
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Mediocre Preparations

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

Hey people! I apologize for the extremely late chapter! I had an extremely busy week, and the times at which I could write were really short and personally, I can't write shiet if I don't get at LEAST 3 hours to myself. Not really effective I know but it is what it is! Moving on! The usual song and dance... Reviews, constructive criticism, comments, suggestions and everything else would really help me at improving the story my own writing and most importantly... Give me more motivation to write! Besides all that...

Thank you for reading, truly! and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Hearth Mansion Bell's Bedroom-

Bell POV

As the morning sun rises, it's warm rays of light penetrate my room's windows, hitting my body with sunlight, that would normally, wake anyone up. As is my own case.

I satisfyingly open my eyes, as I stretch my body with a satisfying sigh.


"W-Wow! That was a good sleep..." I say out loud to myself, having had the best sleep in a while.

I take a look through the window, at the blinding sun to roughly estimate the hour of the day.

'I've overslept quite a bit huh...' At the sun's position and consequent conclusion of the time of day, I understand I've awoken much later than my usual schedule.

"Well, better get to breakfast! it's a new day! And... I've got many things to do..." I hype myself up for the day. A resolute and excited smile plastered on my face.

I begin to make my way to the restroom to wash up.

-Short Time Skip-

Having washed up properly, I make my way to the kitchen, to have breakfast and hope someone is still home... And that they left me something.

Upon turning a corner I surprisingly meet someone short and plump.

The short and plump creature, having made eye contact with it's natural prey. it quickly jumps at me, smothering me with it's ridiculous and probably back pain inducing breasts.

My survival instincts are rather against the notion of my own suffocation. As such I grab the creature and set it on the ground with the overpowering strength and grace of a Level 3 Adventurer.

After CALMLY setting her down, I process the actual creature in front of me with calculated thought. instead of natural and habitual reaction.

"Kami-sama?! You're alright!" I semi-shout in relief and lack of oxygen at the sight of Kami-sama who meets my eyes a smug smile at my words.

"Hmph! Of course I'm fine Bell-kun~! I'm you're goddess after all! Law enforcement can never defeat my love for you~!" Kami-sama responded smugly, teasing me, with her large chest puffed out in pride at her glorious escape? from law enforcement.

"Hahaha! Stop teasing me Kami-sama! But I'm glad you're alright" I respond to her teasing and claim with a hearty laugh, a happy, relieved and warm smile on my face.

"I didn't tease you..." She whispers with frustration and a lowered head

"Hmm?" I hum in confusion with a raised eyebrow.

" *Ahem* Anyway! I was making my way to your room to wake you up for breakfast! And before you ask, we waited for you to wake up before eating breakfast!" Kami-sama announces her original purpose of making her way towards me and my room, as the familia made quite the touching effort of waiting for me.

"Y-You guys..." I tear up a little

Wordlessly, she grabs my hand and begins to drag me to the Kitchen.

-Short Time Skip-

After being dragged voluntarily by Kami-sama in to the kitchen. My eyes are blessed with the sight of my precious Familia sitting patiently with food on the table looking in my and Kami-sama's direction.

"T-Thank you guys..." I thank them emotionally. Tears in my eyes.

Now this may seem like an exaggerated reaction... But I can't help it, it shows how far Kami-sama and I have come and how blessed I am to have them all...

They all silently stare at me with warm emotions. Whilst Welf-san motions with his hand to sit down next to him.

Separating from Kami-sama, I begin to make my way to sit down on the chair near Welf-san, my usual seat. I notice something... Peculiar.

Looking up at the ceiling, I notice a small golden dragon duct taped onto it.

At the confusing and rather unsurprising situation the aforementioned dragon seems to be in, I can't help but question it.

"Why is Merlin-sense-" I ask pure bewilderment on my face. Before being rudely interrupted as I fail to complete my question.

""Don't ask"" Everyone, collectively with a nonchalant tone, interrupt and respond to my uncompleted question. Throwing a hazardous glance at Kami-sama. The would be perpetrator of the stuck dragon.

Said Kami-sama facing me with quite the threatening closed eye smile.

Moving on...

"Umm, I guess let's eat? also Mikoto-san and I need to tell you all something..." I swiftly and tactfully change topic from the tapped dragon to the food and subsequent discussion Mikoto-san and I were planning.

