
Is It 2Dangerous 2Incite LoveAffairs w/Marvel Heroines 4talent/gifts?

In a long quest for power, what's love truly worth in comparison? Can Almighty power attained by countless beautiful heroines trump the love of a 'single' good woman at the end of it all? Can genuine emotions be ignored so easily for the transactional ability? and most importantly... Will this mob of Marvel Heroes I've Cucked ever stop trying to kill me!!! DAMN IT!!! ________________________________________ In this fanfiction, all characters belong to the respective marvel comics owners, except my original characters & story plots. The cover image comes off Google,  if the original owner wants me to change it, or to give a byline, please let me know. This is an IRREGULARLY UPDATED FanFiction, with violent crimes, sex, languages, or portrayal of violent crimes! Read At Your Own Discretion.

aloudtntcode · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The number 1 incident magnet in the world!

New York City,

Inside A bustling trendy Coffee shop;

A waitress walks away after she had placed down a new refill of black coffee on the table where a fashionable red-headed female customer had sat down alone.

This seat in the coffee cafe is a window wall view position with double mirror glass, where cafe customers can see outside but those outsides can't see clearly inside.

The red-headed woman was absent-mindedly watching the passing pedestrian traffic with a lost expression!

The redhead young woman gave out disappointed sighs out loud after turning her face away from the bustling passing crowd, & was looking at the text message on her cell phone pensively, with an increasingly visible frown on her expression!

'Of course, he would have canceled on me, AGAIN!

 Just like he ALWAYS does!

Ah, Mary Jane, Mary Jane! Why do you still even try to keep this relationship alive; when he's obviously not as concerned about doing the same!'

'He is more focused on his career, taking paparazzi pictures of city incidents concerning the Heroes, Villains, and Super-criminals of New York, rather than making time to be with you!'

 She wipes away a newly formed tears rolling out her eyes, & down her beautiful face, but with a furious shake of her head she thought:

 'No, I won't cry, not anymore!

Both this recurring situation & he aren't worth it!

 For TWO YEARS, for Two whole years of this already I have been enduring patiently, but I feel I'm mentally fatigued of it all now!

 We aren't moving anywhere close to starting a life together, much less marriage!

 I have my own life and career also, but I always make time for him despite my hard rehearsal schedules & live show events!

 Those Live shows I happen to be the star headliner in, that I've earned through hard work, he has never had time to come see me & support me in them!

 An empty premium front row seat has always been reserved just for him, & it always just stares back at me, completely empty the entire time while I'm on stage!

 It has become a joke to my co-workers and cast-mates, even A betting pool has opened over it! 

 But I still kept the seat open for you Peter! 

 I've given Peter Parker chance, after chance to make it better but...he said to me:

" He's doing his best already!"

 Maybe, ... his best isn't good enough anymore for me?!

 Maybe he & I...should take a break from each other to reevaluate this relationship, and our own lives as well?!

 Just as she came to this conclusion in her mind, she didn't hesitate anymore!

 She, Mary-Jane Watson, has always had a bold & decisive personality, just like most people involved in the entertainment industry have, & so she made her move immediately after the intention appeared in her heart!

 She impulsively sent a text message, filled with her accumulated hurt thoughts, & feelings in the form of a daunting block text, that if read closely is full of pent-up emotions!

 Texting while angry, especially with your significant other or partner is a taboo move in any relationship; that usually makes things worse!

 After she sent the message Mary-Jane felt refreshed, and the weight of the relationship she carried by herself for two years was finally put down!

 But after the initial refreshing excitement, she reflected, & she immediately regretted it!

 She was too impulsive just now, a face-to-face meeting was owed to Peter to discuss such a heavyweight decision, not just her one-sided expressing of her grievances, and making sporadic choices!

 But at least through this text, I can let him know that I'm not happy in this relationship as it stands!

 When Peter calls back, they will talk about things in person to see where we will go on from there!

 After all, sentiments are not so easy to just spurn so quickly, she was hopeful to save the affection between them.

 However, the text message was not responded back too, or even marked as read at all yet!

 Sitting in a cafe seat for several hours with no response, she lost her rose-colored glasses, and for her, this truly was a deep disappointment!

 Reflecting on the pivotal moments in their romance, she's realized that Peters said 'Sorry Mary-Jane', more times than 'Mary-Jane, I love you'!

She covers her open mouth and cries at this discovery!

'Am I just a replacement for his first love, if I am, I can't compete with that, after all, she's already-

 Just as she is about to break out in full on tears further, she hears the shouting phrase:


 She was In a daze so she doesn't move at all, respond, or even think anyone was addressing herself at all in the first place!

 Coincidentally looking up, she can see a devilishly handsome young man with brilliant eyes dashing towards her with a serious look!

 Surprised Mary-Jane asked herself, 'what does he want to do?'

 She Panicked ready to fight, or flee, but he's too fast, and he hugged her quickly into his arms strongly!

