
is it wrong to be reincarnated into a world with a dungeon?

some guy gets reincarnated into danmachi with a re:zero skill tree along with a system

functional_fork · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Early life (ish)

No one commented so I'm just gonna describe the character in text ©®


As I finished creating my character I looked at it in satisfaction, I did look handsome after all. My age was locked at 15 so I couldn't have a beard or anything.

I had given my hair a dark black color with dark blue accents. I had chosen a fairly light skin color as well. I had the pretty average height of 5'8 and I chose a lean swimmer / sleeper build. For the face I just let the system take into account every other body feature to construct a complementary face for. I was extremely happy with my handy work.

I looked around the system Interface and as I saw the [finish] option I focused on it and got a message from the system window.

[Seeing as you are finished with everything, you will now be transported into the city of Orario. You will be transported with the age of 14 and memories of the body will be transferred directly into your soul trwnsforming the blank slate you are right now, good luck user! I shall meet you on the other side]

With that I was off. I saw rainbows and felt my body being pulled apart as my vision was torn for me. Usually when you close your eyes you see the color black or some shade of it, but I saw nothing. Imagine seeing out of your elbow. You can't, and that's exactly what I saw.


I opened my eyes as I found myself roughed up and dirty laying down inside an alleyway. I had no idea where I was do it looked like the memory transfer faile-

[Memory transfer begin]

"Argh!", with the appearance of the system window my head exploded into needle like pain as memories and events started flowing into my brain.

I saw glimpses of this bod- my body's childhood. I saw myself living happily with my parents as a single child somewhere in some small town. It looked like I was happy.

After seeing that little fragment my vision blurred as I saw myself collapsed on the floor, well not myself exactly but a younger version. I was on the floor of our wooden home as orange sparks could be seen in my peripheral. It seems like my family's house burned down

I looked back and saw the arm of my father protruding out from the rubble which had a splattering of red below it. My vision blurred again as I saw the younger me cry and walk out, I could hear screams. It looked like the town or village or settlement was under attack, I wasn't sure of the exact term.

"FELIX! RUN", "LEAVE HIM ALONE", "SHUT UP YA FILTHY MUTTS!", I heard the scuffle and I looked towards the origin of the noise. I could see a werewolf couple getting beaten and chained up by some human bandits. I assumed they were bandits as they had no uniform except some light armor.

My vision blurred once again as I felt myself having a sprained ankle attempting to run through the woods. I could hear screams and scuffling behind me still.

Another vision blur hit and I saw myself inside of some sort of carriage with iron bars. Looks like the bandits caught up to me. I was cramped in there with other beast people.

Another vision blur hit and I saw the stagecoach heading towards a giant walled city with an enormous tower in the middle.

The stagecoach entered the city and I heard the driver make a 'generous donation' to the guards to get us in. We continued onwards until some sort of explosion happened which sent me tumbling out.

The people who kidnapped me and the others inside the stagecoach started fighting against some people who were wearing some sort of caveman gear. I heard the weirdly dressed people to tell the kidnappers to stop in the name of the Ganesha familia.

One last vision blur ends up with me already roughed up bumping into some werewolf guy and him just straight up punting me into the same alleyway I woke up in. I still had that sprained ankle and probably some sort of broken rib.

My vision blurred into a green color this time as all the other information and memories in my life finally settled and buzzed inside of my brain. With the piercing headache and overall body pain and my general inability to move, I started crying. Not loud crying but sniffling and that thing you do when you don't want to cry but the tears still come out.

Suddenly a system window opened with the message



Physical Debuff:

Sprained ankle, broken ribs (3), bruised body.

Mental debuff:

Pain, fear, confusion.

Suggested course of action:

Calm down, breathe and stay still to conserve energy.


"Suggested course of action my ass! You're not feeling this", I screamed out all the whilst choking back another sob. I genuinely couldn't even think about moving


[Distract yourself by going over your memories, go over new information about this world]

That was fair enough. I tried to tune out everything that was happening to me to mull over any of the useful information I could get from my new memories.

As I combed over my experiences I found out about the existence of gods, familias, the dungeon, monsters genkai and tenkai and at last, adventurers.

With all of the information having been combed through I was back to my suffering. I listened to the systems reccomendation and tried to calm down by breathing. It wasn't working very well for me. I closed my eyes looked up and tried to calm down. I was in a new world at the brink of death, anyone could kill me at any second. I'm not even sure I would live long enough. It didn't seem like anyone would help me in this medieval setting. I'm not even sure if those fucking pricks who kidnapped me would show up again.

Even with my eyes closed I could see the new window pop up.


Debuff affliction:

Panic attack.


"No fucking shit!", with me making the mistake of screaming I could feel a poking feeling inside my chest. I choked out a gargled cry as I tried to stay still again.

"Oh my, are you okay child?", someone said. I was still looking up with closed eyes when someone called out to me. I opened my eyes and looked at the person who spoke up. It was definitely a guy, he was good looking and had blue hair with some brown cloak. He was holding a concerned expression, he also had a box of something in his hands.

"N-no, not really sir", I tried to speak up but my voice broke. It was embarrassing. The guy looked sympathetic as he reached inside that box of his and pulled out some sort of round bottom bottle.

"What is your name child?", he said in that soft voice of his. That was a good question. Even in all of the memories my name hadn't been mentioned a single time. I had no idea what my name was exactly. I remember hearing a single name though. Felix. That seemed good enough as any.

"My nam- name-, is Felix sir", I said. Fuck I stuttered.

The blue haired guy neared me as he grabbed my jaw and opened my mouth. He had taken out some sort of vial from that box of his as well.

"Well Felix, my name is Miach. This vial in my hands is a sleep potion. It's usually used to help people with insomnia buy on high doses can be used to knock someone out. I will be giving you this and I will take you to my home where I will help you get healed up", he droned on. Not like I had much other choice.

"Thank you for your help sir", I looked at him with appreciation. He smiled and the last thing I heard before the sleep potion was emptied onto my mouth was, "drop the sir, child".


Name: Felix

Race: Renard

Str: C tier

Agi: C tier

End: C tier

Dex: C tier



[Universal language comprehension]

Allows for comprehensions of all languages, might allow the user to speak said languages as well.

[Blessing of the nameless deity]

The user appears to have been blessed by the entity of the name 'nameless deity', currently unknown what this blessing entails.


And another chapter down. Please comment stuff.