
Is her love true?

At first glance, Wendell Chestna appears as a beautiful prince whose presence will enchant others while dashing away on his horse. In reality, he's not much different from any normal teenage boy, despite how children's books portray those that wear a crown. When holding such a high title it's quite difficult to determine the sincerity of peoples' kindness. His father's recent death after a lasting war leaves Wendell in a stressful position. Their law dictates the eldest son must claim the throne upon reaching sixteen years of age, which he will turn to by the next two months. To make matters even worse his mother sets an arranged marriage with some nobleman's daughter. This union would grant them an ally nation all at the cost of her hand, but she is not the one Wendell plans to wed. Rather hoping for a sweet peasant girl dwelling in the poorest village to become his lifelong companion, Kana Littleton. Queen Althelia proposes a simple deal. If the lovestruck boy can get a favorable answer before the set time limit he is free to espouse her instead. These conditions are generous enough but will Kana accept him for the right reasons? Is her love pure honest emotions from the heart or only swayed by his wealth and status? Under a fake persona as an ordinary foreign boy, Wendell will discover if they're truly meant to marry. Meanwhile, another war thought to have ended is slowly approaching... Cover by: mahiramateen13 Banner by: GGUKLITE (Also on Wattpad called: Is It True Love?

Mystical_Dreams · Teen
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41 Chs

Chapter 5: A Painful Reality


While the evening sun is shining brightly the prince sets off down the road. He plans to head for Rainswood so Kana can show him around like discussed yesterday. Although he does a quick detour first inside the deserted cemetery and presses up the few steps. With not a soul in sight, the two will be alone during this visit. 

"Father..." He stands right in front of a large tombstone separated from the other graves as surrounding deceased royals. Wendell can't count how many times he has stopped through there since the king's passing. Anytime the young teen needs to get rid of anxious thoughts his feet always lead him in this direction. Just like the private conversations they had back when he was still alive. 

Slowly kneeling he locks his hands together and blocks everything else out. Considering today's tour, various probabilities kept him awake all night long. Worried about what poor conditions villagers in Rainswood have endured until now. Yet, another unsettling feeling he can't quite explain makes him nervous to go to the location.

I truly hope this bad feeling is nothing... 

"King Gus will always be held in high honor for protecting this nation." 

A soft female voice startles him from his pessimistic thoughts. The ash-blonde spins around to find none other than Kana standing behind him.

"Why are you here? I thought we agreed to meet at the gate." 

"I was on my way home from Lucille's when I spotted you, so I figured we could walk there together... By all the lovely flowers he must get a lot of visitors." 

"Yes, I too come by as often as I can. My father was the one I would constantly seek when requiring advice. He knew just what to say for every difficult or rather trivial problem put before him." 

Which is the absolute truth. Wendell could always expect his late father to listen no matter how silly the issue. It's one of the countless factors he forever admired about him. 

"Yes, you mention that trait in the many stories you shared with me of him." 

"And you would always listen," he adds softly, Kana someone who was a comforting ear during that time--even if they had only recently met back then. 

His father's life was robbed while in his prime by the wicked King Henry Schneider. He had been the thirtieth ruler of the grand neighboring kingdom, Khisenfire. A man who was once said to be kind and noble, but those outer appearances changed a few years ago. Henry got into some conflict when a rising country challenged him for his land. After obtaining victory from that terrible battle his heart soon became proud. The ego-inflated king waged war with an innocent country and slaughtered their entire royal bloodline. Then he gives the same treatment to Calestra by false accusations of them plotting a revolt against his nation. Surely a sorry excuse to strike a fight with the pacifist king. 

For their first and only battle, the armies faced off in the valley which separated the two kingdoms. Numerous lives were lost and now revealed to him Rainswood is in utter shambles. Inflicted with serious injuries, King Henry was advised to make his retreat. Death had fallen upon their enemy as he reportedly died just days later, however, King Gus passed on much earlier than that. Taking his final breath in the chariot ride back to the castle before they could even say their goodbyes. 

These one-sided chats are the only way I can speak to him for now, though I can't exactly get an answer like this...

"Is the reason you came because you need guidance right now?" 

"Oh, no I wouldn't say that. I just wanted to clear my head before viewing the destruction. I haven't stepped foot there since the war ended, and I'm aware Rainswood was never in a nice state..."

"...Well, it's best to end your curiosity then and see the town for yourself." Kana swiftly turns to leave as he follows behind her. 

For the extent of their lengthy walk, very little gets exchanged between them. Mostly a somewhat tense silence is kept when soon approaching the worn village gate. His earlier anxiety spikes as they cross the threshold of a place that is crumbling apart. Many homes have been practically destroyed, but even those still upright are in terrible condition. Noticing missing doors, sunken walls, and cracked windows the state is worse than he imagined. 

