
Chapter 20: A bit of Updating and a lot of Studying

[Miko's POV]

Currently walking home to our base, we already exchanged the magic stones we collected and received a considerably decent amount of 5,200 valis in total.

Being satisfied with the money we earned and Kashima-san suggested us to eat in a restaurant. I rebuked him by saying that the food might be expensive and we will just attract unwanted attention. So, I decided we should instead buy ingredients for tonight's dinner.

After buying goods from a nearby marketplace, we head home and when made it in there, we were greeted by Takemikazuchi-sama. He told us that we made a good work in our first dungeon exploration. We smiled at his compliment and we entered the household.

Me and Yamato-san were the one who cooks the dinner, we cook various foods we used to eat in the Far East. I personally cooked my specialty foods, which are Fried Tofu Soup and my new creation, Fuukuchi Udon.

They liked eating my new creation, which made me happy that I could create something new that is delicious. Ah, I am quite blessed.

Then after eating dinner, we discussed our next course of action.

"Okay everyone, I first want to say congratulate ourselves for successfully venturing the dungeon for the first time, can I get a round of applause"

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

Everyone in the room clapped their hands in applause.

"Now that we had ventured the dungeon, I would like to hear everyone's suggestion to what we should do for tomorrow and on the days onward. I, personally suggest that we should have one day to allot for ourselves in order do whatever we need before venturing again in the dungeon together. That being said, let me hear you guys out"

Yamato-san was first to raise her hand. "We should allot a time to train and practice our martial abilities" I nodded to her suggestion and Kashima-san was next to raise his hands.

"I suggest we should look for now weapons and equipment we should use in the future"

I again nodded and then the others also raised their hands.

Hitachi-san and Asuka-san suggested to look for potions and other medical necessities for dungeon exploration.

Shima and Nishioka suggested to ask for information in the guild about the floors of the dungeons and the monsters spawned there" I personally think it was a nice idea and decided to go there tomorrow.

"I suggest that you guys update your Falnas since you guys already ventured the dungeon" Takemikazuchi also slipped in and told us his suggestion.

"Update? what does that do to our Falnas?" I asked while tilting my head.

"Ah, updating one's Falna will strengthen yourselves and increases their parameter and status with the Excelia they earned in the dungeon" Takemikazuchi-sama explained, however I am still slightly confused.

"Excelia? What are those?"

"Excelia is the experience points you earned by doing certain actions inside the dungeon such as killing monsters" I nodded in understanding and bit of confusion still lingers.

"Then can we update our Falnas now, Takemikazuchi-sama?"

"Yes, you may. Now that being said, you all line up outside my room" We followed his order and we lined up at the hallway that leads to his bedroom.

We one by one updated our Falnas and Takemikazuchi-sama gave us the paper used to record our parameters and status.

I looked at my paper and analyzed the contents.


Name: Yae Miko

Level: 1

STR: I 8

END: I 4

DEX: I 6

AGI: I 2

MAG: I 7

<A/N: Look, I am trying my best to distribute the stats as best as I can. Also, the skill Fox's Enhancement wasn't in use since she, herself, didn't kill the goblins and only assisted in killing. So, kill assists doesn't count so I can make it balance.>


> Sakura no Rakurai (Cherry Blossom Lightning Strike) <

A very short chanting magic that hits enemies upon contact with a pink and purple lightning bolt. The magic can multiple enemies who are in close proximity to each other.

The chant for the magic is [Raiden]

> Sakura no Kakyū (Cherry Blossom Fireball) <

A very short chanting magic that shots a pink colored fireball. The user can manipulate the trajectory of the fireball if they wished to.

The chant for the magic is [Sakitama]


> Kitsune no Sōko (Fox's Storage) <

-The user can store objects inside her tail. The object will be transported to a sub dimensional storage with infinite space. The user needs to snap their fingers and the desired stored object will appear at the user's hand.

> Kitsune no Shukufuku (Fox's Blessing) <

-The user can temporarily share the half of their parameters to the people she trusts when the user is in close proximity to them.

> Kitsune no Kyōka (Fox's Enhancement) <

- The EXP that the user gains will be multiplied for every monster they kill. The skill will reset if the user doesn't kill within 5 seconds.

>Presence Concealment<

- The user can adjust their presence from any source of detection. The user can make their presence partially invisible to any person's attention and perception.

After looking at my status, I compared mines to the other's status. It seems that they had bigger stats than I am, which is understandable since I just stand there swinging my Kagura Suzu and Gohei while they finished off the goblins.

