
Iruma's Tale

Hello every one, here's Zero or Shota, any of them is alright with me? This is gonna be the first of many fanfics. This will be an Iruma fic in the world of the gacha game, Guardian Tales. I would probably add a description later but for now just enjoy this fanfic!

Shota_Zero · Video Games
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2 Chs


~ 10 Years Later ~

It has been a whole ten years ever since the discovery of Iruma Suzuki, the child that was sold to be a slave, yet rescued by the captain of the royal army, the Guardians, Eva. A lot of things happened during those years.

One of them was Eva's revenge over Iruma. The captain was devastated and horrified when she found him. Thus, after bringing him to queen Camilla, she went silent for a whole year. During that year, she tracked Iruma's parents, with one thought in mind, finishing them. Eva isn't usually like this, but she judged it necessary, people like them don't deserve the right to walk free in this world.

Eventually, in her journey, Eva did find them, and at this moment, Eva simply lost it when she learned that they were doing business in human traffic. That day, Eva wasn't herself as blood was spilled, her clothes and body soiled as she slaughter both of them. But there was no remorse, no guilt. If it was for the sake of trauma's happiness, she would do it.

In the year of search, the woman was forging the idea that Iruma may be the best thing that ever happened to her. Despite only knowing him for some moments, she could proudly say that she has Iruma close to her heart, looking at him like her own son.

After the job was done, she returned to the castle Camilla hugged her friend, sharing some tears. The two of them promised right there to keep this information a secret, Iruma didn't need to know.

Talking to him, Iruma was then trained under Eva for the next decade. With her help, the boy becomes a great warrior, even with his lack of skills in the sword. Despite this, he remained himself as Eva didn't want him to become someone that would dedicate themselves to being a Guardian. Before all this, Iruma is Iruma.

So while training, the two bonded as she treated him with all the love and affection she could give to him, and he was grateful. The years passed and Iruma became stronger by the day, while still being the kind and gullible person he is. Over the years, the blue-haired kid grew to be... one of the cutest boys of the kingdom, Camilla words. Everywhere he would go, people would talk to him about anything, just seeing his smile would bring happiness to people's hearts. Camilla proudly said that Iruma was the sun of Kanterbury, and without shame at that.

This made Iruma flustered on multiple occasions, although this didn't annoy him, it was a new change for him and he would be more than happy to talk with anyone.

Iruma during his training, met a pair of twins, Kelsie and Blake, quickly those twins were very close to Iruma at their first meeting. As the years followed, their bond deepen so much that the three were almost inseparable. That trio was one of the best Guardians under Eva. Where Blake is more polite and is treating Iruma like a little brother, Kelsie was... a little more daring. Kelsie was someone that loved to see Iruma's reactions to her tease and she enjoyed his company... a little too much.

For what was happening in the castle, Iruma was treated like Camilla's little brother and was heavily spoiled, though Eva was complaining about it, Camilla just wouldn't listen. But this wasn't all as there was also the princess [ REDACTED ], who was with Iruma most of the time. She often was clingy towards the boy and called him nii-san, despite knowing he wasn't remotely related to her. For the princess, Iruma was her big brother, and no one shall deny this statement.

~ Present Time ~

The day was bright in Kanterbury as the citizens were walking in the streets. Doing their daily business, peace reigns in the country. AS people were chatting about their day, a trio of people were running through the streets. Two of them were wearing armor and the last one was in a blue camo vest and pants, having two feathers at the middle of his collar. His hair was tied in a ponytail, and his expression showed worry as he looked at the two others, sighing.

"Why did you two take too long?! It's our graduation today and you had to be late!" Iruma yelled as Blake laughed softly, catching up to him.

"Blame missy behind us, she took 30 minutes looking at herself in the mirror." Then, a 'hey!' was heard in the background as the girl caught the both of them. The three were still running as the people around laughed, knowing this happened often around here.

"Well, sorry if I was the only one taking care of my appearance! Iruma-kun over here only tied up his hair!" Smirking at the blue-haired boy, Iruma looked at her in surprise.

"I thought my hair looks cool like this..." A tap on the shoulder was offered by Blake as he smiled at him. Iruma could feel his radiant smile infecting him.

"Don't worry bro, you look awesome, Kelsie doesn't know what she's talking about."

"Hey! I'm just here you know!! And by the way Iruma, nothing is wrong with that, but it won't make you less cute, you're still the cutest boy around~" As Blake sighed, he knew she would say something like that, she's his sister after all. As for Iruma, his face flushed as he averted his eyes.

"Heh?! S-stop it!!" The girl giggled as they finally arrived at the field, as the Guardians were all there and Eva was on a podium, looking at them with a stern gaze. The three looked at each other with the same thought in their mind.

