
Is It Wrong to Try Studying Arcane Magic in a Dungeon?

Haruka Fujimoto, an ordinary high school teenager, dies and is reincarnated as Althea, the twin sister of Ais Wallenstein, in the magical world of Danmachi. Joining the Loki Familia, Althea must adapt to her new life, discover her magical abilities, and uncover the mysteries of her past. Alongside her familia members, she embarks on quests, battles foes, and forms deep bonds. As Althea's journey progresses, she transforms into a resilient mage, facing a climactic battle that reveals her true power and destiny. This captivating story explores themes of identity, family, and purpose within the enchanting realm of Danmachi.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Bonds of Sisterhood

(Althea's POV)

As we stepped foot into the Twilight Manor, the chaotic events of the night still fresh in my mind, I knew I had to focus on taking care of Ais.

The poor girl was still unconscious, her breathing steady but her face showing signs of discomfort. I carried her on my back, carefully navigating through the hallways towards her room.

"Easy there, Ais. We're home now," I whispered, trying to reassure her even though she couldn't hear me.

The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders, reminding me of the bond we shared as sisters. I couldn't let this incident drive us apart.

Inside the serene confines of the manor, I found solace amidst the chaos. As I laid Ais down on her bed, I couldn't help but reflect on the events that had unfolded.

It was a wake-up call, a reminder that even within our close-knit Familia, misunderstandings and unexpected turns could shake our foundation.

Sitting by Ais's bedside, I pondered on how I could strengthen our bond. I needed to find a way to bridge the gap that sometimes lingered between us.

A smirk played on my lips as I thought, "Well, Althea, time to put your quippish wit to good use."

In my mind, I went through a mental checklist of all the things I knew about Ais and myself. Our shared moments, our individual dreams and aspirations.

I realized that deep down, we were more similar than we often gave ourselves credit for.

"I guess it's time for some sisterly heart-to-heart," I muttered to myself, my voice echoing softly in the room. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but if anyone could crack through Ais's stoic exterior, it was me.

With determination in my eyes, I decided that I would be the one to make the first move. I would show Ais that I cared, that I wanted to understand her better. And perhaps, in the process, we would uncover a deeper connection that could withstand any challenge that came our way.


A few hours passed, and I noticed a subtle shift in the room. Ais stirred, her eyes fluttering open, revealing a mix of confusion and lingering effects of her drunkenness. I sat by her side, ready to provide an explanation.

"Well, well, Sleeping Beauty finally awakens," I teased, unable to resist a playful jab. Ais blinked, her gaze slowly focusing on me.

"Althea... What happened?" she asked, her voice still groggy and filled with a hint of guilt.

I sighed, preparing myself to recount the events of the night. "Let's just say you had a bit too much of that fruity-smelling wine and things got a little out of hand," I explained, trying to keep my tone light despite the seriousness of the situation.

Ais's eyes widened in realization, and she sat up abruptly, regret etched on her face. "I... I caused trouble, didn't I?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

I placed a comforting hand on her head, my quippish facade momentarily fading. "Hey, sis, it's not all on you," I reassured her. "Sure, the alcohol may have played a part, but we all make mistakes. We're a team, and we'll face it together."

Ais's gaze met mine, a mixture of relief and gratitude shining in her eyes. She wasn't one for long speeches, but her few words spoke volumes. "Thank you, Althea."

I gave her a warm smile. "No need to thank me, Ais. We're family, and family looks out for each other."

We sat there for a moment, the weight of the situation slowly lifting as understanding and forgiveness settled between us. It was moments like these that reminded me of the unbreakable bond we shared as sisters.

"Let's learn from this and grow stronger, okay?" I suggested, my voice filled with determination. "We'll make sure something like this doesn't happen again."

Ais nodded, her gaze filled with a newfound resolve. "I promise."

And with that, our conversation came to an end. It was a simple exchange of words, but it carried a profound meaning for both of us.

From that day forward, we would face the challenges that came our way together, learning from our mistakes and embracing the unbreakable bond that held us as sisters.


The following day, Ais and I decided to stay within the confines of the Twilight Manor, allowing us to focus on our bond as sisters.

Riveria had also advised us to take some time to regroup and reflect after the chaotic events at the bar, and I couldn't agree more.

It was the perfect opportunity for us to strengthen our relationship.

With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I turned to Ais. "How about we spice things up with a little friendly competition?" I suggested, wiggling my fingers playfully. "A spar, perhaps? Magic versus swordsmanship?"

Ais raised an eyebrow, her stoic expression cracking just a tad as a small smile formed on her lips. "You're on," she replied, her voice calm yet filled with determination.

We made our way to the courtyard, where a designated training area was set up. I stood at one end, conjuring a gentle breeze around me with a flick of my wrist. Ais held her sword firmly, a focused look in her eyes.

"Let's see how you handle a little wind magic," I teased, my voice filled with playful banter. With a graceful gesture, I directed the wind towards Ais, testing her agility and reflexes.

Ais swiftly dodged the gust of wind, her movements precise and calculated. She lunged forward, her sword slashing through the air with remarkable speed. I countered by creating a whirlwind, attempting to disrupt her balance.

