
Dungeon Part 1

Dungeon 4th floor. The Next day




' a weapon, a good weapon, hmmm ' murmured Issac as he leaned back to dodge an attack coming at his face then kicked out and felt his foot connecting with something soft before he heard a nasty crack and the kobold whimpered as it flew back and hit the wall

' I've never used a katana, nor any sword for that matter' said Issac as he ducked as 2 goblins jumped at him only for him to reach out and grab their faces before he slammed their heads into the ground cracking their skulls

' i don't have the technique for a spear and daggers aren't my thing' groaned Issac, while he was distracted 3 goblins and 2 kobolds took the chance to tackle him to ground and tried to bite him only to give him minor scratches and nicks

' I'm going about this the wrong way' said Issac with a frown on his face before he grunted in annoyances and threw off his assailants. Time seemed to slow as he caught one of the goblins by it's legs and used it as whip to attack the others. With one swing he hit a kobold and watched it burst into a bloody mist before dashing to another, when he raised his hands to swing once more he noticed that the only thing left in his hand was a bloody leg


He and the kobold stared at each other in awkward manner before the kobold made a weird sound as if it was laughing which caused his eye to twitch in annoyance before more growls were heard coming toward their direction breaking up the atmosphere before the duo nodded at each other before they hurled themselves at each other

The kobold swipe at his neck intending to rip out his throat only to notice it's target disappeared causing it to be confused before it felt 2 arms wrap around it's waist before it was lifted off the ground, the last thing it saw was the dungeon floor speeding toward it before it died


An explosive sound was heard from the german suplex that Issac gave the kobold as web like cracks spread out from the point of impact and the floor tremble slightly

'now where was I...oh right do I even need a weapon?' thought Issac as he dashed toward to group that was running toward him. He nimbly dodged their attacks as he released powerful blows unto anyone in his path causing the unlucky ones who were targeted to burst when they received his blows and those who were luckier turned into blobs of flesh before colliding with those behind them

As he fought he tried different martial arts he'd seen over the years to see which one fit him, gradually getting better after every exchange but the goblins and kobolds were seemingly endless and he started to become exhausted and he started receiving injuries. His body became covered in blood and it started affecting his vision and the figures around him gradually became blurry and he had to completely depend on his observation haki to dodge fatal wounds because he was to exhausted to do anything else

"I'll hunt and kill every single one of you fucks when i'm healed" shouted Issac is frustration before he felt that familiar warmth and it brought back clarity to his mind as a blood thirsty grin formed on his face when a figure suddenly popped into his head causing his grin to widen

'found it' when he finished speaking his body was completely covered in goblins and kobolds while the others could only try and squeeze in the pile before a white light flashed.....


Every thing in the surrounding area was suddenly pushed back, they didn't even get to hit the floor before those they turned to ash and blew away

"hahahahahaha" maniacal laughter was heard as a figure was revealed, short black hair with several purple streaks and a black samurai mask{ can't describe it so here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.in%2Ftripple_777-Airsoft-Samurai-Assassin-Halloween%2Fdp%2FB07L7CZRCW&psig=AOvVaw3vDGf7PfGOtPdHRskaxnqn&ust=1597029395521000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKi-i6-UjesCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAW}

He wounds healed almost instantly as black miasma appeared from his body seemingly distorting space as he stood there as white gauntlets appeared and covered his entire arm up to his elbow, when he clenched his fist 3 ten inch purple claws came out from the knuckles

Raising his head he released a roar that caused the dungeon to shake and alerted several people in the city and deeper in the dungeon before he lowered his postured before dashing into the lower floors killing anything in his path

While he was committing a massacre, several people had serious expressions on their face as they stared toward the dungeon as several people were sent to investigate

I'm so tired rn, so the quality might drop. On another note I want to inform you of Issac's personality. He is extremely inteligent but most of the time would rather settle things with his fist. He is calm but they are instances where he will act on emotion and can only calm down by venting out these feelings and apathic person, and only see's those that are close to him as relevant.

He is also very cruel and he can and will do whatever he wants once he can handle to reprecussions of his actions

Hope you enjoy

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts