out later and later with every sunrise.

I set off from home and head toward The Benevolent Mistress in order to ask Syr

directly about the letter from yesterday.

"Still, though, where do I even start…?" I murmur to myself while walking through the

mostly empty streets.

What did she mean by a date? Not just going out to play, but a real date? Is she just

playing a trick on me?

It's not like I can ask her something like that so bluntly. And for some reason, it sort of

feels like I shouldn't bring it up in the first place.

I'll be far less anxious if this is all just a misunderstanding, and she tells me, "Huh? Silly

Bell, getting such wild ideas just from reading the word 'date.' I'm sorry for confusing

you. I didn't think you were such a child. You really are cute."

…On second thought, that would be extremely painful in its own way.

With still no idea what I should do, I peer down at the letter in my right hand. I can't

help focusing on the fact that she asked me out by letter of all things, and now I'm

getting oddly nervous. If that was the intended effect… then I don't think I will ever be

a match for Syr.

I would never have felt like this if she had mentioned it during one of our usual chats

at the tavern. It would have been like the first time we met, when she made me promise

to visit. I'm sure I would've just smiled and accepted it while thinking how unfair she

can be.

"…It's already been six months since then, huh…?"

I pause in the middle of the street, staring up at Babel towering in the sky. My first

run-in with Syr happened on a morning just like this. It had been a bit earlier in the

day. I remember the spring sun barely peeking over the city walls. Since then, the air

has taken on a chill, and it's a cool, autumn sun shining down on me now.

Between then and now… how much have we changed?

"…Anyway, I should go see her. No point dwelling on it!"

Wallowing in my thoughts isn't my style. I shake my head and clench my fist.

Right, delaying things won't make anything better. Just need to be brave and push on,

like an adventurer should. I like to think I've made at least a little bit of improvement

since back then.

Nodding to myself, I start running through the streets, leaving my hesitation behind. I

dash onto West Main Street where The Benevolent Mistress stands.


That's the moment someone catches me.

A single hand reaches out from the narrow alley, covers my mouth, and somehow

drags me into the shadows.

I can't break free!

I'm shaken by the realization that even with my Level 4 status, I'm helpless against the

grip of a single slender arm. No one notices my sudden disappearance as I'm pulled

farther and farther into the dark alley.

Everything seems to happen several times faster than normal as the hand clasped

around my face holds me up in the air—hey, that hurts! My face and neck feel like

they're going to break at any moment!

I can't even scream because right now, my mouth is still being held shut. After shouting

dozens of times in my head, I'm thrown to the ground in a deserted alleyway.

"Hgh! Wh-what wa…?!"

My head keeps spinning as I sit up. Then the moment I look up, I completely forget

everything I was about to say.

Standing before me is the kidnapper(?) himself.

He's wearing black combat gear that completely covers his entire body, which only

highlights the white cloth tied around his waist and the white cape on his back, both

embroidered with gold. His outfit seems more suited to a mage than a rough-andtumble adventurer, or maybe even a cleric in formal attire for a festival. And his limbs

are incredibly slender. It's hard to believe he lifted me up single-handedly.

But what catches my attention most are the elven ears peeking out from his long blond

hair. His well-proportioned, scholarly face is unmistakably that of an elf.


I'm on the verge of yelling, my mouth sputtering like mad as he adjusts his glasses,

staring down at me all the while.

"Don't make a fuss. If you shout, I'll crush your throat."

My throat?!

I turn pale, realizing that isn't an idle threat. He could really do it.

I start to tremble like a cornered rabbit under his gaze.

"I'm taking you away now. You have no right to object," he explains simply.

It is such an extreme statement that I don't know how to respond.

That's just a natural reaction, though. In Orario, this man is undoubtedly top class

when it came to strength.

Even I know his face.

"H-Hedin Selrand…"

Also known as Hildsleif—one of Freya Familia's first-tier adventurers!

I've been kidnapped—or at least pulled along so fast that normal people wouldn't be

able to keep up—to a place surprisingly close to Hestia Familia's current home.

We're currently in the sixth district in the southwest quarter.

More specifically, we're sitting inside the chic Wish Cafe , located at the corner of a

complex bottleneck.

"The black tea here is delicious. I come here often in my free time."

Hedin, the first-tier adventurer who brought me here, is holding his teacup and

sipping at his warm tea elegantly, as if there's nothing amiss.

"Best of all, I've become well acquainted with the owner. It is far more accommodating

than noisier, less refined venues. Take now, for instance."