I wondered how much of a difference gap was my action to theirs that they earned more exelcia than me. I noted that question in my head and will try to ask someone in the guild for answers.

I could ask Takemikazuchi-sama, but I shouldn't rely on him too much and I should ask someone else reliable and trustworthy. I should be careful who should I ask and who should I avoid asking.

That being said, we all went to our room and went to sleep for tomorrow's activity.


In the next day, I woke up early and get out of bed.

Most of the Familia members were gone in the household, except for Yamato-san, who is training her swordsmanship with her katana.

I approached her stealthily and sneak up behind her. I then blew at her ear, making her flinched


"Ara~ What a womanly scream you have, Yamato-san~" I teased her and look at me while pouting

"Miko-san, you shouldn't use your skill to sneak up at me like that"

"Fufufufu, Oh you. You're such cute one to tease, Yamato-san"

Yamato-san blushed when I called her cute and pouted again while trying to pounce at me in order to punish me again but I dodged it and she fell to the floor.

I giggled at her and told her that I am going out towards the guild today.

Yamato-san say our goodbyes to each other and I walked away from the house.

I then head towards the alley that leads to the guild.


While I was walking the alley, a mysterious gaze was felt behind me.

I turned around and saw a woman with a grey hair and eyes. She wears a green long maid outfit and brown boots. She is currently holding a shopping bag of vegetables and other ingredients.

'That gaze it is somehow similar to what I felt at the tower, yet is somewhat different as well'

She approaches me and scrutinized my appearance.

"You seem to be new here in the city, miss. My name is Syr, nice to meet you" the girl introduced herself to me

"Ah, is that so. My name is Yae Miko, nice to meet you, Syr-san" I introduced back

"Woah, what a nice name you have. neh neh, where did you come from, Miko-san?" Syr inquires

"Well, I am from the Far East. Why do you ask?"

"Ah, you see, your outfit is quite foreign and looks quite beautiful, and your tails, I have never seen a renard that has nine tails before" Syr compliments me about my appearance

Then an elf approaches from a distance, she has a short yellow green hair and blue eyes. She wears the same maid outfit as Syr-san. She too is holding a bag of groceries in her arms.

"Syr-san, there you are. You suddenly ran off ahead of me and- oh, who do we have here?" She walks towards Syr-san and just then notices me besides her.

She looks at me and also scrutinized my appearance.

"You're quite new here, do you come from somewhere?" The elf inquires

"Yeah, she is, Ryuu-san. Her name is Yae Miko and she said she is from the Far East" Syr-san replied in a happy tone.

"I see, nice to meet you Miko-san. My name is Ryuu Lion, nice to meet you"

"Ah, with pleasure. Nice to meet you too, Ryuu-san" She nodded and faces Syr-san

"Come now, Syr. We still have work to do. Mama Mia will get mad at us when we keep chatting here all day"

"Eeeeeeh? So soon, oh well. Farewell, Miko-san. Let's 'play' sometimes, okay"

I raised my brows when she emphasized the word play.

'What does she mean, why do I feel a sense of dread in that word'

Syr-san and Ruu-san went off to the distance of the alley.

'I swear, that girl is hiding something that felt familiar... I should be careful towards her'

With that thought lingers in my mind I went to the guild.


Upon reaching the guild, I went inside and search for a person trustworthy enough to ask for information.

The only person I could think of is a certain brown-haired elf who is currently looks bored in the morning, that elf I was talking about is Eina-san and she is worthy enough to be trusted.

I approached counter of the receptionists and stand in front of her. However, she seems to be in a daze and doesn't notice me.

'Ah, I forgot that my skill is still on'

I removed my presence concealment and put my hands at my mouth to cough



Eina-san snapped out of her dazed expression and looks at me with surprised

"Miko-san?! How long are you there?!" Eina-san panickily yell, making the surrounding people look at our direction and gazed at us.

'On second thought, I should have asked someone else. Oh well, what done is done'

*sigh* "Eina-san, you should keep your voice down, and also, I was here just a few minutes ago"

"I-is that so. I-I'm sorry about that. How can I help you, Miko-san?" Eina-san inquires my intention

"I am here to ask some questions about several things"

"Oh? Are you here to find an advisor?"

"An advisor?"

"Yes, we receptionists able to service the adventurers as advisors and answer questions and hear advices" Eina-san explains as I nodded in understanding

"Is that so? Well, can you be my advisor then?" I said with a charming smile

"Eh?! Me? As your advisor?" Eina-san says while she points at herself

"Ah, you seem to be quite trustworthy and honest to me, so why not you?"