Upon noticing the serious look on my face, they all straighten themselves and as a result, the atmosphere turns serious as well.

"Why didn't you tell us this yesterday?" Welf-san questions with a serious face, a tinge of confusion in his tone.

"Lili guesses you were waiting for Hestia-sama to come back, that's why you didn't talk to us yesterday... is it?" Lili-san correctly guesses, holding her chin with her hand in a contemplating gesture.

"Yeah, that's right, but it's no rush at all! We'll talk as we eat!" I say placatingly, a calming smile plastered on my face, hands held up to return the atmosphere to a considerably less suffocating one.

*Clap* Kami-sama claps to seemingly bring attention onto herself.

"Alright! Let's eat! Bell-kun! Mikoto-chan! Explain as we eat!" Kami-sama commands with a playful tone and smile. As she helps me fix the current mood. An unnoticed calculating gleam appears on her eye.

With no one against or willing to argue with Kami-sama we sit down to begin eating.

-Short Time Skip-

After all of us are mid way of eating our fill, I opt to explain the plan as soon as possible, in case of the hopefully unlikely chance of me needing to form plan B...

I stand up and make my way out of the table to be in front of them all, as their eyes follow me. I also signal Mikoto-san to stand up with me as she also makes her way to stand close to me.

"Alright Mikoto-san, I'll begin explaining help me fill the gaps if I forget something!" I ask Mikoto-san, as I prepare to explain the plan and situation. Meeting her eyes with a assured look on my face, as she mirrors my own look and silently nods her agreement.

Upon hearing my sentence I seem to have gained my entire Famila's undivided attention.

"So... Haruhime-san... Buy her... And such..." I explain MY plan to the entire Familia, Welf-san and Lili-san flash me a look as if they expected this to happen, whilst Kami-sama, to my concern, has a undecipherable look on her face.

-Short Time Skip-

As I finish up unfolding my meticulous plan on saving Haruhime-san.

Welf-san with a lowered head and depressive aura around him gets up and gives Lili-san a few valis as she has a proud and smug look on her face. a quiet whisper of "Damn it" can be heard from his direction. At that we all stare at them utterly perplexed.

"Lil-Lili and I were betting on how soon you were going to go ahead and try and save Haruhime. And as you can see... I lost..." Welf-san soon explained the perplexing situation with a smile on his face. That turned into a grimace at his loss.

"Anyways, I'll go to hell and back for you Bell! You know this! I'm in!" Welf-san gives me a thumbs up, as he makes his way towards me, placing his hand on my shoulder to proudly proclaim his loyalty to myself.

I flash him a radiant and thankful smile at his outrageous but touching proclamation.

"Lili agrees with Welf-sama. Bell-sama is precious and important to Lili and she owes him much... The plan is surprisingly well thought out. So Lili thinks it should be fine!" Lili-san responds to my plan with an expression somehow mirroring Welf-san, as she additionally praises the plan. Which means a lot given the fact I believe her to be the most competent individual other than Kami-sama here.

'One, two, buckle my shoe~! Three, four, buckle some more~! Five, six, Nike kicks~!' The forgotten competent individual glued to the ceiling seems to be singing songs to himself in a deranged manner, with a chipper tone of voice. What the fuck? Anyways!

At the agreement of the rest of the Familia to the plan, we all switch our sights to the last and arguably most important individual to yet pose their opinion on the plan.

Kami-sama gazing straight at my soul, sending a chill down my spine. A look betraying no emotion on her face, an uncharacteristic and yet fitting cold look on her face.

An uncomfortable silence and pressure envelopes the room.

A silence, that dissipates instantly, the moment the uncharacteristically silent dragon, returns to character.

"Could you quit the mediocre and rather lackluster attempt at intimidation? My backyard chickens are more intimidating than you! Just voice your agreement already you titty goblin!" The ceiling bound Dragon mercilessly demolishes the atmosphere Kami-sama seems to have built. A degrading and disdaining tone found in his every word. A signature shit eating grin can be found on his face once again.

A tick mark appears on Kami-sama's forehead and her expression breaks at his words.

"Grrrrrr... You just had to ruin it! Now I'm definitely not letting you down!" Kami-sama returns to her usual self, as she growls at Merlin-sensei and proceeds to shout her displeasure towards him.