The cafe has been completely cleared out, leaving just Hedin and me and the

bespectacled elven proprietor behind the counter who seems to be reading a book

without a care in the world. As if what is going on between us is of no concern to him.

The CLOSED FOR BUSINESS sign had been out on the door even before we entered the

shop, so maybe this is all according to plan.

The interior is on the small side, but it's tastefully decorated, with flowers and plants

placed all around. Many thick, complicated-looking books spill from the wooden

shelves lining the walls. The building itself is wood as well, lending the space an

atmosphere that many elves would appreciate.

The truth is, I've been here once—no, twice before. The first time was with Hermes

and Mikoto to talk about buying Haruhime's freedom. And the second time was when

Finn had sounded me out about proposing to Lilly.

Unlike either of those visits, I'm more tense than I've ever been before. The reason is

obvious, I guess. One of the strongest adventurers in the city with whom I've basically

never really spoken before dragged me here under the threat of violence.

"U-ummm… so what business did you have with me…?" I ask nervously, my tongue

threatening to trip over itself.

Sitting across the beautifully crafted table, Hedin sets his teacup down on a saucer and

fixes his coral-red eyes on me.

"It has to do with Lady Syr, of course."

I gulp without thinking. It was just a hunch, but I sort of had a feeling that might be it.

Ho rn delivered the letter just yesterday, too.

But Lady Syr…

"U-umm, is Syr… somehow connected to Freya Familia?"

After counting Hedin here, plus the incident with Vana Freya, it seems pretty clear that

several of their familia's highest-level members have some kind of connection to Syr.

Guard duty, honorifics… It's almost like they're treating her like a princess.

Who in the world is Syr really?

I can't help wondering even though I had never really thought about it before.

"That's not something you need to know."

And my question is curtly shot down.

The sharp gaze staring me down is overwhelming.

"Besides, what would you do if you knew? Even if she had some sort of secret, would

you treat her differently because of it?"

I'm taken aback. His pointed questions force me to think hard on the matter.

He's right… even if I knew how she was connected to Freya Familia, would that really

change anything?

—No, it wouldn't.

It wouldn't change what she's given me or how she's helped me. I answer with

complete sincerity.

"No… I would never do that."

My lips move on their own, revealing how I truly feel.

Is that an answer that will satisfy him? Hedin scoffs, but he doesn't berate me any


"I'm aware you've received a letter from her. And that you've somehow been chosen

for a rendezvous during the Goddess Festival. As such, I've come to judge you."

Seems like we've finally reached the main topic at hand, though it's clear he thinks this

is all a huge waste of his time. It feels like each and every word that comes out of his

mouth is a barb aimed directly at me. It's bad enough that I start to shudder, but…

what does he mean "judge" me?

J-judge me how?


He does nothing but stare at me.

"Wh-what is it?" I ask, bewildered.

His eyes are already drilling holes into me, but he doesn't let up. Right when I can

barely stand it any longer, he begins.

"You are lacking in character. Your conduct is crude. The exact opposite of refinement.

An utter rube."


"Your speech is unbearable on the ears. Your lack of sophistication is plain to see."


"And more than anything, that expression of yours is utterly idiotic. It's a source of

irritation even just sitting across from you like this. If I were a woman, I would spit

upon the very idea of a tryst with you, vulgar as it might be. I would scoff at the very



A sudden storm of critiques!

My body crumples like he pummeled my gut. If a beautiful elven lady had told me that

so bluntly, it would've ruined me!

Hedin props his head up, his elbow on the armrest and his legs crossed. This must be

what it feels to have a king pass judgment on you. And all that with an utterly

disappointed gaze, making it clear he's found me lacking.

Agh, this is soooo bad! I just wanna die!

"…However, she is the one who chose you. It is not my place to object," he adds. That

last bit seemed more for himself than me.

Adjusting his glasses, Hedin resumes his interrogation.

"What do you intend to wear on the day of? What are your specific plans for the event?

Have you settled on any places to visit with her yet?"

"Eh? Eh?!"

"I'm telling you to lay out your plans to please Lady Syr, you simpleton. Is your mind

dimmer than a brute's?"

There's no respite.

His words are scathing! This is on a whole other level from Lilly's scolding! What did

I do to deserve this?!

W-wait, more importantly…!

"Hold on a minute, please! I haven't even decided yet whether to accept—?!"

"Fool. As if you ever had a choice. You may only weep in joy at the honor you've been


"Weep in what?!"