Damn, we're screwed... It took a few seconds of silence before Eva facepalmed, with a small smile escaping her lips.

"Greatest warriors, and yet you three are late by almost an hour." Her stern gaze only intensified as the three were shaking in their boots, well more like armor for Blake and Kelsie. Iruma looked at Eva as she looked at him as she smiled a little.

"I'll let it slide today, but I expect an improvement, am I clear?" The three nodded their head as they walked to their designated place. The other Guardians were snickering and whispering to one another. The atmosphere was suddenly much more comfortable as Eva could only look at her group with dignity, knowing that she has the finest warriors just in front of her.

As the discussion became lively, Iruma find himself to be a bit secluded, but as a hand tapped his shoulder, he turned back to see Eva smiling proudly at him. Looking up, the boy's eyes glinted in admiration, with his lips forming a gentle smile,

"You've come this far Iruma... I'm so proud of you." Her hand getting on the top of his head, she ruffled his hair, with Iruma's smile only widening. For the boy, Eva was someone he was looking up to, someone he wanted to reach. He knew he wasn't the best, but he worked hard from where he stood ten years prior.

"Thanks, Eva!" Eva was about to say something else when a shadow was cast over their head but this shadow had the size of the whole kingdom. In a hurry, the knights were all getting into position when a fireball was thrown over the field, killing some of the Guardians. The cries of agony were heard as Iruma could hear the panic of the citizen all around him.

Blake and Kelsie immediately went over to Iruma as they saw the chaos and destruction that was happening. Eva took a step in front of them as she walked to the walls of the city, with the remaining knights joining her. There, they could see buildings crumblings as blood was covering the streets of Kanterbury. Children lost as adults were just panicking, even abandoning their partners for their survival. Iruma's eyes were in pure horror looking at the scene as Kelsie put his head over her chest, she couldn't bare that expression that he was making. Tears rolled down her eyes as she could only clutch his head for comfort. Iruma was still devastated as his body wasn't moving, it was in a state of shock.

"W-what is happening..." Mumbled Blake as he approached Eva. The woman could only hold her spear tightly as she frowned.

"We're being inv-" But she didn't have time to answer as another fireball was coming their way. From there, Iruma jumped over Eva as the twins were now nowhere to be found. On the ground, monsters were attacking the citizens and all you could hear was the fire brazing and the yelling of the people before being slaughtered.

In the air was a huge airship, constantly sending monsters to kill even more people. Guardians tried their best to help the citizen that were still alive, but it was far too late as even they didn't stand a chance against them. Canterbury was at the mercy of those invaders as the only hope of the kingdom had yet to come...

~ ??? POV ~

As soon as I arrived I noticed something, I was too late... The invaders as already started slaughtering people and there was no one to help them, just like before. I grit my teeth in frustration as my face was hidden by the hood.

But if I'm here then that means...! I have to find him, I need to find him at any cost!! I can't lose him! With that in mind, I started to look around but there was no trace of him, just as I was losing hope, I see two Guardians there, laying on the ground, unconscious. I knew those two a little bit too much, I know they are alive this much I'm sure.

I walked over to the two with a somewhat annoyed yet amused expression, until I am inches away from those two. As I crouch to their level, I hear a noise that I knew too well.

"It's him!" I wanted to go there, but the two Guardians needed weapons if they wanted to survive. Sighing, I had no choice but to wake them up. Shaking them up well, I dropped two swords in front of them and ran to the source of the unknown voice. I needed to see if he was well, I still care for these two but not as much as him...


~ Iruma Suzuki POV ~

What was happening?! Why all of this is happening!! This was supposed to be my and the twins' graduation to become official Guardians, this was the day that would make all those years of training worth it, I wanted Eva to see how good I'd gotten but...

As I looked around, I could only witness a defenseless state the people dying as the blood filled the floor, it was more like we were walking in a river of blood. Guts and intestines were everywhere as other body parts were floating on the floor, following the current. It just made me sick, I wanted to puke so much...

"Iruma!!" Shaking me, there was Eva with her eyes looking worried at me again... It was not that I didn't like it but...

"S-sorry Eva!"

"Don't apologize, just stick with me and everything will be fine! Don't ever lose me on sight you hear me!" A part of me wanted to protest, but I just couldn't as I nodded meekly, following her as she made our way through the invaders.

All I had on me was this golden ring on my right middle finger, tho I don't know how it works, all I know is that it's an ancient weapon used a long time ago.

"Iruma!" Turning my head, Kelsie and Blake were running toward me. Kelsie had tears rolling down her face, crashing herself onto me. Now on the ground, my back was covered in blood and she could see my disgusted expression as she quickly helped me stand up.

