
Irreverent Manoeuvre

Aby_Forsevale · History
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Chapter 1

"Katherine.. you know I love you, right? I would never do anything to hurt you. .. so please listen to me-"

"Enough!... I've heard enough of your excuses.. and after all this time ..you have been telling white lies, I was a fool to ever trust you"

*T.V. dialog noises*

"Ah~ I feel so bad for her! She deserved so much better ... .to be honest, I'm sure I'd be a better boyfriend than him-" said Ruby while watching a movie with her friend Aby.

Aby rolls her eyes at her "yea sureee~" Aby leaves the room for a break while Ruby lays down in the sofa, her eyes getting tired..she falls asleep.

Just as Ruby wakes up, she rubs her eyes and yawns "I haven't had such good sleep in a while-"

"Young Highness! You're awake^^" says a maid.

Ruby blinks a few times to understand what she had heard, not to mention she woke up in an unfamiliar room.

"Am I In a movie? Do you know where the director is??"

The maid, obviously confused said "huh? What is a 'movie' your highness? Are you perhaps sick?!" Looking worried.

Ruby who just woke up, probably half asleep just pulls up her blanket covering herself

"Haha..this is a dream yeah, it'll be all normal after I wake up-"

Then the maid suddenly pulls out the blanket making Ruby roll over her bed.

"ACK!- ...ow.. can you be more careful-? ...wait- THIS ISN'T A DREAM??"

Realising her situation, Ruby panics for a bit after setting down and screaming into a pillow...

"Where am I even? Is this like one of those cliché transmigration manhwas? But I don't think I died...did I?" Ruby thinks as her face turns paler.

"Uhh...maid? Which place is this?"

"This is obviously your home your highness^^, this is Abraum kingdom, your kingdom!"

.."abraum ..Abraum ...AH-!"

[This must be the place from THAT STUPID MOVIE I WATCHED YESTERDAY- ahhh shit! Which character am I-?]

Ruby goes to look in the mirror

" red eyes and red hair.."

[FUCKKK- why am I the MAIN CHARACTER?? As soon as I go back I'm sue-ing the goddamn writer!]

"UH..maid, which day is it today?"

"It's the 24th of June, 20XX"

"Ah okay thank you"

[June 24 ...okay I have 3 months left ... THATS A REALLY SHORT TIME-

Ack! Why was I cursed to be in this position TT-TT ... ugh- the movie with a heartbreak and betrayal in the kingdom..*/sigh ..I should think and plan my moves, or even the "main character doesn't die" won't work- ]

"I wonder if Aby was transmigrated too.."


*/knock knock

"Hm...come in"

Two guards come in

"Your highness, the king has requested lunch with you. Please get ready within 30 minutes"

[30 Minutes?? Fuck- I can't do my mental preparation in such a short time!! I'm literally going to meet a KING!]

"yes..I'll be there"

The guards bow and leave

[Ugh- I'm so nervous my stomach hurts...AH.. how I wish this was all truly just a dream T-T ]

The start is definitely cliché but it's smthg I've always wanted to write, I'll Try to add lots of funny scenes and drama, hope you look forward to it ^^♡

Aby_Forsevalecreators' thoughts