"If I were forced to phrase it as a choice, then your options are to either offer Lady Syr

the greatest joy this mortal realm has to offer or otherwise grant her eternal happiness.

One or the other."

"Aren't they the same thing?!"

That's not even a choice!

I have no idea what to make of the outrageous situation I've found myself in—but then

Hedin's expression goes still.

"If, perchance, you are fool enough to turn down her invitation, both you and all of

Hestia Familia will be erased."


The elven shopkeeper is still just reading his book, entirely undisturbed by either that

cold pronouncement or my shout.

I bet this is how it feels to be a villager kneeling before a king's throne and getting the

death sentence. The blood drains from my face, and it feels like the end of the world

has arrived.

The white elf sitting there dignified and composed as he delivers that pronouncement

—that's the epitome of a tyrant.

He's serious. He really means it!

There's no doubt that Freya Familia's full power would be able to wipe me (and the

rest of the familia) off the face of the earth!

I can't say no!

Before even getting a chance to talk with Syr herself, it's already been decided for me

that I'm taking her out on a date!

"Her wish is equivalent to the goddess's divine will," Hedin says as a swirl of emotions

crosses my face. "If she desires it, we shall move as her arms and legs. Even if it would

mean becoming pariahs, we would still do it from the shadows."

It was almost like he's swearing an oath, shutting off any possible route of escape for


I can't stop sweating.

An overwhelming sense of danger wells up inside me.

I have a dream. A person I'm chasing after.

If I go on a date without even mentioning that—i-it'd be bad!

That might just be a line that can't be uncrossed…!

"U-um?! There is someone I—"

That instant, his right hand clamps down on my face faster than lightning can strike.


"Don't make me repeat myself, you buffoon," he says, standing up as he lifts me out of

my chair, legs dangling underneath me. "On the day of the rendezvous, all you need to

do is look at Lady Syr and no one else. Attachment to other women or even imagining

the face of anyone other than Lady Syr will not be tolerated. Such vulgar thoughts are

unnecessary. Think of nothing but her. There is nothing beyond pleasing her. She is the

very center of your little world right now."

I kick my legs haplessly like a rabbit grabbed by its ears, but it's no use! I can't do

anything as Hedin unleashes a stream of terrifying warnings.

He swings his arm out to the side, sending me rolling across the floor as I squawk in

surprise. Looking up, I see an elf far more terrifying than any monster staring down at

me with an ice-cold gaze.

"I suppose it's no use. As I suspected, merely evaluating you won't be enough. Your

mindset, your understanding of the proper way to escort a lady—everything will need

to be remodeled."

"Wait, what does that mean?!"

"For the five days from now until the festival, you won't have spare time even for sleep."

"I—I have things to do with my familia, though…!"

"Fool. Which is more important, Lady Syr or playing family with your so-called friends?"

Argh, it's no good! Words can't get through to him! He's just like Lyu—an elf who holds

fast no matter what!

A shadow falls across me as I lay collapsed helplessly on the ground. Tears well up in

my eyes and the blood drains from my cheeks, but he pays no heed as he delivers his


"I will demonstrate my loyalty. Nothing more and nothing less. Prepare yourself."


"Has Bell not come back yet?! It's night already!"

"He headed out for the tavern this morning. We looked all around for him, but…"

"Lilly went to The Benevolent Mistress! But they said Mr. Bell hadn't come by today…!

Ms. Syr seemed to be genuinely unaware of anything!"

"I asked Lady Aisha, but they couldn't find him anywhere, either…!"

"Where the heck did you go, Beeeeell?!"

"Lady Hestia! A letter addressed from Bell has arrived!"

"Really, Mikoto?! Let me see it!"

In order to save our familia, I've decided to take Syr out on a date.

Please don't come looking for me.


"Do you want us to search for you or not?!"

"What does taking Syr out on a date have to do with saving the familia?!"

"I've got a bad feeling about this…! Ms. Haruhime, reach out to Lord Miach and Lord

Takemikazuchi with a rabbit-search request, please! It's urgent!"

"Y-yes, ma'am!"

"I've got a bad feeling about this…"

Hestia Familia's home was in an uproar beneath the moonlight when their pet rabbit

failed to come home.

In the end, Bell Cranell was not found until the day of the festival.

Dear Gramps,

I used to like pretty elves, but now I think they're scary.

Elves Scary

I have learned what it truly means to be cornered. It got so bad that even basic

thoughts vanished as soon as they appeared in my mind. Miss Eina's lessons, Aiz's

training, and Lyu's morning practice all seem like cute little games compared to the

hell I had to go through.