"Bitch please! You think I can't break free of these plastic binds?! You'd be a fool to assume so!" Merlin-sensei arrogantly and vulgarly proclaims his ability to break free of his cage? Strange...

"Although... How do you guys have access to plastic? Isn't this a medieval magic type world? Don't answer that! Questions for later..." Merlin-sensei questions us, then himself, with an utterly bewildered tone, uttering his usual gibberish that can only be understood by him and him only...

Kami-sama simply glares at his behavior and usual vulgar tone and turns her eyes towards... Me.

Her sapphire eyes meet my ruby ones.

*Sigh* She lets out a sigh.

"Bell-kun... I don't like it that you're going ahead to save another girl." Kami-sama tells me with exhaustion marring her face.

I begin to sweat and worry a little at her disagreement.

'Guess I need to make a plan B, hu-' As I curb my worry and begin to plan my next move as a result of her words, she interrupts my thought process.

"But! I'll allow it! I can't stop you from helping others Bell-kun! I know very well that you'll go and save her regardless of my decision... So, it's way better if I also help myself!" Kami-sama continues her point and thankfully and to my relief, agrees to the plan. A resigned but warm look on her face as she gazes into my very soul.

As it seems my plan has received the full support and cooperation of the entire Familia, my eyes meet with Mikoto-san's as we nod to each other in victory.

""Thank you so much everyone!"" Mikoto-san and I bend our body 90 degrees to emphasize our gratitude.

"Lili-san will be going to buy potions from Miach-sama's pharmacy to prepare for the dungeon tomorrow. And then to prepare a few more things. Welf-sama you're close to completing your project right? Do you need anything while I'm at it?" Lili-san our supporter as is known, states her plan as she gets up and begins to make her way outside. Questioning Welf-san if he needs anything.

"Yes! Some more, Frog shooter oil! Here use some of my valis for it. Thanks Lil-Lily!" Welf-san responds with a positive, handing Lili-san some of his own valis and flashing her a grateful toothy grin.

At that I look towards Mikoto-san and talk to her.

"Mikoto-san as I've asked yesterday will you be joining me today in training?" I ask with a reassuring smile on my face.

Upon noticing her uncomfortable look as she stared at Merlin-sensei, I remember yesterday's concern.

"Sensei! Would you mind if Mikoto-san joins our training today?" I genuinely ask Merlin-sensei meeting his majestic (Self proclaimed) amethyst eyes, neck hurting from having to look at the ceiling.

"Yeah no problem, the drug cartel gal can join us." Merlin-sensei answers offhandedly, not a tinge of concern or care in his voice.

He then proceeds to... Effortlessly break free of his duct tape binding, unfurling his wings as he glides down towards me. Landing on my right shoulder, his usual spot.

"Thank you Sensei! Let's go Mikoto-san!" I wisely decide to ignore the nonsense of Merlin-sensei's agreement, in favor of focusing on his actual agreement. Excitedly calling for Mikoto-san to join me in training.

She flashes me a smile and a grateful look towards Merlin-sensei who just waves his hand paw thing at her silently. The 3 of us make our way outside to our usual training spot the courtyard. Leaving Kami-sama alone in the Kitchen as she contemplates her own usefulness in our plan.

"Hmm... I'm... Useless?! No! I'll find something to help them! Yeah!" Kami-sama seems to have understood how the plan makes no actual use of her. She declares and resolves herself to make herself useful in whatever way she can find.

-Time Skip-

Hearth Mansion Courtyard

We arrive at our usual training spot. As Merlin-sensei flashes in front of me and Mikoto-san, floating in the air. A serious look on his face, something characteristic to his rare but existent mentor role.

"Now, Bell you'll be doing the same Stick training!" He proudly announces as he point at me with his claw, making me flash a grimace and fearful look towards him.

"Don't worry! This wont be permanent! Only until a stat or skill forms! For now STICK to it! HAHAHAHAH! Get it? Stick to it! AHAHAHAHHA! I love myself!" Merlin-sensei fails to calm me down as he tries to downplay how much more stick training I must endure, as he makes a pathetic attempt at a joke, his usual humor filled self showing its ugly mug.

At the pathetic joke both Mikoto-san and I, deadpan at him, absolutely not a shred of humor in our expression.

"What a stick in the mud you bunch are!" Merlin-sensei mentions with disappointment mixed with glee.

