Finally awakening the potential to become the man.....the being he was supposed to be, watch his journey as he claims what was rightfully his
As the group walked through the city talking, the trios beauty bathe in the rays of the setting sun created a visual masterpiece for the spectators but it was more like the trio were talking while Issac just stood in the center while paying attention to the conversation while looking around for something interesting that caught his attention while ignoring the stares
Before his head suddenly snapped in the direction of the tower of Babel and he squinted his eyes and stopped walking as he looked towards it's peak and a dangerous aura was released from his body before it disappeared as quickly as it came but the trio surrounding him were sensitive enough to notice the difference and looked at him questioningly
" nothing major, you guys might just be receiving a new sister soon " replied Issac only to receive pinches on the waist from Hestia and Eina and Issy started pouting causing Issac to raise his eyebrows before he shook his head and continued walking but not before flashing a smile in the towers direction
' is that Hestia? ' pondered Freya and she observed the obvious changes the young goddess went through causing her to look intently at Issac only to freeze slightly when she saw his smile before she released sensual laughter
" sisters huh? interesting " murmured Freya as she looked towards their destination thoughtfully, only she knew what she was thinking
Chuckling internally as he pondered how he should interact with the goddess before shaking away the thoughts as a while flame flashed in his eyes before it disappeared
Because they took their time, they arrived right when they started serving adventurers, when they step in they were welcomed to happy talking and shouting as several adventurers bragged about today's dungeon run and how many monsters they slayed etc as music played in the background lightening the mood only for the surroundings to suddenly become dead quiet as all the adventurers looked towards the door tensely
When the waitresses saw this scene they looked towards the door confusedly only to raise their eyebrows when they saw the group of 4, while the eyes of a certain waitress flashed before she smiled brightly and walked towards them while holding a tray to her chest
" welcome to the hostess of fertility, is this your groups first time here? " asked the silvered waitress. Though she asked the group she was staring directly into Issacs' eyes, to which he returned her stare nonchalantly without replying. Her actions annoyed Hestia and Eina and when she was about to say something, as if she noticed she flashed a smile at them " oh excuse me, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Syr Flover " said the waitress as she bowed before she looked at Issac once more before she turned around
" follow me, I'll lead you to your table " said Syr as she walked inside ignoring the awkward silence in the room as she led them to a free table and handed them menu's. When the group walked inside the room, several low murmurs were heard as the all conversed about the group. Those who saw them for the first time only spoke about the beauties and several were going to take the chance to get to know them only to be stopped by those who knew better before they looked at the nonchalant Issac with dread as they watched his his every move
They only released a breath when he sat down and paid attention to the menu but they still didn't dare talk to loudly like before and the waitresses and cook noticed this unusual atmosphere. When a tall built lady walked out and slammed her hands on the counter drawing everyone's attention
" anyone who isn't finished in the next 5 minutes has to buy 5 more dishes at double the price and you girls, get back to work and stop slacking off " said the woman as her eyes passed everyone in the room before it paused on Issacs' table for a bit while she internally noted Syr's behavior before she walked away the music in the background continued as if on cue.
All of the adventurers paled before they started scarfing down food as if their life depended on it. While this was happening Syr continued to converse with Issac while asking several questions treating the others as air which caused the trio to become annoyed. Hestia had to get another mug as she had crushed her pervious one in annoyance spilling the beer all over the table . When Issac saw their reactions he couldn't help but chuckle further adding to their annoyance before a loud nya was heard once again drawing everyone's attention as they looked towards the door
" nya!!!! the customers with reservations have arrived! " exclaimed the cat girl waitress before she stepped aside only for several gasp to be heard as Loki walked in with the main party of her party following behind her, as the adventurers revealed looks of awe before all their looks turned towards the last one to enter before some the men started whistling and throwing out compliments before their friends had to stop them when they saw the emblem she carried
" that's the Loki Familia " said a random adventurer
" the Giant-Killing Familia? " asked another when he heard the comments before another one asked nervously in a lower voice than before
" so th-that's the Sword Princess? "
Several murmurs where heard once more as they watched the new group and became excited. When Issac and the others saw who entered, they just looked at them for a moment before they turned their attention back to the menus. Only Isabella looked on in awe as she looked at one of the strongest familia's in town and felt slightly dejected because she couldn't join and lowered her head. When Issac noticed her, he reached out and patted her head before he spoke
" what's the point of the look? you'll soon catch up and then surpass them. Look at how much you've progressed so far, so keep your head up and walk with confidence and look around yourself, you're no longer alone " said Issac with a smirk before he ordered several dishes. When she heard his words she couldn't help but feel embarrassed and scold herself especially when she saw the smiles that Eina and Hestia gave her
When Syr heard his comment a glint passed through her eyes and she glanced at all the women before she looked back towards Issac
The night passed uneventfully and when the group were about the leave, a drunken shout was heard which Issac continued to ignore before he heard the owners words
" dammit !!! if I meet the orange haired weakling again I'll rip off his head " said a drunken Bete as he slammed his jug unto the table angrily only for him and everyone else on the table to freeze when they heard the voice again
" oh??? which orange haired person would that be little pup? " asked Issac amusedly as he snaked his arm around his neck