"It's so good to see you, man." Hugging me, I could feel Blake's emotions as he too was crying. They must have been worried about me...

But this wasn't the time for a reunion as the instant we were talking a huge sound of an animal roaring was heard, which was followed by shadow casting over us.

"Watch out!" By pure instinct, I tossed the twins with me to the side as Eva went to do the same. In front of us was a gigantic bull standing on his two feet. The bull, which was on fire, wielded an axe that was almost two times my height!!

I looked frantically around to see any usable weapons I could use but all I could see was swords!? As I was looking, I could sense an attack incoming as I dive to the side, just in time to dodge the axe that was about to slice me in half like bread.

As I stand up, I could see Blake and Kelsie with their swords running towards the minotaur. With them was Eva, wielding her spear as she offered the necessary support, shooting a laser from the spear.

As Kelsie was leading the attack, she thrust her sword into the minotaur's leg making the monster flinch in pain. In pure instinct, the monster swung his axe down to Kelsie but Blake went to his sister's rescue, tackling her to the side.

As Eva still support them with her spear, I could see that the minotaur was already making his move towards the twins. I needed to do something, but what!? I looked around and next to a crumbling building was a wooden bow with its quiver. Looking at it it won't hold for long, but this is all I have!

Running to the bow, I slide there, managing to pick it up before it was submerged by the building itself. With the quiver, I looked to see that there were two arrows left.

"Need to aim for the eye!" Taking the first arrow and putting it in the bow, I pull the cord with the base of the arrow as I closed one of my eyes for a more precise shot. But no matter how precise I am... I can't aim right while shaking like a leaf!

But there wasn't any time left as the minotaur was almost getting to them. Taking a deep breath, I took my respiration in and hold it as I aim for it, but due to my hands shaking, the resistance of the bow was too great I let go of the arrow by accident as my eyes widen, what did I do!!

But by sheer luck, the arrow hit the bull's eye, causing him to drop its axe and put its hand over his eye, roaring in agony. I took this time to go to the twins and get them away from the minotaur's range. I looked at Eva as she seemed to understand and charged her spear before shooting the biggest laser yet in its chest, finally killing the monster as we all breathed out in victory.

"Is everyone okay??" Asked Eva as she was running towards us with her worried gaze. I looked at my shaking hands as the bow dropped on the ground at the same moment as one.

A hand touched mine at that moment as I looked at the weak smile of Kelsie. Looking at her, I could see she was exhausted from the fight, but she won't pass out just now.

"You saved us..." As her words were registering in my head, I couldn't help but let out a gasp due to my surprise. Blake smiled too as he tapped my shoulder.

"You were so cool, man!" My face crushed at their compliment as I looked back at my hands, a trembling smile on my lips.

"I was cool..." But as of now, there was no time to waste as we all stood up and looked at the castle that was in front of us, the place where I lived for the best decade.

"...?!" Something flashed in my mind as I sprinted into the castle, but minding Eva or the twins.

"I hope they are alright!!"

"H-hey, wait up kid!!" Eva tried to reach out to me but it was too late as I was already inside the castle, running to the main room as I saw them.

"Camilla-nee! Princess!!" Tears fell flowing out of my eyes, although these were tears of joy, I was so relieved to see them alive. Camilla was too crying seeing me as she run straight at me, hugging me as her hand was stroking my back.

"Iruma... you don't know how worried we were for you, the Princess was even more worried..." I could sense her sadness as I could only reciprocate the hug she was giving me.

A weight was added to my waist as I looked down to see the Princess hugging me tightly.

"Nii-san!!" She was sobbing uncontrollably, her tears wetting my vest as I hugged her too.

But as the others joined us, something appeared behind us my ring was hurting me so much, my eyes felt heavy, and I had no idea what was happening to me right now...

Although I tried to stay awake, I could sense the pure evil intent of the creature that appeared from us. My body refused to obey me, I was frozen in place as everyone except me and the princess was down, passed out.

"Nii-san I'm scared..." I wanted to say I was too, even terrified! I couldn't even move a bit. I had to stay strong for her! Ah, I hate this so much, why is this happening today!!!

"I... Everything will be fine..." The evil creature was staring at me and pointing at my ring, his expression was one... of pure terror if I could describe it.

But just as it was about to approach, the princess used some sort of magic as golden chains appeared all around the creature, binding it. Princess went to wake the others as I couldn't keep up and fell unconscious, on the ground.


Now the adventure will truly begin as some of the cast have been presented! I hope you liked the chapter and if you have any criticism to say, I will gladly take it! In any way, this was all I had and I'll see you all in the next chapter!! 

Shota/Zero out!

Shota_Zerocreators' thoughts