"Anyways! Moving on... You! Mizoto! As you're not the Main character nor the hero I'm obligated to train, your training shall be... Less specialized and very much not of the same quality as Bell. Sorry not sorry! Any whom, I'll be simply sparring with you! And by sheer association to my magnificent (Self proclaimed) self you'll get stronger! Got that?" Merlin-sensei lectured sagely and tactlessly, as he in his usual "elegant" and blunt way of speech, announced his lack of effort when it comes to training Mikoto-san and her lack of importance in his eyes.

"Yes, Merlin-dono... I'll be grateful for you're training." Mikoto-san responds resignedly and formally, betraying no emotion but a touch of sadness at his lack of care and favoritism.

"Merlin-sensei! Why wouldn't you train her with as much effort as you would train me?!" I slightly loss myself in anger, at his unfairness and lack of empathy. Shouting my rage at him, meeting his amethyst eyes with my rage filled ruby ones.

"Are you deaf? I just explained why I wont be training her with as much quality and care as you... But if you need me to point it out more bluntly, then sure. I have absolutely zero obligation to train her as well as I am and will, be training you. it's that simple, I train heroes. Rare are the occasions I train the hero's companions, ESPECIALLY training them to be in the same caliber and league as the aforementioned hero. And if I were to do so, I must first grasp the balance of the world and the power system. Something I have yet to fully calculate and comprehend. Conclusively... She has been, as of now and perhaps forever, been deemed unworthy of the same training as you. Need it more comprehensive than that kid?" Merlin-sensei lectured with a dead serious and a no nonsense tone. A cold and calculating look on his draconic face.

Causing me and Mikoto-san to fall into silence, as I grit my teeth in frustration at his "Rules" and lack of care towards anyone that is not... Myself.

"Now don't be so downtrodden Mizoto and Bell! Mizoto's training will either way be much more beneficial than any other training she can do without me! So don't be so greedy! My little piglets!" Merlin-sensei tactlessly and gleefully makes a pathetic attempt at reencouraging myself and especially Mikoto-san.

Mikoto-san herself reluctantly nods her agreement towards Merlin-sensei, her depressive and resigned look easily seen through.

"But Sense-"

"Stop Bell-dono, that's enough. Merlin-dono said it'll be way more beneficial than nothing for me wont it?" Mikoto-san flashes me a thankful but sad and resigned smile, meeting my eyes, then meeting Merlin-sensei's eyes with a questioning look.

At her question he simply nods.

"I'm grateful for any training I can get. Thank you Merlin-dono." Mikoto-san bends in gratitude towards Merlin-sensei, thanking him formally for his "Care".

'Fine... But it's still not fair... Why can't he train Mikoto-san like he trains me, even if it isn't his obligation? Maybe... He's not allowed to? Something isn't allowing him to train us or something? I can't piece it together...' I think to myself in pure frustration and annoyance, feeling bad for Mikoto-san and the others... At this rate... I'll be too strong in comparison to them...

"Hmph! You need to learn manners from this girl Bell! I approve! But sucking up to me wont be earning you any better training Mizoto!" Merlin-sensei huffs in approval as he tells me to learn manners... Rude...

"Anyways we've been wasting daylight! Let's get to work! Now, Bell you now the drill. Wear this blind fold." Merlin-sensei ordered as he pulled a blindfold out of nowhere and handed it out to me.

"Hai Sensei!" I switch to my student mode, giving Sensei a rather lackluster and yet signature salute, as I am still a little annoyed with him.

"Merlin-dono, how will you be sparring with me and training Bell-dono? Will you be doing time-split training?" Mikoto-san inquires of Merlin-dono, with a rather cute tilt of her head.

"A fine question my devious comrade! I'll be getting a little work out here but... *Crack*" Merlin-sensei proudly answers Mikoto-san's question with a crack of his scaly neck as he continues...

"I'll be moving so fast, I can train both of you at the same time... Prepare yourselves!" The dragon answers Mikoto-san's inquiry and instantly blinks towards her direction, to swing his arm at her, at a speed she can barely react to.


Mikoto-san barely blocks the hand with a draw of her katana, a clank echoes from the blow; a sharp, hard, nonresonant sound, like that produced by two pieces of metal striking, one against the other. Emphasizing just how hard Merlin-sensei's arm is.

