
Chapter Sixty-Five

The whistle blew, marking the commencement of the competition.

Immediately, the arena was alive with the clatter of bowls and pans, the hum of magic mixers, and the hasty footsteps of competitors, each immersed in their craft.

There was no room for hesitation; the three-hour limit was ticking away.

May, with newfound determination, quickly arranged her ingredients.

Her eyes darted between the Celestial Spora, which Muichiro had just delivered, and her other components.

She was crafting an intricate recipe in her mind, visualizing each step.

On the opposite side, Elara seemed to have her game plan set. With a smirk and a twirl, she began her preparation, her dog tail wagging in excitement.

Every so often, she would glance towards May, her competitive spirit evident.

While the intense preparations were underway below, the stands were alive with conversation and speculation.

Among the crowd, Muichiro sat with the girls from the Hostess of Fertility.

His gaze was fixed on the competition floor, particularly focusing on May. Lost in the spectacle below, he hardly noticed when Anya, with an impish grin, began fiddling with his hair.

"Your hair is so silky, Muichiro," Anya commented as her nimble fingers started braiding small sections. "Would you mind if I did a braid?"

Muichiro simply hummed in acknowledgement, his eyes still on May.

Sensing an opportunity for fun, Chloe leaned over, "Mind if I join in?" Without waiting for a reply, her fingers started weaving another section of his hair.

Between the two of them, Muichiro's hair soon began transforming.

Anya was crafting intricate braids, while Chloe added tiny flowers she'd picked earlier, intertwining them beautifully.

Other girls from the Hostess of Fertility soon joined in, each contributing their unique touch. Before long, Muichiro's hair resembled a work of art, complete with braids, flowers, and even a few ribbons.

Amidst the fun in the stands, down in the competition, May occasionally stole glances towards Muichiro.

On one such occasion, her eyes widened in surprise at his new 'hairstyle', a tiny smile breaking her focused expression.

But then again whenever she saw the girls playing with Muichiro, her eyes went blank and the hold of her very sharp knife tightened.

[Yandere Alert, I repeat a Yandere has been born!!!]


As the competition continued, and the aroma of baking bread filled the air, Muichiro, though unaware of the masterpiece on his head, was content.


( Location: Competition Venue)

The giant clock towered over the event square, its imposing face staring down at the competitors.

Every tick seemed louder than the last, reminding everyone of the dwindling time.

One and a half hours had already passed, leaving just as much time for the competitors to showcase their skills.

Amid the whirl of flour, the sizzle of frying pans, and the concentrated faces of competitors, May worked diligently on her dish.

Now and then, she would throw a glance at the audience, searching for Muichiro, and feeling a burst of energy every time their eyes met.

On the sidelines, Muichiro was enjoying an unexpected pampering session. Anya and Chloe were seated on either side of him, competing in their own way to spoil him the most.

"Try this, Muichiro," Anya said, offering him a delectable-looking pastry.

Before he could take a bite, Chloe interjected, "Wait, you should taste this one first! It's one of the Demeter Familia's signature dishes."

Muichiro, slightly overwhelmed but not minding the attention, nodded softly and said, "One at a time, please."

He took a bite from the pastry Anya offered, nodding appreciatively. "It's delicious, thank you, Anya."

Not to be outdone, Chloe quickly fed him a spoon of her dish. "And? How's this one?"

Muichiro paused for a moment, savouring the taste, "Equally delightful."

The playful rivalry between Anya and Chloe had female onlookers chuckling.

Men from the audience gazed with a hint of jealousy at Muichiro's relaxed demeanour and the attention he was getting.

"Lucky guy," one muttered. "It should've been me," grumbled another, eyeing the dishes with a mixture of hunger and jealousy.

A spectator nearby whispered to his friend, "Who is that guy? He's being treated like a king!"

His friend replied, rolling his eyes, "That's Muichiro from the Demeter Familia. Haven't you heard of him? The girls from the Hostess of Fertility seem to have taken a liking to him."

Back at the competition, a couple of bakers had thrown in the towel, the pressure proving too much.

Their stations were quickly cleared, leaving more space for the remaining 15 competitors.

The atmosphere was thick with the rich aroma of baking, the air almost tangible with anticipation.

Conversations continued among the crowd, with Muichiro at the centre of a few, but everyone's primary focus remained on the baking marvels unfolding before them.

The heart of Orario was beating to the rhythm of rolling pins and oven timers, and it was a sight to behold.


The tension in the air was palpable. Steam wafted up from freshly baked loaves, and the tantalizing aroma spread like a warm blanket over the bustling square.

Competitors were now busy plating their bread, each presentation more intricate and appealing than the last.

In the midst of this, May's workstation stood out.

Her oven's light was still on, the contents within not yet ready for the grand reveal. Her fingers danced nervously over the counter, her eyes repeatedly darting to the oven's window.

From across the table, a mocking voice sliced through the tension, "Oh dear, May, still baking? At this rate, you might just serve raw dough!"

It was May's rival, the dog girl with the Ojou-Sama laugh.

Her plate was already set, a perfectly browned and ornate loaf seated atop it, practically glowing under the event lights.

May, however, chose to keep her calm. Instead of retaliating, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment, and refocused on her workstation.

Her determination was unmistakable, and even the rival's snickers couldn't shake her confidence.

The dog girl, annoyed by May's refusal to engage, huffed, "Ignoring me won't save your bread, dear."

Anya, Chloe, and Muichiro, seated in the audience, exchanged unsure glances. Anya clenched her fists, whispering, "She has to make it."

Lunoire while concerned, had a hint of a reassuring smile. "May knows what she's doing. Trust her."

As the final minutes approached, competitors began lining up with their plated breads, ready for judgment.

The once chaotic area now had an organized serenity, with only the soft hum of May's oven breaking the silence.

And then, with just under two minutes remaining, the oven timer dinged.

The crowd watched in anticipation as May, with utmost care, pulled out her creation.

The loaf glowed with a gentle luminescence, thanks to the Celestia Spora, emitting an otherworldly aroma that had the audience and competitors alike turning their heads.

May's rival's smirk faded, replaced with a look of genuine surprise.

The competition was about to get a lot more interesting.

Next chapter