The clash of magic and steel echoed in the courtyard as we danced around each other, the intensity of the spar fueling our competitive spirits.

We exchanged witty remarks and playful jabs between strikes, each trying to outsmart and outmaneuver the other.

"You're fast, Ais, but can you handle a little whirlwind?" I taunted, a mischievous grin on my face.

Ais responded with a swift dodge, her eyes glinting with determination. "Don't underestimate me, Althea," she retorted, her voice surprisingly laced with confidence.

As the spar continued, we showcased our respective skills, pushing each other to our limits. It was an exhilarating experience, filled with laughter, friendly rivalry, and the realization that we were growing closer with every clash.

After our energetic battle, we found ourselves seated on a bench, basking in the warm glow of the sunset. Ais's chest rose and fell with deep breaths, and I couldn't help but admire her resilience.

"You know, Ais," I began, my voice filled with affection, "I'm grateful for our bond as sisters. I may not always show it, but you mean the world to me."

Ais looked at me, her eyes softening with emotion. "You're my sister, Althea. I wouldn't trade that for anything," she replied, her words simple yet heartfelt.

In that moment, I reached into my pocket and retrieved a small pendant that I bought few days ago.

It is delicate and adorned with a swirling wind design. I then held it out to Ais.

"I want you to have this," I said, a genuine smile lighting up my face. "It's a reminder of our bond and the journey we're embarking on together."

Ais took the pendant in her hands, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns. "Thank you, Althea," she whispered, a rare hint of vulnerability in her voice.

As the day slowly came to an end, we made a promise to each other. We pledged to continue nurturing our connection, supporting each other through thick and thin.

The walls of the Twilight Manor reverberated with our laughter, sealing our commitment to a stronger sisterly bond.

In that peaceful moment, surrounded by love and understanding, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, Ais and I would face them together, as sisters united.


On the next day, Ais and I decided to explore the Twilight Manor's library, a place I had visited before but hadn't fully appreciated.

I led the way through the winding halls, eager to share the wonders of books with my sister.

As we entered the dusty old library, filled with shelves of books and ancient scrolls, Ais followed quietly, her curiosity piqued by my infectious excitement.

"You won't believe the adventures that await us in this library," I exclaimed, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "It's like stepping into a treasure trove of secrets and knowledge."

Ais nodded, her eyes shining with anticipation. She didn't say much, but her expressions spoke volumes.

We spent hours immersed in the world of literature, with me reading passages aloud and explaining the content with enthusiasm. Ais, as stoic as ever, listened intently, absorbing every word.

I pulled out a book on swordsmanship techniques, my eyes lighting up with excitement. "Take a look at this, Ais! These techniques could take your skills to new heights!"

Ais took the book from my hands, her gaze fixed on the illustrations and descriptions. She nodded in appreciation, acknowledging the thought behind my suggestion.

Sustained by her response, I continued to guide her through the library, showing her books on magic, history, and mythical creatures. We discovered a shared interest in stories of legendary heroes and mythical quests.

As we delved deeper into the library's collection, we stumbled upon a book of myths and legends, capturing our imaginations. These stories fueled our creativity, and we began to dream about our own adventures.

"I wonder what it would be like to embark on a real quest, just like the heroes in these stories," I mused, my mind brimming with possibilities.

Ais looked at me, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. "Maybe one day, we'll have our own adventure," she softly replied.

A warm smile spread across my face. "Yes, we will," I affirmed. "And we'll face it together, like true adventurers."

Inspired by the tales we had read, I suggested that we create our own story, a collaborative adventure born from our imagination.

With parchment and quill in hand, we sat side by side, weaving a tale of heroism, friendship, and overcoming challenges. Each of us took turns adding to the story, building upon the other's ideas with excitement and laughter.

Time seemed to stand still as we immersed ourselves in this shared creation. Our bond grew stronger with every word written, our imaginations breathing life into the characters and their journey.

Finally, we completed the story, our names signed at the bottom of the parchment as a testament to our shared creativity and collaboration.

As we sat back, our eyes met, a sense of accomplishment and joy filling the air.

"I never knew writing a story could be so much fun," Ais admitted, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Me neither," I replied, a twinkle in my eyes. "But that's the magic of it, isn't it? We can create anything we want, together."

We savored the moment, reveling in the beauty of our newfound connection and the power of our shared imagination.

As the day drew to a close, we carefully tucked away our story, a cherished keepsake that held the essence of our bond.

With hearts full and spirits uplifted, we made our way back to our rooms, ready to face the adventures that awaited us, both within the Twilight Manor and beyond.


With hearts brimming with the day's memories, Ais and I retire to our respective rooms. We both exchange a heartfelt goodnight, knowing that our bond has grown stronger.

As sleep embraces us, dreams of grand adventures and shared triumphs dance in our minds. These dreams reinforce our commitment to face any challenges that may come our way, side by side.

Tomorrow awaits with brand new possibilities, and we are ready to seize them together.

Sometimes the strongest bonds are forged in the quiet moments of understanding and shared dreams.

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