'F-Fast! And strong!' Mikoto-san thinks to herself in surprise at the swift and hard strike she narrowly blocked. Gritting her teeth in effort, trying to match his strength.

However, simultaneously, as Mikoto-san was struck by Merlin-sensei's arm he seemingly? appeared in front of me to hit me with a stick. Which I dodged by the feel of the wind.

If one were to look at the current scene, it would look like there were 2 Merlin-sensei's in the courtyard.

""Nice dodge/block!"" His voice echoes twice, as if there were truly 2 Merlin-sensei's there.

Mikoto-san quickly backs off with a flip, once they reach a stalemate with the strike.

"How ridiculous..." She whispers aloud a sweat appearing on her forehead at how hard she had to try to reach that stalemate.

'It's as if he adjusted his strength to perfectly make me reach my own strength's limit...' Mikoto-san thought to herself at the ridiculousness of Merlin-sensei's measured strike.

Only to fail to react to the next one which came at a slower speed, but without warning. A hit to her stomach knocking her back a few feet away.

*GAAAAH* *BLEGHHHH* Mikoto-san drops on her knees and pukes the breakfast.

"*Tsk* *Tsk* Now that's just plain disrespectful! Who in their right mind would concentrate on anything but the fight, when the opponent... Is ME?!" Merlin-sensei chastises Mikoto-san with click of his tongue and an arrogant tone. Floating above her to stare her down.

"Mikoto-san! Are you alright! I heard you got hit bad!" I shout out in worry at what I heard but can't see.

"Focus dimwit!"


Merlin-sensei swings his tail? at me which I was ready for.


And blocked with my knife according to the winds movement and my own instincts. A tail strike aimed at my midsection blocked by the Hestia knife.

"Oh! Your first block in this training... On top of trying to play me a fool... Impressive! Who knew you were that cunning huh kid?" Merlin-sensei says pleasantly surprised, eyebrow raised to his horn-hair line whatever in surprise.

"However..." he whispers dangerously

"Parry this you filthy casual!"



And so, our training went on like that for a couple of hours until the very afternoon.

-Time Skip-

Hearth Mansion Hestia's Office

Hestia POV

I sit down with pure dread on my seat with a mountain of paperwork that is, for the most part, just formal garbage that has no use whatsoever, but being the God of a familia comes with it's own set of pointless and yet necessary work.

"Ah, finally done with preparing the stuff for Bell-kun to save that Haruwhatchamacallit! Now for the paper work..." I say aloud, proud of my own work and proof of usefulness, that switches to dread as my face turns pale at the *Shudders* paperwork.

'Hmm, ever get that feeling of deja vu?' I feel like something that has already happened in the past. Will happen once again. My godly instinct practically guarantees this, which further increases my blood pressure.


"W-WHA?! Who's there!" I jump on my table like a scared cat at the sudden and forceful opening of the door. Yelling out after a second of calming my maiden heart down with a indignant hand pointed at the, as of yet walked through door.

"Yeesh, my poor reptilian earlobes... You anime people really like your overreactions don't you?" A dragon, a familiar dragon in fact, makes his presence known as he floats through the door scratching his earlobe, his ever irritating tone coupled with his shit eating grin, not making my dread improve in the slightest.

Before I can react, out of the door, come the floating bodies of Mikoto-chan and... Bell-kun!??!

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!?!?" My dread in a mood swing turns into pure burning wrath. As I roar the accusation at Chibi-Dragon.

"K-Kami-sama were ok... We just can't walk..." Bell-kun responds first, actually capable of coherent speech this time around.

"Y-Yeah, Hestia-sama, Merlin-dono... Was very passionate with the training..." Mikoto-chan joined in reassuring me at their physical health.

'But what about mental health?' I think to myself for a second. Sending Chibi-dragon a frosty and dangerous glare.

"Don't look at me like that! How could I teach them the dangers of breaking their kneecaps without actually breaking their kneecaps? Experience is the best teacher! HAHAHAHAHAH" Chibi-Dragon says mockingly with a shit eating grin, which turns into a sadistic and roaring laughter.

"Besides, I went easier on them this time around! Can't be having you nagging me again like you did last time! So stop whining and get to work! Titty status updater!" Chibi-Dragon said reassuringly? as he vulgarly ordered me around. Causing me to grit my teeth and move silently towards both of the Dragon victims.

