
Is It Wrong to Try Studying Arcane Magic in a Dungeon?

Haruka Fujimoto, an ordinary high school teenager, dies and is reincarnated as Althea, the twin sister of Ais Wallenstein, in the magical world of Danmachi. Joining the Loki Familia, Althea must adapt to her new life, discover her magical abilities, and uncover the mysteries of her past. Alongside her familia members, she embarks on quests, battles foes, and forms deep bonds. As Althea's journey progresses, she transforms into a resilient mage, facing a climactic battle that reveals her true power and destiny. This captivating story explores themes of identity, family, and purpose within the enchanting realm of Danmachi.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Dreams of Connected Past

As the sun began its descent, signaling the end of another eventful day, Ais and I bid each other goodnight before retreating to our separate bedrooms.

Exhaustion washed over me after a grueling training session, and all I craved was the solace of my bed and the embrace of sleep.

With a deep sigh, I surrendered to the weight of my eyelids, and soon enough, the dream world welcomed me once again.

This dream had become a frequent visitor, replaying itself countless times.

However, tonight held a surprise, a twist in the tale that awaited me.


To my astonishment, I found myself immersed in a different perspective, no longer a mere observer from afar but as someone in the midst of the dream.

I opened my eyes to find myself sitting under the comforting shade of a solitary tree, its branches extending like protective arms.

"Althea..." a gentle voice called my name, and I turned to see the blonde woman, a recurring character in my dreams, sitting beside me holding a book in her hands.

It was the first time I had seen her up close, and it felt both surreal and strangely comforting.

The woman tilted her head quizzically, her kind voice washing over me like a soothing melody. "What's wrong, my dear?"

A blush crept onto my cheeks as I tried to dismiss my thoughts. "Oh, it's nothing," I replied sheepishly, avoiding her gaze.

She chuckled, her laughter like a warm embrace. "Pay attention, Althea. I'm still teaching you the essence of magic," she playfully reminded me of our purpose in this dream.

I nodded, a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation swirling within me. Her presence felt familiar, like that of a caring mother.

"Listen, Althea," the woman said, her voice filled with love and wisdom. "Magic is a gift, a tool that can bring light to the world. Use it wisely and always remember to protect those you hold dear."

I listened like she said, absorbing her words with an open heart. Curiosity sparked within me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Can magic truly be used for good?"

A warm smile graced the blonde woman's face, her eyes shining with understanding. "Indeed, my dear. Magic is like a mirror. It reflects the intentions of its wielder. With a pure heart and noble intentions, magic can be a force for healing, protection, and harmony."

As the woman continued her teachings, another voice chimed in – a cheerful and childlike tone that I immediately recognized. "Mama, I want to be like Papa! I dream to become a skilled swordswoman!"

I turned my head and saw Ais, younger and livelier than ever, brimming with joy and emotion. It took a moment for the realization to sink in – the blonde woman was our mother.

Suddenly, a boisterous laugh echoed in the distance, and my eyes widened as I spotted a figure with black hair approaching us. My heart swelled with joy as I recognized him as our father.

Approaching Ais, Father's ebony locks shimmered in the sunlight as he handed her a gleaming longsword. "Take this, Ais, and train diligently. One day, you shall wield it with the grace and prowess like your old man."

Ais clutched the sword tightly, determination gleaming in her eyes. "I promise, Papa. I will train relentlessly and become the greatest swordswoman I can be!"

Our mother chuckles lightly and mutters sweetly, "Do your best, Ais."

Father looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. "And you, Althea, have your own path to forge. Embrace your magic and let it guide you."

I nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards our father.

The dream enveloped us in a warm embrace, as if time stood still. Love for my family swelled within my heart, acknowledging them as my pillars of strength who shaped me into the person I am today.

However, every cherished moment must eventually come to an end.

As the dream shifted, my mother and father turned their attention to us, their beloved daughters. Their gazes locked with ours, filled with love and care, as they imparted their wisdom.

"Althea, Ais, you are each other's closest confidants and unwavering allies," Mother spoke softly, her voice brimming with affection. "In both moments of triumph and adversity, remember to support and protect one another. That is the true strength of a family."

