
Is it Wrong to be Reincarnated after Death?

Live your life to the fullest. Haru heard these words a lot, but no matter how many times, his heart refused to listen. 'Live life to the fullest? How am I supposed to, stuck in a hospital with a few days left?' These were his thoughts as his life slowly left his grasp. That was his thought, but during one of those days as he sighed, observing with a broken smile, the dazzling sun now waning, the door of his room burst open, generating a sound so loud it scared him. "...I'm sorry if I'm late!" Said the girl, panting as if she had run miles and miles without stopping as sweat clearly flowed down her cheeks. --- This is a work of fiction and I do not hold anything of Danmachi other than my own character and backstory. As I think you’ll notice, I’ve never written anything until today, so comments of hate aren't useful. If you have to criticize my story, please do it without being rude. *English isn't my main language Schedule: 2chs/day Discord Server: discord.gg/y8VBZAp

SkyInTheNight · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


Upon reaching what was to be the room where a colleague of Misha would give the lectures, Haru noticed that it had similarities to classes that were in his old world, and this brought a small smile on his face.

'I can't afford distractions here, my life depends on it'

In his old world, Haru was against the school system by itself. Although it was a place where one could grow up in freedom, such as reading books in the library, he didn't find any real use for all the things he was taught at school. Certainly there were some subjects that helped to understand more of the human nature as history, or something that could help him discover new ways of expressing himself like literature. Subjects like that were the reason why Haru, even if he didn't like the school, kept going well. Yet now the place wasn't a school. These lessons were vital to gather information about the Dungeon. Although aware of the first floors in fact, he knew too little about what he would face in that place.

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Haru greeted Misha, thanking her for her help and went to sit in one of the desks in the room.

There weren't many people. That was Haru's first thought when he sat down and looked at the room properly. He could see how all the people present had an absolutely prepared look. Only the most studious people usually took part in these lessons, and while they had these kinds of expressions on their faces, Haru was completely calm.

After a few minutes of observation, however, the advisor who was due to arrive showed up on time. The first details Haru dwelt on were on the girl's ears. Unlike Ryn, the woman's ears were pointed and stood out much more than those of a cat person like the former. But that wasn't all. The woman had shoulder-length hair of a brown colour, and emerald coloured eyes. There was no doubt, he had seen this woman before.

'Her name is Eina Tulle, half elf half human, and she is or will be the protagonist's advisor, Bell Cranel.'

He didn't know if the original protagonist, Bell Cranel, had yet arrived, but Haru had only two possibilities in mind. Number one was that Bell was at the beginning of his adventurer career, but that would have meant he too would have found himself among the adventurers who had taken part in the lessons, yet it was evident how he wasn't present, The second option was that the latter was still looking for a familia to join before registering as an adventurer.

'... But even that doesn't seem right. If Bell Cranel is still looking for a familia, then where is his Goddess? I remember that it was mentioned she also didn't find anyone who wanted to enter her familia, which means she was already present before, but if this was the case Misha would definitely mention her too, It would certainly be more advantageous to enter the familia of the protagonist than that of the God Takemikazuchi.'

Haru had these thoughts, but he shook his head. Having just finished presenting herself to adventurers who didn't yet know her name, she lost no time and immediately began to introduce the most important information that had been discovered over time on the Dungeon.

"... And that's why you have to pay special attention every time you move into the dungeon. Although the monsters that appear in the first floors are the ones I listed before, sometimes there may be clusters of mana in one place, this can lead to what is called a Monster Party. Numerous monsters will appear at the same time, and it is your choice to deal with them if you feel that they pose a threat or not, but always be careful to assess the situation with the utmost care. Don't you think for a second that everything is safe until the last monster in the vicinity has disappeared, and I say this for your own safety, anything can happen in the Dungeon, We know too little about it to be able to determine all its actions precisely."

Haru had learned a lot during this first lesson, and just as he thought the explanation of the woman known as Eina Tulle was impeccable, he had been able to clearly understand that every single floor could be dangerous.

Announcing that the lesson was over for today, Haru did not hesitate to get out of the chair and, thanking for the lesson, he barely crossed gazes with Eina before leaving. He wasn't trying to avoid her, also because Gaia had explained that no matter how much he would alter the future or mark his presence in this world, nothing would change in what was his previous world, but he still had a routine to follow.

It was already breakfast time, and if he didn't hurry up to breakfast, Haru would have to rush the training to keep his sleeping schedule stable. In fact, he had chosen to stop training after a certain time, since it wouldn't make sense to stress his body more than necessary, and certainly he wanted to avoid tearing his muscles just when in a few days he wouldn't only have to attend an event, soon he would also have to enter the Dungeon, and although it was okay for him not to rush, he did want to stay still for too long as well.

