
Cruel World

Hi there...My name is Moon,Princess Moonlight Crystal...And I am 16 years old.As you can see,I'm a princess but I don't really like being one, because I have to look elegant and put a lot of makeup and stuff.Everybody will always bow down to me in public or in the castle.I always have to be perfect or I will be humiliated.I know that I have everything like dress and shoe...But I do not have "love"...And you may ask ,how does no one love you?You are gorgeous with your white and blue hair and your personnalite. First of all a princess have to act selfish and all.I've tried so many time to act princessly like,but I just can't.That made my dad,I mean the king very very mad.The king is indeed my dad,but I hate him with all of my heart...Why?...Well,back when I was only a child(11 years old)I lived happily with my parents.I loved them so much. But then everything change.My mom died.She left me in this cruel world,she was everything to me...She was my protecteur, my savior and my mom... And you want to know how did she died..well that's the fault of the king... He-he murdered the queen...I saw it with my own eye,I saw it..And did nothing..Just saw it...I was terrified...Tears running,eye wide open,and just stood there...I did nothing,now I regret,It's all of my fault ,if I did something she could of live more and my hate for the king will a little bit disappear.But i didn't ...You want to know what happened next?The man just took the crown and ruled the continent.He told me casually that my mom died from cancer. I know that he's a liar!How could a person have cancer in a second.Just the day before, a royal doctor said that she is alright.He's a bad liar....Now I have to pretend that i saw nothing..ok moving on,after he told me the lie he said "you will have a stepmother,and a step sister,be nice to them''.I don't understand him,he just told me a lie and then he casually tell me that I will have a new family,and why should I be nice to them when he just replace mom in a second...How could he!Wait wait a minute...So i am cinderella now!?!...If yes my life will be bad NOW..GREAT…

A few weeks past by...

ahhhh….(just woke up)Oh no….They are moving in the castle today!Just great…I got up and put a nice pink dress,then I went down and I eat my breakfast .After that I went to the front gate to greet them...After like 15 minutes they finally arrive. A woman came out of the carriage.

-ohh hello dear said the king,this is Moon,my stepdaughter and Moon this is Ece,your stepmom.

-Hi...said Moon

In Moon mind :wait,did the king just said step daughter..yey!I'm not his real daughter!

-Hi,said Ece,can you give me a tour of my new home?

-of course...grumpily said Moon.

So I gave a tour to Ece,when I arrive to the big kitchen there was no chef...I guess they are having a break.

-So this is the kitchen,and the last room to show


Ece was checking the kitchen while I grab a little snack.When I turn my head to check on her ,she was grabbing a knife.She walk forward with the knife in her hand pointing in my direction,I was super scared.I slowly back away but then I hit the wall with my head.I fells,my head was hurting,I close my eye just for a second.The next thing I see when I open my eye , I see a knife so close to my heart,I yelled.But no one responded,I started to panic what should I do,I can't kick nor stand up because the knife will stab me in a second.

- If you do something wrong or bad to me I'll carve your heart out, said Ece.

She lower the knife to my arm and carve a little of my skin.Blood started to drip out.What will she do now, I am very scared.She look at me with her eye wide open and said:

-Do you understand the message!?!?

With no idea what she just said earlier I nod my head up and down,I was scared and I started to sweat.She slowly back away and put the knife in the sink.

-Oh yeah!Thanks for the tour,now I can pick my room,Bye! She said with innocent voice. Then she exit the room with one eye looking at me.Ece is very creepy,wait no..is she a serial killer?...I see blood on the floor,I look at my arm,I had forgot that she did this to me.I need to go to the infirmary.When I got there, no one was there or was working,strange.This is weird,the chefs are gone and the doctor is also missing.What's going on with this castle!? Trying to forget what is happening,I try to reach for the bandage.Nope,I'm too short for this.So I grab a chair and place it on the floor.I hope I don't fall,well here I go!I finally got it!The moment that I try to go down,a person walk in(well I thought).I was shock and then I fell.(Why do I always have bad luck)The next thing I know I was in the floor unconscious.Around 3 pm I woke up,why was I lying on the ground ? After thinking I finally remember.When I saw my arm, the blood had already dried,kind of gross.When I left the infirmary my tummy was growling,I didn't eat my lunch yet.I was casually walking when suddenly I heard a scream from the kitchen.I quickly ran to that room.I enter and I see a new chef.Where are the old ones?

-AHHHHH!!! said the new chef

-What's wrong!


-ahh,that..There's also a spot with blood over there…


-euh...It's kind of my blood…


-I know,the king is also crazy,he is a murderer...


-Ahh...That's why you're scared of blood.


-My question is,why did the king hired you?In this castle we eat a lot of meats..


Then she left.Great acting Moon!Now you will not have salad everyday!I'm so proud of myself!Wait...I acted like a serial killer!

-No!!Come back!!!

So I run through the hall,when I went to the main entrance.But suddenly a girl at my age had block the way.


-What did you do know wrong?she said.

- Well...I think that she thought that I am a killer!

-A killer?...Why a killer ..tell me..

-Well my stepmom had cut me and then blood came out…

-Well obviously blood came...What!Did you said stepmom?

-Yess...Do you want me to continue the story?


-Ok,then my step,I mean the woman put the knife in the sink so then the chef was scared because she was a vegetarian,and I don't want to eat salad everyday so I scared the ...Wait who are you?


She was really weird,I think she is scared of the word "stepmom". Wait isn't she my step sister?No it can't be..She's too nice...I have to ask the king.I'm really scared…

Did you read the synopsis?(If you didn't,Go read IT NOW!)

Not only is this book very bad,it is very cringy.Please stop reading.



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