"So this heavy damage happened as a result of the cannon blast. I can't believe everyone here continues to suffer, and my mother hasn't done anything about it..." 

"Luckily because of the quick evacuation protocol civilians' lives were spared. But now there are people left without homes, jobs, and food. Rainswood never had much from the start as a lowly village of poverty. Yet after this bombing, the small percentage we've sustained is just taken away," Kana's gaze keeps straight as she explains, though he can hear the strain in her voice. He won't pretend to understand the constant stress the villagers, including her family must be under. 

The two teens walk further through the empty marketplace. By this hour of the day, the very limited shops which remain have closed up as people rush indoors. Still, others with nowhere to go are stuck resting in the chilly alleyways for a bed. It's not unusual to spot a few homeless around this area, but now there are much more than the prince has ever seen.

"All these people truly don't have a place to lay their heads for at least the night?" 

"When the inn is filled up there's no choice but to spend it outside. Most can't even afford to check in at Opal Forten's inn to get some real sleep. The little copper coins they do possess need to be spent on food." 

"I see, I didn't expect things to be this dreadful."

The brunette suddenly comes to a halt, her eyes locked toward a broken house on the dim corner. It remains in one piece but the roof has a huge hole that is hardly boarded up with visible gaps. Just thinking about the leaking and cold during this rainy season puts a frown on his lips.

"Well, um, for the final stop I figured you wanted to see my home," she informs, causing his eyes to widen. 

"This... is where you stay?"

Out of the time he has known Kana, she never did bring him anywhere near her residence until today. He does recall Saelufu mentioning she was invited over only once. By the exterior, it seems a tad small to hold a family of four, though the size is the least concerning factor to focus on.

"Yes, our roof got hit and a bit of the upstairs is damaged too. My dad's currently working on repairing that hole, and there are others with far worse circumstances than us." 

No wonder Kana is forever snagging part-time jobs. Her family is working so hard just to make ends meet... 

"I promise to talk with my mother the minute I return to the castle. None of you deserve to keep living like this," he assures, a conviction in his blue eyes. 

Perhaps, he can get through to the queen where she can at least offer them useful aid. Rebuilding this village will be a long process but they cannot leave their people dying on the streets. There must be a rational explanation for why she hasn't acted sooner. 

"Thank you, Your Highness. I really appreciate it." Kana gives him a short bow and appears less stressed than mere moments ago. 

Finishing her tour, she offers to stick with the prince as they head up the battered streets. Although the pair don't make it halfway when he spots a figure watching them from the shadows. The suspicious man has his face mostly covered, barely revealing golden eyes which give a cold glare. After their sights unexpectedly align he then blocks the sole path toward the town's exit. Rainswood does have the highest crime rate in Calestra, plus poor protection. An awfully dangerous place for anyone to go roaming about late at night by themselves. Even so, what person would dare strike a fight against a member of the royal household? The punishment saved for those that execute such a foolish plan is sure to be severe. 

"Who do we have here? I believed my eyes were playing tricks on me for a second. Come take a look at this!" 

Another foe emerges from the darkness and he can sense the smug grin hidden underneath his mask. Wearing similar apparel as the other fellow he assumes they must be operating together. Wendell pulls the girl closer behind him calmly evaluating their situation. 

"Wow, Your Highness, just what are you doing all the way out in Rainswood?" The second man asks, beginning to pace. 

"I'll answer if you confirm to me who sent the two of you?" Wendell taunts back, trying to maintain a steady voice. He doesn't recall Henry having alliances with any kingdoms, but can't possibly fathom who else they could be. For some reason, his question is a source of amusement having them both chuckle. That awful sixth sense washes over him stronger than when they first walked in.

"Should we tell him? I feel kinda bad that the Chestna family is so clueless." He glances at his partner for approval though the taller male clicks his tongue with folded arms.

"Don't speak so loosely. We can't afford to have a word of this reach the Queen's ears. There's only one task we were ordered here to complete." 

"But we might receive a wealthy sum of gold just by twisting the story to our favor. I know he would support the decision to cut off the next in line right now. This perfect opportunity cannot go to waste!" he bargains, and though Wendell can't follow their exchange one fact is for certain. Whoever had a part in this remains unclear but present are two of Henry's surviving men. His hesitance told him to come later in the week which he foolishly chose to ignore. Now a variety of horrible outcomes attack the prince being at an utter loss as to how to leave this unscathed. 

In the midst of it all, a calloused hand gently squeezes his own. Kana's emerald eyes stare down at him filled with concern, and she must've caught on to their dire situation. His scattered mind is relieved by her simple gesture, him shooting her a soft smile. Regardless of what the future holds, he wants to focus on their current problem. As these trespassers continue back and forth might very well be the golden chance to escape. 

