
Is her love true?

At first glance, Wendell Chestna appears as a beautiful prince whose presence will enchant others while dashing away on his horse. In reality, he's not much different from any normal teenage boy, despite how children's books portray those that wear a crown. When holding such a high title it's quite difficult to determine the sincerity of peoples' kindness. His father's recent death after a lasting war leaves Wendell in a stressful position. Their law dictates the eldest son must claim the throne upon reaching sixteen years of age, which he will turn to by the next two months. To make matters even worse his mother sets an arranged marriage with some nobleman's daughter. This union would grant them an ally nation all at the cost of her hand, but she is not the one Wendell plans to wed. Rather hoping for a sweet peasant girl dwelling in the poorest village to become his lifelong companion, Kana Littleton. Queen Althelia proposes a simple deal. If the lovestruck boy can get a favorable answer before the set time limit he is free to espouse her instead. These conditions are generous enough but will Kana accept him for the right reasons? Is her love pure honest emotions from the heart or only swayed by his wealth and status? Under a fake persona as an ordinary foreign boy, Wendell will discover if they're truly meant to marry. Meanwhile, another war thought to have ended is slowly approaching... Cover by: mahiramateen13 Banner by: GGUKLITE (Also on Wattpad called: Is It True Love?

Mystical_Dreams · Teen
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41 Chs


The royal castle

Info: Naturally where the royal family resigns in the capital, Chestlen. The fancy castle has been passed down from generation to generation. It contains many guests' rooms, a ballroom, throne room, royal garden, and much more. 

Wendell's room

Also self-explanatory this being the prince's chambers. A comfortable space that only a handful of people other than castle workers have entered. 

The town square 

Info: A place in the capital filled with a variety of shops but has high prices. It's an old tale that the fountain is to grant any wish made when seeing a shooting star. 


Info: Another area in the capital where fresh products are brought in daily that nobles can purchase. For some reason, kids see this as a hangout spot.

Opal Forten

Info: The largest place in Calestra after the capital that's east of it. A decent town where most lower-middle-class citizens live. Ms. Grumphan's schoolhouse as well as the Royal Warriors Association, Community Vineyard, and Greendale Hill can be found there. 


Info: Poorest village in the country that's to the far east of the capital. Many people struggle to find little earning jobs not having a solid one. It never was in a decent state but that has worsened even more since the war.


Info: A peaceful and spacious village where many upper-class families stay other than the capital. Versace's famous tea shop and the Vincent Theater are the most visited areas, and it's to the northwest of the capital. 

Zerek Cove

Info: Another lower-middle-class village with this the smallest in the country, and known for its beautiful flowers. The annual field games are held there every year, and it is south of the capital. 


Info: A nice-sized town though it's not as large as Opal Forten. Working-class farmers inhabit these parts raising the best crops and livestock. This is to the west of the capital.


Info: This is a cozy hunting village where more working-class citizens live. The place is surrounded by a forest, and it's to the far south of the capital.