 She felt like he's trying to drag her into herself, but his motion doesn't stop but is still dashing forward after she's been embraced by him & tackled into the distance!



 A car that was tossed & thrown in from the outside through the cafe glass window wall!

The implosion of glass glittering in the daylight as a sedan car followed it to the cafe shop shocked everyone present!

The rear bumper of the car happened to hit Mary-Janes Savior in the back of the head, as he tackled her out of the way of the danger!

 Mary Jane happens to be looking up in time to see & feel the impact through him while in his embrace!

The car crashes down onto the floor and slides into the front counter & impales some slow reaction workers & pinned them down between the thrown car and caved in cafe wall!

 A cluster of screams fills the cafe as they want to leave the cafe but whatever can toss a 2-ton car into a crowded building in broad daylight was still out there!

 Mary Jane however through the years has occasionally been caught up in some battles like this before, so she quickly got out of shock, tapping the motionless body still on top of her, & had been embracing her tightly!

 But she gets no response & panicked when thinking that his head was just brushed violently and so she escaped from his embrace to inspect him!



 Blood was slowly oozing out his head wound & the whites of his eyes were visible as his iris rolled to the back of his head!

"Hey, hey, can you hear me!"

 Her calls go unresponsive!

 Ignoring her own wounds from the shards of glass explosion from before,

 She drags the body of the young man, who was bleeding from the head!

 After taking her Savior to the safer corner of the cafe, she then took out her cell phone to call for help but-

-throwing her broken phone down, she sighs exasperation, then began screaming towards the cafe guest & waitresses to call for an ambulance!

 Her screaming awakened some who were still in shock still state to action!

 They collectively start looking out the destroyed cafe's glass window wall to see the cause of a car flying in a crowded cafe in broad daylight!

 Turns out it was Spiderman, who was battling the criminal Dr. Octopus in the middle of the bustling streets!

 Dr. Octopus, who was dressed in simple clothes with a brown trench coat, fought back with law enforcement while holding duffel bags filled with cash money in his own two hands; as his artificial metallic appendages attached to his back extended out crazily, striking police or tossing things at nearby civilian crowds, including cars, some even with people still inside them!

 SpiderMan was forced to play catch & rescue as Dr. Octopus swaggered away using these people's lives ruthlessly as distractions for his escape!

 Peeking at the chaotic scene outside the cafe, Maryjane thought to herself:

'Of course, it was SPIDERMAN!'

 As the famous superhero her boyfriend Peter Parker takes the most snapshot pictures on, of course, she knew of him!

She's been saved by him multiple times previously, more so than others in this vast city.

This fact has been making her think sometimes she's an unlucky disaster magnet secretly in her heart!

However concerning the famous wall-crawler, She's always has had a bitter taste for this hero, it's a feeling like he was in the middle of her relationship with Peter!

Peter has been out taking pictures of him rather than spending time with her!

Tossing these messy thoughts away she refocused;

She put pressure on the wound of her own personal hero in front of her!

Soon more police and even swat teams had arrived at the scene, opening fire regardless of the hero spiderman's presence, which ironically gave Dr. Octopus a chance to flee with the stolen cash in hand!

After Dr. Octopus got away from here, SpiderMan looks at the damaged scene, death, & injuries caused by the battle!

Media & medical personnel flooded the scene of the tragedy!

Both swat team guns and TV cameras are pointing at Spiderman now, the only superpower left at the scene!

Just when the Spider made motions ready to help in the rescue aftermath,  he & everyone else heard the sounds of dozens of automatic weapons cocking back at the same time, as numerous red dots adorned his costumed body!!

The message was clear without words:

We don't want your help!

Haven't you done enough!

With a visible slumping of his shoulders posture, indicating the fatigue, spiderman sighed audible loud enough for all to hear on those sensitive reporters' mics!

Clearly, Spiderman was sad as well, but he could do nothing now, so he fled by web slings into the distance!

Emergency personnel immediately went to work!

Car fires were put out, police & firefighters struggled to help people trapped inside thrown cars, or collapse of building debris.

Mary Jane watched as her Savior was placed on a medical gurney by EMT's and she casually sweeps her gaze at the surrounding of the cafe;

 Where various white sheets with red spots had covered dead people!

They who just wanted to enjoy the late midday afternoon a few minutes ago!

 But they got caught up in this melee, & so did she!

She feels a chill down her back just thinking this could be-

No, No, No!

She 'SHOULD' have been here, lifeless on the ground with the rest of the victims!

If not for...

She turned her head & looked at the bruised-up, young man who was still alive, but unresponsive to any treatment with a worried face!

Finally, after securing his vitals, the EMT asks if she's coming along or not!

 She doesn't hesitate to jump straight into the ambulance as her answer, then grips the young man's hand telling him to hold on!

The latest of many ambulances drive off toward the soon-to-be-packed E.R.!

-Leaving behind another tragically grim day for New Yorkers, who sadly have become accustomed to this scene, but who makes this place New York City, The number 1 incident magnet in the world!