Wendell tightens the grip they share before she can release a finger. He sprints for the distant gate fast as his legs will push, however, they don't get far when a man slides in front of them. The other approaches in the opposite direction and their speed alone is fearsome. 

"Where do you think you're scampering off?" The shorter sneers before confronting his ally. "The prince isn't an idiot so I'm sure he has overheard too much already. Guess we have no choice but to eliminate him now." 

The arrogant one readying a sharp dagger and his indecisive partner finally gets in combat position. 

"Fine, he's just a little runt. Let's end this before we bring on some unwanted attention."

The next action happens so fast Wendell can hardly react. He just ducks at the precise time to avoid his blade yanking Kana down in the process. Soon as the prince avoids that strike an additional attack nicks his ash-blonde hair. She gets shoved aside while rapid slashes come at him from every angle. The duo is not leaving many opportunities to counter their jabs or think straight for that matter with him stumbling backward. 

"You're awfully quick on your feet, Your Highness," The serious attacker comments with a hint of amusement. "Too bad it won't be fast enough to escape our clutches." 

"Maybe we outta take care of the girlie also since she is a witness. It will ruin the whole surprise if she blabbers to authorities," The cocky male suggests, causing the brunette's body to tremble.

I need some means to distract them so we can make a run for it. Hopefully, we'll gain a large lead to lose them, but neither of us will last much longer like this! 

Both men slowly close in on them with their backs against the wall. There's nowhere left to go and no means to divert their attention. Considering the crime that naturally happens there, not a soul will step forward to assist even if they shout. The prince won't be a match combat-wise either, so their final gamble for survival is persuasion. Perhaps, he can bargain a deal convincing them to walk away, and if worst comes to worst--at least Kana flees without getting harmed. 

Just when he opens his mouth to speak, the sound of rushing footsteps interrupts. Wendell's eyes dart around for the source as the serious male is pierced with knives falling face forward. The preemptive strike causes the second man to tense up, and a familiar silhouette runs out from the alleyway. 

"Rocco!" Kana exclaims as the older teen readies more throwing knives. Next, he slides right in between them and the enemy without a hint of fear in his fierce gaze. Just their rescuer's stance alone gives off the impression he is well qualified for a decent fight. 

"Unless you wanna end up like your friend I suggest you walk away." 

"...Screw this! I got the report he requested. This dump will become nothing but rubble in days to come," The once arrogant man snaps then vanishes among the trees in an instant.

A silence falls as Kana runs up bear-hugging their hero tightly. Rocco tries his best to comfort the girl whose knees are left knocking from their deadly encounter. If it wasn't for her older brother stepping in he doesn't want to admit the likely outcome. 

The two similarly have brunette hair though his smaller afro is a much darker shade. Deep forest eyes that hold a mysterious glow to them, and his ragged clothes covered in heavy dirt prove a productive workday. The teenager is three years older than himself and Kana's only sibling. 

"You could've died if I hadn't shown up! Glad my work finished a little earlier than normal tonight. What were you guys doing out this late anyway?" 

"I was escorting him around town to see all the damage. Those men came out and started attacking us on our way to the entrance. Given the bits of their conversation, what I heard makes me wonder if..." However, her voice trails off as everyone's face turns grim. The worst-case scenario is doubting the single goal his father laid down his life to achieve. Despite how painful the truth is, it amounts to nothing by staying in denial. 

Rocco slowly begins to examine the deceased man on the ground before them. His hands tremble as he starts going inside different pockets, and it's natural anyone would be shaken up in his position. Though he did slay this attacker to protect them it cannot make this ordeal easier to swallow. Her sibling is quite formidable in combat without having any form of proper training. 

"Um, are you alright?" Kana asks, laying a delicate touch on her brother's back.

"Y-Yeah, just my nerves acting up a bit. Looks like my old rusty skills back when dad and I went hunting in Aniex paid off. If they were our villagers then I would've injured the guy. But catching a glimpse of this strange dress code I panicked and had gone right for the kill... Was lucky with this one only because I caught him off guard. Not to say I could have done the same with his partner, so I'm glad my feeble threat scared him away." 

After taking a breath Rocco continues once again thoroughly searching the spy's corpse. Unfortunately, the male was smart enough to carry no items that might confirm his identity. The older teen stands up in defeat releasing a sigh of frustration. 

"Looks like we ain't gonna discover their mission from him. Maybe it's time you hustle home, Your Highness. Don't need you running into more trouble around here." 

"R-Right, I owe you both thanks. I'll be sure to inform my mother of everything I saw today." 

"Please be safe on your trip back," Kana says, as he goes for the gate with far extra weight on his throbbing head. 