Quickly greeting Misha for the second time before he left because he would consider it strange to go out without doing so, Haru again relied on his memory to find a bar. He hadn't seen many around, but he remembered seeing something similar to a restaurant where he could eat, so he once again travelled the road backwards until he found what he was looking for.


After having lunch at a surprisingly low cost of 100 Valis, Haru chose to resume his routine immediately. Since the previous day he hadn't completed the training due to lack of time, he decided to run only a little more and do more specific exercises for the various areas of his body in his room, so that he could explore a little more the city as well....

Once he completed his run and returned to his room, Haru ignored Ryn's almost questioning gaze, deciding to explain to her why he came back all sweaty at a later time.

'..I really miss showers, though'

This was one of the recurring thoughts since Haru found himself in this new world. Certainly it wasn't the person who would have complained of something so secondary, but he lacked the feeling of being back as new once out of the shower, the fatigue of training in fact made the shower even more relaxing and pleasant of the normal, so much so that Haru preferred to avoid bathing in the tubs, even if his friends used to say that he was the strange one, and that a bath in the tub relaxed even better than the shower.

The thought of his friends brought in his eyes an unusual lucidity. It was difficult not to burst into tears even at that moment for him, certainly there were goals to achieve and many things to do in the new world, but Haru felt that it would be enough to look back just a second, to burst into tears of pure sadness. Although he had known how Eichiro and Asumi had faced his death, finding their courage to listen to the small voices in their hearts, attempting things they would normally consider impossible and ending up choosing small universities or jobs not too difficult to obtain, Haru was still struggling not to think about how Asumi could feel now or how much pain she was feeling right now, even though rationally his decisions were right, he felt terrible about leaving Asumi that way, and he was still grateful to Gaia for not showing that moments to him. If she had, Haru didn't know how he would react, or if he had had the same positivity that contrasted any negative thinking in his mind.

Finishing all his training with these thoughts going around his head, Haru didn't hesitate to use the basins, now become two since after his exit, a worker of the Shining Moon had come to clean the room and noticing with surprise that Haru had washed the clothes by himself, had decided to bring a second one with a note above it informing him of what happened, and so Haru found himself with two wooden basins, one for washing himself and one for his clothes. Once again, his gratitude was addressed to someone, this time he didn't even have the pleasure to know.


After attending the dinner, Haru had the opportunity to inform Ryn of his 'training' which at the same time was a kind of exploration of the city, which made the latter giggle for the second time.

In fact, she would have been willing to help a little by informing him of some recurring places on this side of the city, since she only knew that area, and at her proposal, Haru had his eyes wide open. He was interdicted whether to accept her kindness or to refuse precisely because the information would help him a lot, and this kind of fight in his mind between two forces with two different thoughts was the cause for which Ryn was giggling.

"You can relax-nya. Information like this is something even guild could have told you, so there's no need to worry-nya."

Ryn was intrigued by why Haru was so firmly convinced that it was wrong to receive the help of others, also because although the city had many downsides, some people would definitely help him, without worrying about receiving anything in return.

'...Maybe some kind of trauma related to people-nya? '

Ryn couldn't think otherwise. She clearly imagined that a child of a gentle aura like Haru, might have been abused of his kindness or even worse, blackmailed because he had asked for help from someone he should not. In this world in fact, Things like that were common, and most of the time they made the person take forms that weren't there before, fears were born, and from them, people developed trauma related to unique things marking them forever.

So, Ryn chose not to press him any further, If he didn't want to receive the information, Ryn would have accepted his decision without adding anything else, but to her surprise Haru nodded, kindly asking her to tell him everything she knew about the city.

With her ears twitching for a moment, Ryn nodded and began to explain in detail everything she knew about the city, and especially the neighborhoods to avoid. To little surprise from Haru, there seemed to be many.

Upon receiving the information, he thanked Ryn once again, and with the latter bowing as a sign of respect, Haru took his way to bed, since even today it had been a tiring day.


Waking up the next day, Haru spent the morning having breakfast while tidying up in his mind all the information received from both his races and Ryn's words, having always had lunch at the same place as a restaurant, Haru instead spent the afternoon diligently carrying out his training, and finally in the evening he once again had dinner in the Shining Moon, followed by an occasional chat with Ryn regarding the places where he had been that day.

Spending the next day almost with the same routine, if not small changes, Haru went to sleep with a thought in mind.

'Tomorrow, there will be the event held by the Hephaestus Familia. After that I'll know which family to join.'

He was still not totally sure he understood how he should actually use the hammer and forge himself, but it was always better to try than to let go of this opportunity.


(In the next chapter a bit of explanation about the last sentences of this chapter and after that there will be the event!)

(My discord server: discord.gg/y8VBZAp)