
Is It Wrong For the King Of The Void to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon??

Finally awakening the potential to become the man.....the being he was supposed to be, watch his journey as he claims what was rightfully his

Master_Livythan · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Child Of The Void Part 1



*beep beep*

"Morning traffic!!!, yet another inconvenience in this mundane life of mine" sighs a slightly muscular male as he gazes through the window as he held on the seat of the bus. The world seems to slow and all sound fades in the background as he watches the buildings and people turn in to blurs as he gets lost in his thoughts

'why do we live'

'why do we go through each day repeating the same actions, meeting the same people'

'most struggle to make ends meet while other splurge and enjoy life like there's no tomorrow'

'I learn so I could work, i work so i could earn, i earn so i can eat and be clothed, and i fuck so i feel satisfied' and the cycle continues. Is this really it?

'does it really matter at the end of the day? we'll all die someday, then what?

'where does it end' that was his last thought before he saw a blinding light and everything went dark


Opening his eyes he was once again met with a blinding light that forced him to close his eyes while he shuck his head to try to rid himself of the slight nauseous feeling that overcame him.

Gradually opening his eyes so they could get accustomed to the light, he started to look around, only to be taken aback by the sheer...darkness...nothing but an endless darkness that seemed to drag you in. Normally you'd feel fear from such a scene but he only felt calm and serene and a strange feeling arose in his always calm heart

*bum bum*

Closing his eyes and enjoying the euphoric feeling that seemed to wash away his previous fatigue only to be broken out of his thoughts by annoying shouts and sounds of crying. He opened his eyes and was met with several blue lights, some were brighter than others while some had darker shades and many were in between, as he was observing he realized that they were the people that were on the bus with him before they ended up here.

"he-hello?" screamed a timid school girl. Here actions seemed to have set off a chain reaction as everyone started screaming at the top of their lungs while the seemingly calmer ones just watched all of this happen as they observed with squinted eyes.

They started to walk around but soon realized they couldn't walk further than a certain distance away from the giant light in the center. As they were exploring he realized that even though they were so close no one spoke to him or even came close to him for that matter but he decided to chalk it up to them ignoring him.

As he continued to observed, a sweaty obese male walked towards to light with a excited look on his face while he was muttering something under his breath. Taking the chance to read his lips and what he read made his lip start to twitch

"isekai isekai isekai" raising his brows as he remembered all those Japanese and Chinese manga and light/web novels and anime he saw in his free time before he lost interest because of they took to long to update. As he was caught in his thoughts the tub of lard.....*ahem*.....the overweight individual placed his hand on the light and it started to pulse drawing everyone's attention.

"what are you doing fat ass" asked your friendly neighborhood drug dealer....*ahem pimp*.....no i mean gangster

"this light is the only clue that we have so I decided to investigate it, as i got closer i was expecting it to give off heat but i was warm at best and it drew me in and the next thing i knew, my hand was already on it" replied the fat ass calmly in a deep and manly voice that drew a few looks from some of the females only for them to turn away in disgust when they saw the crazy grin that adorned his face along with his figure.

Following the gangster as a example, the rest of the mobs started to put their hands on the light making those behind panic when they saw they were running out of space and ran towards the light to get a space. Feeling his eyebrow twitch in annoyances as he saw them running towards him like they couldn't see him, just as he was about to curse and punch down whoever crossed him he froze.

His pupils shrank as he watched the rest of the group run through him as he stood there. Standing there he was shocked as multiple thoughts went his mind that he didn't notice the light started to grow and grow until it disappeared

Many voiced out in confusion before a ethereal voice spoke to them making them step back in fear except for a few who stood their ground. The voice awoke him from his thoughts but it caused a reaction he didn't expect as he felt his heart beat started to race. Slowly turning around he froze once more when saw the person...when he saw her. She had fiery red hair that reached her feet,and as she stood there, it gently moved. He noticed that it looked like flames dancing in the wind but for some reason her face was obscured. She wore a simple white dress that did nothing to hide her bountiful chess and shapely body, the dress was long enough that it would drag behind her as she walked.

They were gasp of shock from the crowd while everyone had different reactions, most males had lewd smiles when they saw, only for some to hide it behind a gentleman like smile but they couldn't hide the desire and greed while the females had looks of envy while a few were biting their lips while rubbing their thighs together as they watched her only to be awoken from their delusions when she spoke

"forgive me my children, because of my negligence you were accidentally killed by me"

When the group heard her many were outraged and started to cry once more while others cursed her seemingly forgetting that she's most likely a godly being before a voice was heard above the others

" you stupid bitch you cause us to die so you should compensate us" said the gangster as he greedily eyed her body "why don't you spend the night with-"

He didn't get to finish before he started to scream as black hands came from the void beneath us and started to rip him apart causing the others to pale from fright.

"you ants should know your place and be grateful i decided to not just force your souls into reincarnation" said the 'godess coldly as she swept her eyes across the group

"now here's what gonna happen, you're gonna use the karma you gained in your life to make one wish before you're going to be reincarnated in a random world but you can't go back to you previous world. Now line up before me and make your wish before you leave"

Seemingly forgetting about the death they just witnessed, everyone lined up excitedly so they make there wish, while others went to the back so they could think it over properly. As he watched the group line up and make their wishes before they disappeared, as he watched the 'Goddess' and saw he unconsciously gripped his chest in pain without knowing why

As he watched the last of the group disappear he started to walk towards her, each of his steps seemed to echo in the empty void, he watched her raise her head when she saw him and saw the surprise that flashed through her eyes. He stopped right before her and before she could answer he reached out his hand to touch her cheek as a tear slid from his eye while his other hand still held his chest

"you're dying" he said as he watched the shock appear on her face