There can't be anything worse than remodeling.

"Your posture is miserable. Tighten your core. Now watch yourself in the mirror while

practicing your enunciation. We are working on both your articulation and your


"Good morning Syr good afternoon Syr good evening Syr you look pretty Syr you look

cute Syr you look beautiful Syr Syr Syr please save me Syr."

"Is that ugly expression supposed to pass for a smile?"


I'm standing in front of a mirror reciting the same lines over and over while Hedin

constantly checks my posture and smile. He also consistently kicks me once every ten

seconds or so. My mind is breaking down. It's getting harder and harder to differentiate

between the increasingly worn-down me in the mirror and the real me.

"I'm going to drill all ten books of elven scriptures into that head of yours. You have

two hours. Tie the relevant information to your interest in heroes. You'll understand

faster if you project the characters that appear onto yourself."

"Yes, Master! Understood, Master!"

"Quiet. You're too loud."

"Ngh?!… Understood, Master!!"

Hedin's orders are absolute. The only response I'm allowed is "Yes, sir!" or "Understood,

sir!" He didn't demand it or anything, but I sort of naturally ended up calling him


"For the remaining three days, you will hole up here in the Dungeon. You will devote

your everything to hunting monsters and women."


"What are you imagining now, you degenerate?"

"Agh?! I-I'm sorry, sir!"

His training regimen is entirely dedicated to all there is to know about dates. The

maxims are that women cost money, so naturally a date will incur expenses; that

suggesting a date that doesn't cost any money is a doomed plan from the outset; and

that "spending money is the most efficient way to demonstrate your sincerity." These

lessons were drilled into me so intensely that I wanted to cry. As a dating amateur, I

hunted and hunted and hunted monsters to amass funds to cover the date's expected

costs (I'm so sorry, any monsters who might become Xenos). And along the way, I

targeted female adventurers.

"I'm going to send a pass parade toward that party of women. You will save them

gallantly. We'll use the suspension-bridge effect."

"But that's just wrong, Master!"

"I will have you cultivate the resolve necessary to please Lady Syr, no matter what it

takes, imbecile."


"You are too inexperienced with women. Learn how to touch, how to laugh, how to

lead. If they find you likable above a certain threshold, they also won't be on guard

against you."

Real-world training involves escorting women adventurers. My conscience is killing

me, but I feign innocence while saving all the women adventurers hit by Master's pass

parades. I rescue them gallantly just like he told me to and then, filled with guilt, I flex

every bit of the gentlemanly behavior he beat into me and watch as the adventurers

who were initially screaming in fear start to blush.

"Are you all okay? You aren't hurt, are you?"

"R-Rabbit Foot?!" "What?! No way! The record holder?!"

"Number one on the Promising Futures List, number three on the Marry Into Money

Early! List, and number seven on the Please Call Me 'Big Sister' List?! That Bell


What is she even talking about…?

This is also training to be ready for every possible sort of reaction. There are differing

levels of sensitivity to consider, as well as potentially irrational behavior, irregulars,

and more that I have to effectively handle. I use everything Master taught me in this

series of real-world tests. I do it again and again and again with so, so many people.

The meaning of service and devotion is hammered into me. These lessons are more

difficult, more embarrassing, and more painful to handle than Master's fist of


"You know, I had you pegged all wrong, Rabbit Foot! Who knew you were such a nice


"And so naive! There's this innocence that shines through every once in a while! Plus

the way you get embarrassed, it's like you're trying to make us fall for you!"

"Umm… Just once is okay, but could you please call me 'big sister'? Hah… hah…"

"Ahh, ha-ha-ha-ha… W-well then, we've reached the twelfth floor, so you should be

okay from here, right?"

"Yep! Thanks for coming along with us, Rabbit Foot!"

"We can make it back by ourselves if it's just the upper floors!"

To wrap it all up, this is to practice seeing women off at the end of the date. Bringing

your date safely home after the first date and whatnot.

"…Hey, wait a minute? Are you free tonight?"


"…! Since you helped us out, I was thinking it would be nice to pay you back somehow!"

"Yeah, yeah! We were thinking…"

"""Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?"""

"Ah, thank you, but my familia is strict about its curfew. My goddess will get upset."

"—Soldiers of lightning."


Training to not disappoint women. Whenever a woman's opinion of me drops,

Master's ultra-short-cast lightning bolt isn't far behind.