When returning to the palace he immediately enters the queen's private study. Typically, his mother does business thereafter she exits the throne room. As Wendell suspected she sits at her large desk surrounded by countless stacks of paperwork. He would rather not bother her right now, but this discussion can't be pushed until a later date. 

"Mother, I have an urgent matter to speak with you about." 

"Is this more important than the trade deal I need to complete?"

"Yes, I wouldn't think to interrupt you otherwise... Per yesterday's request, Kana took me around Rainswood to see the damage since the war. Upon my departure, two men attacked us wearing black attire and I believe...they were a part of the Schneider army." 

Soon as this revelation leaves his lips the fountain pen slips from Althelia's hand. Grabbing Wendell by the shoulders he is rendered speechless while she examines him in every direction. His mother has always maintained her composure whether the report turns out good or bad. 

"Are you injured?! Why didn't you notify me so a guard could have accompanied you?! Rainswood has never been a safe place to go by yourself!" 

"I-I'm fine! We were saved by her older brother, Rocco. Forgive me, the thought of that slipped my mind..."

Wendell wasn't expecting her distress over his well-being to be the reason for this reaction. Even when seeing her husband motionless in the chariot after the kings' battle, she hadn't shed a tear. The woman must've been strong on him and Wendy's behalf, yet her detached front causes the wedge between them to increase.

"...I'm just thankful that you're alright," she responds, retaking her chair as well as her usual stern attitude. "Start from when you two enter Rainswood so I can get a full understanding of what conspired."

As ordered he explains the whole incident and is careful not to leave out a single detail. Unlike her previous shock, she now remains collected by the possibility of another war.

"I see. I presumed that he would try to check on our condition as I've recently done the same..." she mumbles, having his limbs tense up. 

"W-Wait, when did you send spies to Khisenfire?" he hoarsely questions and the queen rests her chin on folded hands. 

"Last month word passed that...King Henry had faked his death and even spread such lies amongst his own people. This was a clever tactic to make us lower our guard so he could have an advantage in the next battle. Henry is said to be slowly recovering, and based on your report, I've learned those rumors were true." 

I didn't want to accept it but there's no denying this now...

Henry was said to have died shortly after he got his castle in order. Had this all been a ploy while that wicked king is healing to soon launch a second attack? What purpose did his father give his life for then? 

"Are you telling me father's sacrifice was for nothing?! I thought the suffering people endured was over like you proclaimed at the ball! That joy could truly return to Calestra again..." Wendell's fists balled up tightly with his blurred vision aimed at the waxed floor. Their predicament is in no sense his mother's fault, yet the prince's tongue lashed before he could stop it. Above all, she must haul the heavy burden without her counterpart by her side. 

"I know this is a lot for you to digest. I need to acquire more information prior to formulating our next step. King Gus might've lost the fight to Henry, but he led our men to victory. I am confident we have plenty of soldiers to surpass the Schneider army. We are the nation with the upper hand this time around and will crush the kingdom of Khisenfire for good," she ensures, her body shaking ever so slightly though evident it is not out of fear. 

The original anger that consumed Wendell moments ago has faded leaving him rather numb. Their relief was but temporary and the bright smiles during the festivity won't continue when such news is announced to the public. A painful reality the prince wishes is just a nightmare he could wake up from. 

"Thank you for telling me this. I plan to deliver aid to all Rainswood villagers beginning with those who are desperately struggling. Nevertheless, it's pointless to have a town get renovated that's in jeopardy of being demolished again." 

"Of course, at least the coins can help them with food expenses... I'll let you get back to your work now. I'm exhausted so I will just be turning in for the night." Wendell reaches for the cold knob when his mother clears her throat. 

"Make sure you don't inform anyone about Henry's survival. I desire to let the people enjoy the peace a while longer before it gets shattered by the flames of war. And please, Wendell, stay cautious outside the walls and come home once the sun goes down. I...cannot lose you too." 

His mother's firm tone wavers which triggers him to glance back and spot a deep frown planted on her face. This wasn't mere instructions to protect the future king, but also an anxious parent yearning to keep her child safe.

The younger weakly nods and a sorrowful sigh leaves him once the door slams shut. He sympathizes with Kana and the other residents stuck in the crosshairs having nowhere to hide. Though most of all his chest aches for their fallen king whose efforts have gone to waste. How will his father be able to rest with their people's lives at stake? 

Despite our great military might, we did suffer major casualties from the previous battle against Khisenfire. I was able to come to terms with my father's death because his bravery brought prosperity to Calestra. Now he died in vain, and since their corrupt king remains alive a future war is inevitable. What amount of blo

od will be spilled until this conflict finally ceases?

A/N That'll be it for this chapter. A bit late but hopefully you enjoyed it. The next update will be from a different P.O.V