He floats each towards a respective sofa. I firstly move towards Bell-kun to update his status.

I take off his shirt wordlessly, to see considerable bruises but nothing in comparison to his first training. Besides the broken kneecaps...

I prick my finger and drop divine blood on his back, to update his status.

'Not as good as the first time... But still utterly ridiculous.' I attempt to think stoically, but fail to do so at the absolute ridiculousness which is Bell-kun's growth coupled with the Dragon's training.

-Status start-

Bell Cranel Level: 3

Strength: I44 >>> Strength I77

Endurance: H124 >>> Endurance H189

Dexterity: I60 >>> Dexterity H101

Agility: I88 >>> Agility H139

Magic: I10 >>> Magic I10 (in case your wondering why this stat didn't raise at all, it is because doing a blindfolded firebolt ain't a good idea lol)

Luck: H

Magic: Firebolt: No chant magic that can be used quickly

Skills: Argonaut: Allows a charge for a counterattack. It requires five minutes (formerly four, and before that, three) for a full charge and can either sound like a small chime or a grand bell depending on the power needed. It can be used for any type of attack but the effects will dissipate when the user is attacked or they lose focus.

Liaris Freese (Hidden): Fast growth as long as the user is in love. The strength of the effects corresponds with the level of the user's feelings.

Summon Mentor Of Heroes: Upon channeling mind and using the incantation, summons the Mentor Of Heroes. Incantation: "I am the bone of my hand. Ex is my body, and Fakku is my blood. I have created over a thousand loads. Unknown to sex. Nor known to girls. Have withstood pain to create many orgasms. Yet, those orgasms will never be with girls. So as I pray, Unlimited Hentai Works." (do note I did not come up with this parody of UBW, credit goes to whomever I copied this off of lmao)

-Status end-

At finishing encoding and pasting the status and of course erasing the Liaris Freese skill on a piece of paper. I give it to Bell-kun and Chibi-Dragon for inspection.

"Amazing... Thank you Merlin-sensei! Although it's worse than last time?" Bell-kun locks eyes with Chibi-dragon to tell him his heartfelt gratitude, and to point out a question.

"Of course it's worse... I went easier on you today, if you want similar growth like the first time, argue with your goddess not me." Chibi-Dragon responded offhandedly and with a shrug of his draconic shoulders, as he pointed at me.

"Although again, neither a stat nor a skill appeared. A bit disappointing but not unexpected! More stick training my student!" Chibi-Dragon mentions in disappointment, but waves it off quickly with threatening more torture towards my dear Bell-kun!

*Shudders* He pales and tightens himself in accordance to the threat.

"*Ahem*, Moving on! And no Bell-kun! The training will not return to it's first intensity! No arguments!" I cough the attention back to myself and quickly give Bell-kun a no arguments look, so he wont get any funny ideas to train as hard as he did at their first session.

He shrivels up and lowers his head sadly at that, which hurts my maiden heart.

'You must be strong Hestia!' I whisper to myself in reinforcement, as I make my way to Mikoto-chan.

"Now! NO BOYS ALLOWED! GET OUT OF HERE!" I shout at the stupefied duo who are just dumbly floating and laying down respectively.

"How cruel and insensitive... The boy can't even walk and you're asking him to just get up and leave? People like you disgust me! Urgh!" Chibi-Dragon says with physical disgust and a widening shit eating grin meeting my sapphire eyes with his amethyst ones, accusing me of being insensitive... Which is correct.

"Grr... You know what I mean! Float him to his bedroom to rest, damn you!" I growl at him and tell the nuisance to buzz off with Bell-kun.

He simply smiles as he floats Bell-kun with him as they float away strangely out of the room, leaving me with Mikoto-chan.

"Alright the boys are out, I'm taking your shirt off." I say as I sit on top of Mikoto-chan's back

She nods wordlessly, much like every other non greenhorn adventurer, she is used to the process of status updating.

I as per usual prick my finger and drop my blood on her back and update her status to see...

"WHAT THE HELL!??!?!" I yell out in shock at what I'm seeing here.