Training, training, training… it's all training. There isn't a single moment to spare, and

I'm not even allowed to sleep. Every lesson is crammed and beaten into me, and if I

make any mistakes, I get kicked, roasted, and yelled at over and over as I get remodeled.

The crunch is so intense, I don't even have time to feel sick. I can confidently say these

past five days have been the most grueling I've ever experienced.

And at long last, there's only one more to go.

"For your final lesson, you will narrow down your target and perform a dry run for the

festival. The training ground will be Rivira. It is offensive to do so, but you are to treat

whatever riffraff you decide upon as a hypothetical Lady Syr."

"Y-yes, Master… understood…"

We've come to the safety point of the middle floors—the eighteenth floor's Under


I almost broke into tears when I spotted the brilliant gleam coming from the crystals,

reminding me of the light of the surface.

At this point, I've been carrying on for five whole days without a wink of sleep, plus

my body is worn out and beaten up. As an upper-class adventurer, the psychological

exhaustion is more concerning than the physical aches. Forcing myself to keep going

for so long has pushed me to the brink of mental collapse. I can't even measure the

passage of time anymore.

The only warning I get before being kicked into a forest spring is "You stink." Not that

it's a new observation, but Hedin really is merciless. As soon as I'm out, Master douses

me in cologne and only then do I finally set foot in Rivira itself.

"Currently, there is a sweet treat being sold only here in Rivira: the Tapioca Deluxe

Hyper Dungeon Sandwich."

"Hy-per… what? Tapi…? Deluxe…?"

"Incidentally, it's an absurd product that will only be sold to couples."


"Additionally, the couple may be two men or two women."

"I'm so confused!"

"The shop's owner has been blathering on about 'Is it wrong to look for heartwarming

moments in the Dungeon?'"

I have so many things I want to ask that I don't really know where to begin. I guess all

this research was done beforehand, since Master is giving the instructions so easily

without a reference.

"You are to engage the next woman you encounter and go buy it. Then the two of you

are to eat together and share your dishes with each other."

"Are you serious?!"

"I told you this will be a hypothetical date with Lady Syr, did I not? During your tryst,

you will undoubtedly be out walking around and eating at some point. You need to

familiarize yourself. Put another way, if you can convince her to be comfortable doing

that with you, then she has let you into her heart. After that, you will perform a dry

run of the date here in this town."

I'm horrified by the task I've been given. I'm not that good with sweet stuff to begin

with… not that I could get away with saying that now. I can't bring myself to go against

Master's wishes, and he wouldn't let me even if I tried. My head hangs in resignation.

After he orders me to begin, I steel my resolve and walk off alone. The target shop is

in the crystal plaza at the center of town. It has an elaborate and colorful billboard, so

there's no mistaking it.

"Huh…? B-Bell?!"

"Eh? Cassandra?"

To my surprise, I run right into Cassandra and Daphne from Miach Familia.

"What are doing here? Lilliluka and the others are worried about you," Daphne asks.

"Ah… ha-ha-ha… I was forced into taking on something you could call a quest…" I

struggle to get my words out.

I can't exactly say that I'm training for my date in the Dungeon without running the

risk of letting Syr find out what I'm doing…

They look confused, but I hurriedly change the topic.

"Why are the two of you here?"

"Ah, Cassandra had this treat she reeeally wanted to try and she just wouldn't give it a

rest. Hyper something deluxe or whatever… Anyway, we came here looking for that,

since the Goddess Festival starts tomorrow."

"W-wait, it's not what you think! I swear I'm not a glutton, Bell!"

"You were insanely excited to try it with double extra cream, weren't you?"


Cassandra blushes and her eyes water as she keeps hitting Daphne. I laugh awkwardly

as I watch them, but then I have a thought.

"Why don't we buy one together?"

"…Eh? Ehhhh?!"

Master said to invite the next woman I met, and it looks like we are both after the same

thing. And maybe doing this exercise with someone I know will make it easier on me,


It's almost funny how taken aback Cassandra is by the suggestion.

"U-umm, they only let c-c-couples buy the Dungeon Sandwich… th-that was why I

asked Daphne to… the t-two of us… a couple…?"

"The truth is I've been wanting to try it out, too… Or would you prefer not to go with


The courteous smile Master had hammered into me comes out instinctively. All of a

sudden, there's a pop and Cassandra's face turns bright red. I only have a moment to

flinch before she starts nodding her head enthusiastically.

"I'll go with you! Please! Let's! I'd love to!"

"I-in that case…"

My eyes dart back and forth nervously as Cassandra and I head to the shop. And for

some reason, Daphne is following along as well, looking amazed as she watches us.

