
First friend and the threat of death

Readying my bow, I take a arrow out and put it in my mouth sideways. Taking out another I take aim at the 3 kobolds, pulling the arrow back I focus on the closest 1, which is on the right. Releasing the arrow, I quickly grab the arrow from my mouth, nocking and pulling it back in 1 smooth motion.

Once I've fully drawn it back I aim for the left kobold and release the arrow. The first kobold puffed into smoke the moment I release my second arrow, grabbing a third arrow and nocking it. The second kobold poofed as I aim at the third, as I drew the arrow back the third kobold jumped away from where it stood.

Quickly aiming where it will be, I released the arrow, sadly it hit it's shoulder. Pulling out another arrow, I don't fully nock the arrow as I draw it back, aiming for the kobold that is now running at me in a zigzag pattern. Taking a deep breath, I focus on where it will be and release the arrow.

As the arrow sores towards the wall at the end of the corridor, the arrow looks like it missed it's mark but, the kobolds path lead in front of the arrow. As the 2 intersect, the arrow plugs into the kobolds chest, where the right lung is located.

The kobold stumbles and runs into the wall puffing into smoke shortly after. Walking over, I collect my arrows and the crystals. Walking further in, I happen apon 5 goblins, drawing an arrow back, I take aim as they rush towards me.

Releasing the arrow at the 2 closest to each other, quickly I turn my bow sideways and grab 2 arrows, nocking them both and drawing back. After releasing the arrows, I put my bow on the ground and step forward drawing an arrow, holding the arrow at the point shank.

As I get into a stance to grab at the 2 remaining goblins, they arrive in front of me. Quickly reaching out with my left hand, I grab the goblin on my lefts right arm and throw it at the goblin to my right. After the left goblin hit the right goblin, I rushed towards them thrusting my arrow like a shiv.

Because the goblins were on the ground on top of each other, I managed to stab them quickly till they poofed. [You have Leveled up] Standing up with heavy breaths, I collect my bow first the grab my arrow and the crystals.

Now that I've Leveled up and earned some money I head back to the surface, making my way back to the guild it seems only an hour has past. I found rose at her usual spot at the counter. "H-Hi rose, I'm back. H-Here's the crystals I got."

"Wow you're back already, I was expecting you to take longer." "I-I got lucky and found some monsters unaware of me, s-so I got the drop on them." "Nice, now just give me a moment to exchange these, then we can go." "A-Alright"

She leaves and comes back in maybe 3 minutes. "Here you go 3,500 valis, alright let go, I know a good place to eat." "Y-yeah" After leaving the guild, rose guides me to a street that, for some reason looks familiar.

Before I can figure out why I remember the street, rose says. "We're here, the Hostess of Fertility." "Oh, I remember this place." "Have you been here before?" "N-no, I've just heard of it before." "Yeah, this place is getting more popular these days"

We go in and a maid leads us to a table, after taking off my bow and quiver and setting them next to me, I sit down next to rose. "What would you to like." "The day's special, pasta and a drink." "S-same but with water." "Alright it will be out soon."

"Hey sara, I've been meaning to ask, why do you keep stuttering." "W-Well I have autism and severe social anxiety, I-I'm just nervous around people." "Ok, but what does any of that mean?"

"A-Autism is when you can't focus on something, and lose focus easily, plus i-if you are focusing on something you enjoy and something interferes, you will usually l-lash out, s-sometimes violently."

"S-Social anxiety is when you feel anxious being near people, a-and you might feel like people are s-staring at you. In my c-case its pretty severe, l-like now I feel like someone is s-staring a hole through me."

"I... I see, that must be tough." "I've lived with it f-for a long time, eventually I-I'll be able to talk normally with you." "Well there's no rush, just go at your own pace." "T-Thanks a lot, I'll do that"

After that we didn't speak much, just waited for the food. The food was so good that I wanted more but, I was going into the dungeon after so I decided against it. After we finished eating, I paid for us, rose said she would pay for herself but, I said I wanted to thank her for being kind to me.

After putting my quiver and bow back on we left, I walked with rose back to the guild, we said goodbye to each other then I headed towards Babel. After arriving, having to walk down the stairs every time is so boring, I got lost in thought about my previous fight.

The shots I made were I shot 2 arrows at once, made me realize that me skills with the bow were never this good. I could do skeet shooting, but that was after lots of practice and I only needed to shoot 1 target at a time. Not shoot 2 arrows for 2 targets, and that without practice.

As I'm lost in bewilderment I walk into another person "Guh! Ouchie my nose. S-Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He's a tall and heavily muscular dark-skinned man with rust-colored hair and eyes, and a pair of animal ears on his head. "It's fine"

After saying very little he continued up the stairs, odd encounter complete. Time to go get stronger. Finally getting to the bottom without another unexpected event, I make my way in to the 1st floor. It didn't take long to find some goblins and even less to kill them, I repeat this for some time.

Suddenly as if to ruin my day, a lot of kobolds started coming out of the walls. 5 kobolds 10 kobolds 15 kobolds, it's literally a swarm, I turned around and ran, but of course, they chased me. After a few turns, I ran into the worst possible outcome... A fucking dead-end.

Turning around I ready 3 arrows with my bow sideways and release them, 2 dead 3 more arrows 1 dead 4 arrows this time 4 dead 2 of the injured kobolds and 2 uninjured still 8 more kobolds. Now things are dire, the remaining kobolds have me surrounded with my back against the wall.

Quickly pulling out more arrows, I ready them but just as I'm about to release them they all attack. I don't have time to think and I'm in a panic now, am I going to die again, without even achieving anything. Releasing the arrows 3 more die, and the only thing that makes me certain about what I have to do is.

[You have Leveled up]

just in case you don't understand the position, point shank on an arrow is between the the point and the shaft or in other words 1/4 from the point to the end of the arrow or the nock and fletch

Kyojin_Senshokucreators' thoughts