
Is it a Love Story or Tragedy?

A young man who loves unconditionally only wanted to be loved just as he loves and find the right one for him. Let's see what he will face and happens. Is his story really be a love story or a tragedy?

DestinyBlueDjinn · Realistic
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2 Chs


"Sister Kendra may I borrow your cellphone again?" I asked my sister again. Every night I borrow my sister's cellphone just to message her since I don't have my own phone yet and we can't afford to buy one for me.

"You're just gonna text Jen, you always see her in the school so why do you still text her every night?"

"Uhhmm, I can't say what I want to tell her when we are in the school so I could only tell her what I feel through text" I replied

"You shy little boy, how can you make her yours if you can't even tell her what you feel in front of her?"

"I'm just waiting for the right time to tell her in personal what i feel, just lend me your phone for a while sis think of it as a way to help your little brother" i said while wearing a cute smile to persuade her.

"Okay just let me know if there's someone texts or calls okay?"

Yes sister I happily answered

Me courting Jen is not a secret to the family although I want to keep it a secret I don't have personal phone so some of our messages with Jen were read by my sister and then she told it first to our other sisters and then they tease me very often so our parents eventually knew what I am doing although they don't say anything about it or they think that it's just normal to have a crush or girlfriend in our age, I still worked hard in the school so that they feel that me courting is not a hindrance with my schooling.


"Hey Karl, Jen's birthday is getting near what will you give her?" asked by Tanya, she's one of my close female friend and she's also a friend of Jen

" I don't know I don't even have enough money for my schooling how can i buy her a gift?"

"Is that what you think? Giving her expensive gift will make her feel loved? Isn't it materialistic?"

"but what should i give to her" i replied

"If you want her to fall for you make effort and show to her that she is really special for you, it is not necessarily an expensive gift but the important thing is how can you express that you loved her from that gift you will give to her" she said

While he was walking home, he thinks of a gift that she will surely like and make her feel that he loved her so he decided to make a poem.

"I will make a poem to express to her my feelings and also to make her feel that I made an effort for her"

So in the next days he worked hard making a good poem whenever he has time.

Then the day of Jen's birthday arrived, after their class they proceeded to Jen's house for a simple celebration of her birthday.

"Karl sit here next to our birthday celebrant" one of our classmate teased. That made the parents of Jen get a hint that i was courting her. While we are talking with our classmates I gave the poem I made without our classmates noticing since she was right beside me and then she went to her room to hide the thing I gave to her.

As time passes by, our classmates bid their goodbyes to her and her parents while me and her closest friends were left. At that time her mother came to talk to us and asked if there's someone courting her daughter then her friends (some of her friends are also my friend) instinctually looked at me and then her mother looked at me with slight intimidation and somewhat angry look then she said that we were stil very young to enter into relationships and we must study first and I don't have the words to say to her mother and I just looked down and afraid to look at her.

After a while we also bid them farewell and we went home.

When I got home, I texted her "your mother is terrifying i can't look straight into her eyes"

"hahaha see, I told you my mother doesn't want me to be courted at my very young age so i told you to keep it a secret but you couldn't hide it" she replied

"Okay i promise that i will never ever again talk about our ralationship, let's just text each other and tell to our friends that i stopped courting you so that they won't say anything."

So Karl continued courting Jen through text and never show signs to their friends.