The shop is all wood, and the shopkeeper is a big man, even bigger than Bors. His face

is gruffer than I would have imagined for someone selling a dessert called a hyper

whatever, but when he sees us walk in, he looks us up and down—or rather, he studies

Cassandra, who covers her red face with her hands and groans—and then looks away

with a laugh and says, "You pass."

What's even going on…?

I use my familia emblem to order two extra-large sandwiches.

Ugh…! I thought it would be something crazy based on the name, but this is way bigger

than I expected…!

There are honey clouds, goldenberries, and other fruits found in the Dungeon as well

as a dozen different creams and other ingredients squeezed between two pieces of

bread. It has so many ingredients that it would be slipping out on all sides if it weren't

for the paper wrapping. Glancing over at Cassandra, who asked for an order with

double cream and red bean jam, I see her eyes sparkling like a child's.

Then, noticing my amazement—or maybe misunderstanding it—she looks at our two

sandwiches and blushes as she holds hers out.

"W-would you like to try mine?"

Cute. She is so cute blushing like that, but… my cheek twitches.

All that sweetness is going to kill me. I was planning to gently turn down her offer, but

I can't. I notice Master's merciless gaze out of the corner of my eye ordering me to do


I honestly want to cry a little as I ready myself. Summoning my strength, I gently take

her hand and bring the sandwich toward my mouth.


Keeping a hold of Cassandra's hand, I take a bite.

My face is hot. I am so embarrassed even my ears are burning. And Cassandra is just

as red. But thanks to that, I don't really notice the sweetness, and I'm somehow able

to swallow it down.

Cassandra's eyes are wide, and she looks like steam might pour out of her ears at any


"…Would you like to try?"


"Try mine, I mean…"

It is impossibly embarrassing, but I can feel Master's eyes stabbing into my back,

ordering me to land the follow-up attack. My face is crimson as I hold out my Dungeon

sandwich. Cassandra, after taking a second to de-petrify, purses her lips and then

opens them slightly.

"A… ahhhh."

She takes a small bite of cream. She is quiet while she chews. And also red.

There's a little bit of cream on her cheek.

—Something like this happened at Monsterphilia with my goddess, too.

Feeling a sense of de ja vu, I reach out naturally and wipe the cream off her cheek with

my finger. Do not allow shame to befall the woman you're escorting. That was what

Hedin had taught me.

"—My cheek was licked by a rabbit—the prediction was truuuuuuuuuuuuuuue…"

"Wh-what?! Cassandra?!"

Suddenly, she passes out without any warning.

I immediately catch her as she collapses, holding her soft body. I guess she reached

her embarrassment limit, because she fainted and fell right into my arms.

"Don't give me a heart attack…" Daphne says wearily.

"What a pushover. But that's fine, too," the shopkeeper says, a big smile on his face as

he closes his eyes.

"This isn't any use for practice," Hedin says as he calmly prepares his next plan.

The ground was lit by bright moonlight.

A solemn mood lingered in Orario after the conclusion of Elegia, but privately,

excitement and anticipation were starting to build.

The Goddess Festival was only one day away, making this the eve before the festival.


Lyu had rolled up her sleeves and was quietly washing dishes at The Benevolent


She stood in place with her head down as she quickly performed the task with a

practiced hand.

Dish after dish after dish…

"How long are you going to keep washing, foolish girl?"


A boulder-like fist came down on Lyu's head.

Spinning around, she saw the tavern's towering dwarf owner, Mia.

"M-Mama Mia…?"

"The shop's been closed awhile now. How many times do you have to rinse the dishes

before you'll feel better?"

"Eh…?" Lyu was taken aback by that.

The lights in the tavern had already been dimmed, and she was all alone in the back.

The mountain of stacked plates had already disappeared, and Lyu had been working

from left to right and back, repeatedly rinsing them in an endless loop. She stared at

her hands in shock.

"What are you so preoccupied with to do something so stupid? Sheesh… Did you revert

to the good-for-nothing you were back when I first hired you?"


Mia sighed heavily. Lyu couldn't muster any response, though, having done something

so shameful.

Her pale cheeks took on a slightly reddish tint, an expression of embarrassment she

would never show in front of Bell or the others.

Lyu had been almost lifeless all day, or rather for the past five days. And it had gotten

worse the closer the festival came. Even without anyone else telling her, Lyu knew fully

well why.

