
Chapter Seven

Muichiro stepped into the bustling hall of the Guild once again, his eyes absorbing and darting around the dynamism that filled the air.

A staff member behind the counter glanced up, offering a welcoming smile as Muichiro approached.

The one that had introduced Muichiro earlier was no longer present.

"Welcome to the Guild," the staff member greeted warmly. "Are you here to register as an adventurer?"

Muichiro nodded, his gaze fixed on the staff member. "Yes."

"Great!" The staff member's fingers danced across the parchment as he prepared a form for Muichiro. "We'll need your name, age, skills, and any relevant background information you have."

Muichiro provided the details, his penmanship neat and deliberate as he filled in the required fields. Once the form was complete, the staff member reviewed it and nodded in approval.

"Perfect," he said. "Now, let me explain a bit about the Guild. We're the heart of adventurer activity in Orario. We manage quests, provide information, and offer various resources for adventurers like you."

Muichiro listened intently as the staff member elaborated on the Guild's operations, its role in supporting adventurers, and the concept of Familias.

The explanations flowed seamlessly, each word carving a path of understanding in Muichiro's mind.

"Additionally," the staff member continued, "many adventurers choose to have an adviser to guide them. An adviser can provide insights, and tips, and help you navigate the intricacies of dungeon crawling."

Muichiro considered the option. "I see. Having someone experienced to offer guidance sounds helpful."

The staff member smiled. "Absolutely. Now, I have a recommendation for you, but unfortunately, she's not available at the moment. She'll be back in a few days, so I suggest you return then to meet her."

Muichiro nodded, his expression unchanged. "Understood."

With paperwork sorted and options discussed, Muichiro received a book containing information about Familias in Orario. "This book will help you explore your options for joining a Familia," the staff member explained. "Feel free to peruse it and decide which Familia aligns with your goals."

"I appreciate it," Muichiro replied, taking the book with a nod.

"Just remember to return it after a few days," the staff member added.

Before Muichiro left however he gave his quest sheet and items to the staff member who promptly looked over it.

After confirming that everything was fine with the materials, the quest was officially complete and Muichiro was given 565 Valis, as the reward.

Muichiro then left the Guild, his steps light and calm, every step he took made no sound at all.

Seeing as he didn't have much else to do he decided to wander the vibrant streets of Orario, to get a better layout of the city.


Muichiro lounged on a bench, savouring the flavorful crunch of a Jagamarukun. His surroundings buzzed with activity, the south side of the city vibrant with eateries and pubs, each enticing him with its aroma.

After exploring for a bit he decided it was time to have some lunch, so he had gone back to the Jagamarukun stall he had come across yesterday and bought another one.

As he indulged in his snack, his gaze drifted lazily, absorbing the lively scene around him.

Amid the hustle and bustle, his attention was drawn to a short cat girl struggling beneath the weight of a hefty box filled with food ingredients, and other miscellaneous items.

He observed her efforts with a detached curiosity, the first thing he noticed about her was her cute cat-like ears that flickered in one direction every so often.

Her long tail also swished with her movements to try and keep her balanced. Her hair was coloured chestnut brown, along with her extra appendage.

'I wonder what they feel like...' Muichiro wondered what they would feel like. He didn't know why he had such a thought, but he did.

As he took another bite, the atmosphere shifted abruptly. The raucous laughter of two mischievous children echoed through the air as they clambered onto scaffolding adorning a nearby building.

"Hey, you brats get down from there, it's dangerous."

Their antics caught the eye of a stern worker below, who warned them sternly. Unfazed, the youngsters continued their ascent, their defiance palpable.


But the joyous scene morphed into one of impending disaster. The once-sturdy scaffolding groaned ominously before giving way, eliciting a gasp from the onlookers.

Panic rippled through the crowd as they watched the structure falter, the children's carefree grins replaced with wide-eyed terror.

Caught in the midst of the impending calamity was a cat-eared girl, her eyes wide with shock.

Time seemed to slow as the impending disaster hung in the air, a heart-stopping tableau frozen in the collective consciousness.

Amid this chaos, Muichiro's instincts took over. His mind raced, analyzing trajectories and probabilities in an instant.

He assessed the situation with the keen clarity of a warrior, seeking the best course of action to ensure the safety of all involved.

With a determined resolve, he took in an abnormal amount of oxygen into his lungs and invoked most of his power into his lower legs.

[Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash]

He chanted the First Form of Thunder Breathing, his movements a blur of speed and precision. The air crackled around him as he surged forward, navigating the scene with the grace of a seasoned combatant.

His katana cleaved through the air, creating a path that would intercept the falling scaffolding.

His figure blurred as he used the scaffolding as footholds to climb up.

The energy of his movements was focused on one goal: protecting those in danger.

He immediately grabbed the two kids who were suspended in the air, before jumping down to the ground, where the cat person was still standing.

In a fraction of a second, he positioned himself strategically, ready to intervene at the precise moment.

The scaffolding descended with a cacophonous crash, dust and debris filling the air.

Yet amidst the chaos, a figure stood unyielding, a beacon of unwavering determination.

[Wind Breathing - Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm]

With a fluid, seamless motion, he enacted the Fourth Form of wind breathing—Rising Dust Storm.

In an instant, he unleashed a series of precise slashes above him. The air itself seemed to comply with his intent, manifesting as sharp blade slashes that cleaved through the atmosphere.

His movements were a symphony of elegance and power, each slash executed with the precision of a master swordsman.

Muichiro's blade met the falling structure with a resounding clash.

The impact reverberated through his body as he used his well-practised technique to redirect the force of the collapsing scaffolding.

His movements were swift and calculated, and his every action was aimed at minimizing harm and maximizing protection.

In the heart of the maelstrom, the cat-eared girl's terrified gaze met Muichiro's unwavering stare.

As the scaffolding splintered and shattered, the debris arced away harmlessly, a testament to his mastery over his blade.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the chaos subsided. The dust settled, revealing an unscathed scene.

The crowd was hushed, a palpable sense of awe enveloping them. The children, once defiant and unruly, now trembled in the wake of their close brush with death.

Muichiro remained a picture of composure amidst the aftermath. His katana was sheathed, and his stance relaxed.

He glanced around, ensuring that everyone was safe. The cat-eared girl stood before him, a mixture of relief and astonishment in her eyes.

The bystanders exchanged murmurs of amazement, their fascination with the swift intervention evident.

Yet Muichiro remained unperturbed as if such acts were second nature to him.

With a subtle nod, seeing that everyone was okay, he returned his gaze to his now dirty and unfinished Jagamarukun.

As the world around him buzzed with conversation, Muichiro's expression remained serene.


(Picture of May or Mei)

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