Eina-san looks distress and reluctant when she heard my compliments

"Is there a matter, Eina-san?"

"Well, you see, a lot of adventurers died when I became their advisor. So, that's why I feel hesitant to accept your request. So please, ask someone else to be your advisor"

I was surprised by her sudden revelation, but I smiled right after

"Fufufufufufu" I laughed at myself and Eina-san was surprised at my laugh

"Eh? Miko-san. Are you okay?"

"Ah, it's fine. Anyway, my request will remain the same. I don't care if I am fated to die in the dungeon, I will just be careful then and listen to your advices" I reassured Eina-san

She looks at me with wonder because I remain true to my stance.

"I see. Then let's move to the sitting area and we will talk there"


[Eina's POV]

Miko-san is quite amazing.

Not only she shows a stunning beauty, she is also quire charismatic.

Uwwooh~ Thinking about her is making my face red and blushes uncontrollably.

No, stop it, Eina. She is a woman and so were you.

If she was a man, then I should have dated him when I first see his face.


okay, calm down. She's only here to for an advisor. That's all. So, stay calm and just do your thing.

After I kept my thoughts under control, I saw Miko-san is staring at me while sitting cross-legged on the couch looking elegantly.

"What are you still standing there, Eina-san?" She says in a seductive tone.


Seeing me in distress, she laughs at my current state. I pouted and promptly sits on the other couch opposite to her.

"S-so, what are you going to ask me, Miko-san" I said as I am slowly calming down

"Ah, you see, I have several questions regarding about certain things, such as how Excelia was earned, what specific actions that increases each stat of your basic ability, what monsters are there except for goblins in the upper floors and how far I should venture in my current level?"

Miko-san listed all of her questions in one sentence. I assess each question and try to answer each of them to her.

"Well, first of all, Excelia was earned through various of actions. There are two types of Excelia. There is the regular excelia in which is normally used by Gods to improve their follower's status other than level. Then there is the High-quality Excelia, which is used by the Gods to level up their follower after accumulating enough of it. Those excelia are earned by achieving something would make a God impressed, such as defeating harder foes"

"As for the specific actions that increases each of your basic ability status. Umm, I think if you hit more enemies, your STRENGTH increases. If you get hit more, your ENDURANCE increases. If you move your muscles by swinging, blocking, punching, etc. your DEXTERITY increases. If you run around long enough, your AGILITY increases. Lastly, if you keep using magic spells and magic items, your MAGIC increases"

"As for the monsters in the upper floor. In floor 01, there are usually, kobold, Jack bird, and Dungeon Lizards. These ones are quite fairly challenging for you, but it is manageable if you have teammates"

"I see, how about if I solo them, do you think I can beat them?" She said bluntly

"Eh? You're not coming with your Familia members to venture the dungeons?"

"We all agreed that we can do our own activities on the day after the grouped dungeon exploration. So, I decided to venture solo in my own free time" She explains but I was baffled that she plans to take the dungeon alone.

'Is she really going to venture the dungeon alone? What if she doesn't make it when explored deeper on her own?'

While I was contemplating on whether if I should stop her or let her do it. Urgh, this always happens every time. I screwed so many times that I blamed myself for the adventurers' deaths. I just don't want Miko-san to die yet. She's too beautiful to die.

"It's okay, Eina-san I can take care of myself"

I snapped out of my thought with her charismatic voice. She says she can take care of herself. I she says so, why should I stop her from venturing alone. I will just be going to limit the floors she can venture on her own and give her advice to defeat the monsters in the upper floors.

I have decided.

"Okay, Miko-san. You can venture alone, but you can only venture at floor 1 to 4, understand?" I reach my hand towards her, waiting to shake hers. She saw my hand and she reach out and shake my hand.

"Yes, I understand"

We nodded at each other in understanding. After all of that, Miko-san stood up and says her farewells. I said my farewell as well, and she walks out the guild.

Looking at her from behind is quite majestic. Her nine tails are so beautiful and fluffy. I could have asked her if I can rub them, but I resisted instead.

But then before she opens the door, she looks at my eyes. She stared at me mischievously and then winks at me. She then exited the guild, leaving me all flustered.



[Miko's POV]

After a whole day of teas- I mean asking Eina-san with all of my question. I could understand some of the things she had said.

Now that I know a lot of information on what should I do in the dungeon, I will try to solo the dungeon on the next day after the grouped dungeon exploration.

I'll try some various stuffs to test some of my ongoing theories about my Fox's Enhancement skill.

With that being said, I head back to the base.

Writing is like migrane, it hurts my head

TempestNotioncreators' thoughts