"If even you're like this, then I'm worried what'll happen once the festival actually

arrives. What a mess. And that airhead even said she was planning to go out and play…"

Mia sighed in annoyance.

Lyu was surprised. As her coworker's face sprang to mind, Lyu spoke up before she

had time to think.

"…Will you let her go, Mama Mia?"

Mia glanced back at her.

"Do you want me to stop her?"

It was a simple question, but Lyu felt like someone had just closed a hand around her


"N-no! I don't want to get in Syr's way! I'd never…! It's just…"

Just… what?

She had no idea how to put everything in her heart into words. Her feelings were like

a fairy dancing off in some faraway woods. If she followed, it would simply disappear.

Still, Lyu had enough presence of mind to notice she had been trembling for some time

now. She did not want to lose either Syr's smile or Bell's presence in her life.

I really did betray my friend…

She remembered what Syr had asked her just a few days ago.

I really did fall for Bell…

And finally she came to terms with her feelings.

This was what had been driving her crazy ever since she had returned from the


She had refused to admit it before, and this was quite possibly the worst time to do so.

The sweet, warm feeling that should have been making her heart ache was more like

an iceberg rising from the freezing ocean's depths. Now, she had no idea how to face

either Bell or Syr.

Lyu squeezed her suddenly chilly arms.

"…You really are the same hardheaded elf you were before. Five years and still nothing's

changed," Mia muttered in exasperation.


"You could learn a little something from us dwarves, you know."

Saying that, she pulled a bottle out of one of the cabinets and pushed it into Lyu's arms.

It took Lyu a moment to realize it was one of Mia's fruit liqueurs that she had been

saving for a special occasion.


"Have yourself a drink and then hurry off to bed. Dwelling on it like that is just a waste

of time."

A nightcap?

Realizing that Mia was showing concern in her own way, Lyu was struck by an

indescribable feeling that came with unbidden memories of a mother she had

forgotten some time ago. Her sky-blue eyes quivered, and her heart felt just a bit lighter.

"…If I could stop her, then I'd pin her down even if I had to tie her up, though. It's clear

as day that stupid girl's being unreasonable."


"Picking up where we left off," Mia groused. "Also, the most dangerous one isn't her.

It's the people around her."


"I'm saying there's no telling what all those overprotective dumbasses who hover over

that foolish girl might do. If they cause problems for my tavern, I'll duke it out with

'em to the end, but it wouldn't be worth much. Pisses me off how little it'd do."

Mia was practically talking to herself as she furrowed her brow and glared off in the

direction of Babel. Lyu looked up in surprise as the dwarven barkeep swiveled back


"Anyway, that fool isn't here."

And then she jabbed Lyu's chest with her fat finger.

"And you won't get off the hook easy if you skip out, ya hear?"

"Is there any way we can skip work tomeowrow during the festival?!"

Ahnya's voice rang out.

It was late in the night by the time they had finished work for the day and closed up

the tavern.

Unaware of Lyu's anguish, Ahnya, Chloe, and Runoa were having a secret meeting in

the adjoining building.

"I can't help wondering what Syr and white-hair are going to do meow! Plus I want to

try lots of tasty fruits and stuff at the festival, too!"

"I'm pretty sure that's what you're really after."

Ahnya roared indignantly as Runoa gave her a dubious look. But then Runoa sighed

and muttered:

"It is a big event and I know it'll be busy at the tavern… but still, working straight

through all three days of the festival is rough. There's no time off scheduled, either…"

The Goddess Festival was one of Orario's most extravagant, lively holidays. Unlike

Monsterphilia, which was centered more in Orario's east, in the second district where

the amphitheater was, the upcoming festivities would happen all throughout the city.

Food stalls were not the only attractions, either. The Benevolent Mistress and all the

other pubs and bars would undoubtedly be a sight to see.

"Mama Mia's gonna work us to death! Meow!"

"To tie down freedom-loving cats, aaaah, knowing not the fear of god! Dwarves are

truly terrifying creatures! Just work Runoa to the bone and leave this cat out of it!"

"I'll whup your ass."

The three girls were getting fairly worked up. Ahnya grumbled, Chloe beseeched the

very heavens, and Runoa readied a fist.

The tavern was already home to a colorful cast of characters, but these three were

particularly problematic, and it went without saying that Mia was heaping work onto

them as punishment. However, that possibility never crossed their minds.

The three of them tried to pool their knowledge as they devised ways to sneak away

from the tavern and tail Syr and Bell on their date.