-Status start-

Yamato Mikoto Level: 1>>> 2

Rank up condition: FILLED

(Survive against an incomprehensible monster)

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0

Monster Survivor (NEW): I

Magic: Futsunomitama: Heavy gravity magic that crushes a given area


Yatanokurogarasu: Enemy search within effect range, also reveals hidden enemies. Effect is exclusive for monsters and only works on monsters that the user has encountered before. Active Trigger

Yatanoshirogarasu: Familia member search within effect range. Only works on those in the same Familia. Active Trigger

-Status end-

"H-Hestia-sama?!" Mikoto-chan says my name in worry. At that I calm down and analyze just what I'm seeing.

'That Chibi-Dragon... He's so ridiculous it seems he is capable of fooling the Falna itself. A fight with him is translated as an encounter with am overpowering monster... Simply training with him can artificially and safely induce an "Adventure", causing anyone if he has the status to simply rank up... is he doing this on purpose or is this an accident?' I hold my chin with my hand in a thinking gesture. Fully analyzing and thinking through just what exactly happened with Mikoto-chan's status and how absurd her rank up is. And what his intentions are exactly...

'Besides the backlash we would face were his existence to be known, the fact he is capable of inducing safe, effective and artificial rank ups, would just mean a Orario sized and if not world sized amount of trouble...' I exhaustingly conclude the troublesome existence of Chibi-Dragon. And how there is a necessity of his existence never being known in the first place.

'But I doubt anyone as heard of him yet... right?' I stare at the ceiling in hope of there being no Dragon induced problems.

"Hestia-sama? You there?"

It seems I've ignored a worried Mikoto-chan! How bad!

"Oh! I'm alright, it's just... You leveled up!" I announce in excitement for Mikoto-chan

"W-What? Really?!" She gets up at the exciting announcement staring at me with starry eyes, still shirtless revealing her badonkers. Mine are better of course...

"Put on a shirt... And yup! Read it!" I give her the paper with a proud smile as she finishes dressing herself.

She grabs the paper and her eyes begin to boggle and ever widen at what she is reading.

'Is.. Is she crying?!' I stare at her reaction, noticing tears forming in her eyes, but upon second thought, the first rank up is usually always emotional... A level 2 adventurer is a great jump in status from the usual mob of level 1's. It's a life changing event!

"I-It seems *Sniff*, That I need to thank Merlin-dono once again... *Sniff*" Mikoto-san mentions emotionally, crying tears of joy as the paper is being practically drenched with tears.

I come over and rub her back in a comforting manner.

"There, there..." I whisper with a reassuring and proud smile.

(Now this might seem like quite a drastic change of pace, so I'd like feedback on this. Since I didn't have anything major planned in between, I believe this time skip is fine. As canon events are changed, somethings that happened, wont happen. Mostly minor stuff. Or... They'll happen in differing orders which also lead to different interactions. So do tell me what you think!)

-Large Time Skip-

In Front Of Babel Tower

Bell POV

There, in front of the Tower of Babel we have gathered for our first dungeon dive in a while. And Merlin-sensei's first ever as well!

Adventurers can be seen swarming in and out of the dungeon entrance like ants. A wonderous sight for all that are new and not used to the city of Orario.

As all of us, barring Kami-sama stop in front to do a final check on whether we have all the gear we need.

'Can't wait to use the new supplementary knife Welf-san gave me!' I think to myself in excitement, as he gifted me a new knife for my Level 3 Rank up.

"Cool tower... In my humble and completely based Draconic opinion, it'll be blown up in a future arc!" Merlin-sensei casually and gleefully mentioned a rather ominous prediction.

We wisely ignore his filth and proceed with the check.

Upon finishing up, I take my role.

"Are we all ready?" I ask with strength, taking my role as the Familia captain

""Yeah!"" They all raise their hands up and shout their agreement with fervor.

"Alright let's go!" I shout with raw motivation as I lead the way inside.

Other adventurers freeze and stare at us in bewilderment at our antics.

"I agree with the unheard background characters. That was rather cringe, try better!" Merlin-sensei insults our unity with his uncalled for opinion.

We ignore him once again, albeit with a collective silent irritation.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello my guys, gals and others! Sorry if it's been a while. But due to reasons I mentioned at the beginning of the chapter I couldn't write much! This wont be a concurrent thing so don't worry, the bare bare minimum would always be a chapter a week, and the average probably a chapter ever 3-5 days. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and truly thank you for reading! Have a fan fucking tastic day and week!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Goodbye for now!

-Author Note End-