Father nodded, a proud smile gracing his face. "You are our legacy, our hope for the future. Together, you will face any challenges that come your way. Stay strong, my daughters."

With those heartfelt words, their bodies slowly dissipated into the darkness, leaving an emptiness in my heart. I couldn't bear for the dream to end, so I called out to them, pleading for them to stay.

"Wait! Please don't go! Mama! Papa!" I cried out desperately, hoping to prolong the precious moment.

But alas, the dream began to fade, slipping away like sand through my fingers, until everything turned to black. Yet, even as the dream dissolved, the love and lessons it conveyed remained etched in my heart.



With tears streaming down my face, I awoke from my slumber. I glanced out the window and noticed that the morning sky was unusually gray, matching the somber mood that lingered within me.

I couldn't help but reflect on the dream I had just experienced, contemplating its meaning and significance.

Was it possible that those were the memories of the real Althea Wallenstein, the person whose body I now inhabit?

The thought weighed heavily on my mind as I tried to make sense of the vivid images and emotions that had flooded my subconscious.

*knock* *knock*

While lost in contemplation, a knock on my bedroom door startled me. "Who is it?" I called out, my voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"It's me, Ais," came the response from the other side.

"Of course, come in," I replied, quickly wiping away my tears as she entered.

Ais entered the room, her stoic demeanor a stark contrast to the overwhelming emotions I had just experienced.

"What brings you here, Ais?" I asked, curious about her sudden visit.

Ais hesitated for a moment before meekly responding, "I had a dream."

My heart skipped a beat. A dream? Could it be possible?

"Tell me everything," I urged her, unable to hide my eagerness.

I wanted to know if our dreams were connected in some way, if there was a deeper significance to the visions that we had both witnessed.

Ais complied and began narrating her dream, the words flowing from her lips.

The more she spoke, the more it became clear – we had the same dream. I couldn't believe it, and yet, it felt inexplicably connected to the dream I just had.

Unable to contain my emotions any longer, I reached out and embraced Ais tightly, seeking solace in our shared experience. Startled, Ais pulled back slightly, confusion etched across her face.

"What's wrong, Althea?" she asked, genuine concern in her voice.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before I replied, "Ais, I had the same dream as you."

A mix of astonishment and disbelief washed over Ais's features as she processed my words. The realization slowly sank in, and a glimmer of understanding flickered in her eyes.

"We shared the same dream?" Ais whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

Nodding, I held her hand tightly, offering her reassurance. "Yes, Ais. It was as if we were reliving our past, experiencing the cherished memories we shared together."

Silence settled between us as we both tried to make sense of the inexplicable connection we shared through that dream. Our mother and father, the blonde woman, and the swordsman – they felt so real, so alive in that dream.

One thing was certain. This dream had brought Ais and me closer together, reinforcing the unbreakable bond between us as sisters.

As we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, I knew that we would face whatever challenges came our way, just like our parents had taught us in the dream.

"I'm glad we had this dream together," Ais finally said softly, breaking the silence.

"Me too," I replied, feeling a sense of comfort and belonging that I had never experienced before.

The mystery of the dream remained unsolved, but I knew that I wasn't alone in this journey. Ais and I would face it together, drawing strength from our shared dream and the love of our parents that transcended time and space.


"Although I want to see that award-winning smile of yours like in the past," I quipped, trying to lighten up the mood.

Ais separated herself from the hug, and a cute pout formed on her cute face as she looked at me. Her reaction had brought back the amusement I needed.

"What's wrong, Ais?" I asked, unable to resist her adorable pout.

She crossed her arms and huffed playfully. "You're making fun of me, Althea."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Oh, come on, Ais. I'm just trying to bring some levity to the situation. We had the same dream, remember? It's a bit surreal, isn't it?"

Ais's pout slowly transformed into a small smile, her stoic demeanor giving way to a touch of amusement. "Yeah, it is strange, but also kind of amazing."

I nodded, glad to see her smile. "Exactly! We experienced something extraordinary together, and it's something we can cherish."

She walked closer to me and bumped her shoulder against mine. "You're right, Althea. Let's make the most of this connection and face whatever comes our way, just like in the dream."

Dreams are the threads that connect the tapestry of our existence, weaving together the past, present, and future in a realm where imagination knows no bounds.

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