"We're going to need help to keep track of them. With enough hands, the tavern can

get by even if we disappear, meaning no one will notice immediately. Probably. Maybe.

So, if we hire people for a part-time shift, we should be able to safely get away during

a break…"

"We don't have the money to hire someone for that, meow. And Mama Mia isn't

planning on hiring any part-timers, either! Stupid Runoa!"

"I'm seriously gonna send you flying! The whole point of this is to try to figure out

some way of dealin' with that problem, isn't it?!"

For various reasons, all three of them were indebted to Mia and their pay was so low

that it was comparable to a certain part-timer goddess's.

Then, right as Runoa started winding up her arm in anger at being called an idiot by

Ahnya, who was known as the "idiot cat" by her coworkers—

"—Basically, what we need is a sacrifice who will do what we say, meow."

The black cat grinned viciously.

"…Do you have something in mind?"

"I'm sure it's just another sleazy idea…"

Runoa and Ahnya turned a dubious gaze on their villainous colleague, who had a

devilish glint in her eyes.

Chloe touched her finger to her lips as she grinned wickedly.

"I've got a surefire plan, meow."

"Is this for the best, Milady?" Ottar asked.

His patron goddess was relaxing in her room on the top floor of Babel, standing in the

center of the city.

The night sky was dark, making it easy to spot the glimmering moon from the summit

of the giant tower that was the city's landmark.

Freya lounged in her luxurious chair, enjoying some wine as she looked out the window.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Regarding the Goddess Festival."

"…You heard from Ho rn?"

"Yes, Milady." Ottar nodded.

The head chamberlain who adored the goddess was not present. Her primary role was

to attend to Freya, not to converse with her. She preemptively took care of any duties

that would be inappropriate for members of the opposite sex like Ottar to handle. She

was surely in a position where she could come in with an attendant if Freya rang her


When Freya was enjoying her wine and looking out over Orario at moments like this,

it was Ottar's task to remain at her side. He would go along with her whims, reply with

short but honest responses, and from time to time provide recommendations or

admonitions. That was both a duty and an honor only afforded him, as captain of the


Ordinarily, he would never broach a topic himself, but just this once, he pressed the


"I heard that… it is a contest to see which of you will win Bell Cranell."

"A contest, huh? It is a rather aggressive stance for her, isn't it?"

"…Did you really accept that challenge, Milady?"

"Yes. She said that she had been drawn to Bell, too, after all. What a surprise…"

Freya chuckled as if there was something amusing about that development.

Ottar remained silent. His reflection was clear in the window's single, seamless pane

of glass, his expression plainly one of doubt as to whether that was really the correct


"A reflection? Something shared? Or perhaps a link? Does her heart follow mine?"

"…I could not even begin to imagine."

"I suppose not."

Freya did not seem at all bothered as she raised the glass to her lips.

Ottar attempted to continue the conversation.

"Allen and the others have expressed their displeasure with regards to the festival."

"It's just Allen's usual chatter, right? Tell him I said to go along with Syr's game."

"Yes, Milady."

"I suppose it would be a waste of time to say you don't need to provide any


"Yes, Milady. If you could forgive this one transgression."

"Fine, fine. I don't know how many of you are planning to drop in, but keep it to just

children who are second-tier or higher. It should be fine to leave the command to

Hedin, right?"

"That should be sufficient, Milady."

A practical, businesslike confirmation. Stalling before touching upon the main topic.

Ottar hesitated in his heart, but steeled himself to question her divine will.

"What is it that you desire, Milady?"

Freya did not immediately respond. The cool moonlight filtering through the glass

window illuminated her immaculate form. After a moment's pause, she gave her


"My wish is unchanged," she said. "I will make Bell mine, no matter what it takes. That

is all."

That was her divine will. That was her wish.

In which case, all there was for Ottar to do was close his mouth and stand there in


"Ottar. Whose side are you on?"


"She approached you for support, didn't she?"

The goddess's eyes saw all. It was impossible to lie in the presence of a deity. Ottar

considered remaining silent, but he realized that to do so in this situation would be no

different from acknowledgment.

"All that I do, I do for your sake, Milady."

"You know, the way you say that makes it sound like you might cooperate with her if

it were for my sake."

Such things are beyond my control.

And this time, Ottar closed his eyes, neither confirming nor denying, simply admitting

his defeat.

The silver-haired goddess giggled as she raised her glass in the pale moonlight.

"The harvest festival is usually so boring… I wonder how it will go this year.

"Even I'm not certain."

The goddess made one last comment as she let her thoughts turn to the unknown.