
Is it worth going to hell for someone that’s already dead ?

A story about a broke 17 year old boy from Neokyo called Saito Katsumi. A lot of strange things have been happening in this city, people are missing, corpses are found in almost every alley,.. rumors are saying this city is cursed, and that hell has come down to earth. After meeting a suspicious maid called Mikami Chizu, Katsumi’s story as an exorcist begins. Saito Katsumi fights against evil spirits inspired by beings like grim reapers, fallen angels, and even demons from Japanese folklore.

Jaimiez · Urban
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9 Chs

- The Most Suspicious Maid Ever

The next day I went to a maid café with my remaining money accompanied by my friend Takara Ren, a maid came to our table and asked us what we wanted to order. *she's actually kinda cute* i thought

We gave her our order and the maid went to get us our drinks

"Did you see her, Ren?"


"That maid, Ren. Didn't you see her? She had a sexy body and a cute face, even her voice was cute."

"Oh, so that's what you're , Katsumi, but I don't think she'd be as cute without the maid costume though."

"Hmm, yeah, you might be right."

While the maid was slowly walking back to our table, both me and Ren was passionately staring at her from head to toe.

"Here are your drinks, masters"

Ren has this bad habit of his to embarrass me on purpose. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have told him that maid is cute

"Hey maid, my friend here wants to ask you something."


"Wha- me? No, that's not true.. psst Ren shut up idiot!"

"Hahaha didn't you want to ask for her nu-"

The maid laid her eyes on my watch and looked shocked, she interrupted Ren in the middle of his sentence and came closer to me. I'm kinda glad she interrupted him because he was saying something dumb again.

"Hey you, where'd you get that watch?"

"I- uh.. I don't know"

"You don't know? What does that even mean? Uhg come with me"

She took my hand and dragged me to a room in the back where nobody could see us.

"Don't you know what kind of watch that is you're wearing?"

"N-no I don't, sorry." I stuttered.

She looked like she was about to take that watch from me but something weird happened.

I noticed something moving behind her, looking at us through the window, I saw a weird creature, it had a humanoid form, and was the size of a young boy. Its skin was gray and it had long, pointy ears. With a shocked look on my face, I said "what is that thing?" The maid turned around and saw the creature. She took a kitchen knife and told me to stay where I am as she rushed outside with a kitchen knife in her right hand.

She easily killed the creature by stabbing it in its neck, when it died, the creature completely turned into dust, leaving behind a small, white crystal. She picked up the crystal and put it in her pocket as she walked back to me looking like she just did the most normal thing in the world.

I couldn't believe my eyes. "What was that Thing? You're not just an ordinary maid, are you?"

She smiled. "I'm Mikami Chizu, I'm 18 years old and in the weekends, I'm just a normal maid, what's your name?"

"Nice to meet you Mikami-san, I'm Saito Katsumi, 17 years old, you can call me Katsumi."

"Can you tell me where you got that watch, Katsumi?"

*I can't tell her I stole this from a dead body*

"I found it near my apartment, I took it because it didn't look like it belonged to anyone, I was thinking of selling it but if you know from who it is I'll give it back."

The look on her face suddenly turned serious like she was about to tell me her darkest secret.

"Hey Katsumi, do you know what an evil spirit is?"

"Yeah, I do, I've read a lot about it, is that what that thing outside was?"

"Yes, that was an evil spirit, the goblin type to be specific. The reason why you saw, it is because of that watch, that watch has the ability to make the one wearing it see evil spirits, we call it the spirit watch."

There are only 2 ways for humans to see evil spirits, the first way is by wearing a spirit watch, and the second way is by coming in contact with an evil spirit. That's also why evil spirits are so dangerous, because usually once a normal human sees them, it's already too late. It's not sure if they're really spirits, but because they're invisible to the human eye, exorcists started calling them evil spirits, even the non-spirit type monsters who are invisible are categorized as 'evil spirit'.

"Does that mean you're some kind of evil spirit hunter?"

Mikami started laughing out loud "ha-ha yes, I guess you could say that, but we're actually called exorcists"

"Does being an exorcist make you money?"

"Becoming a full-fledged exorcist requires about a year of training, while you're a trainee the money you make from killing evil spirits goes to your sensei, but when you've become a real exorcist it does make you a good amount of money yes."

"I want you to make me a full-fledged exorcist, Mikami-sensei!!"

Mikami gave me a chop on my head while making a pouting face.

"How can I be your teacher if I'm not even an exorcist myself yet?!"

"Wait you're not? But you have the same watch, and you killed that evil spirit so easily"

"Of course I did, that was a D-grade evil spirit, I would be a shame to my sensei if I couldn't kill that spirit. And do you really think I'd be working as a maid if I were an exorcist?"

It seems like evil spirits are graded in tiers with D being the lowest tier and S probably being the highest tier.

"That makes sense, please tell your Sensei I want to become an exorcist too!"

"Don't underestimate becoming an exorcist idiot"

"I can do it, I've read a lot about evil spirits so I have the knowledge to do it, and if it means getting money I can definitely do it!"

"I guess having you meet my Sensei won't hurt, but he's very strict, so don't expect him to go easy on you."

Without anything to say I nodded my head.

"Meet me at the entrance of the Northern shrine tomorrow morning"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Mikami Chizu-chan"

I went back inside the maid café to my waiting friend Ren.

"Took you long enough, Katsumi. Who was that maid?"

"Just somebody who will make me rich"

"Rich? What do you mean?

"Nothing, I'm just kidding," I said in a sarcastic tone.

I drank my tea and went home.

"I have to go Ren, I'll see you Monday."

"Oh yeah, see you Monday?"

A maid walks to Ren's table while I was already gone, leaving Ren to pay, the maid gave Ren the bill making Ren's face turn red out of anger.

"That'll be 1000 yen, please.

"That broke idiot left me to pay, I'll kill him when I see him again"