
chapter 6 Erotic stripping

The next day was a bit stressful, she gradually began to get familiar with her job description. One would say it's a dream come through but in this case, Sarah was out of it, she was discontent, especially with the idea of working with the Johnson's.

The next day followed just like that until she became a month old in the company. she got aquainted with her job and so carried out some actual responsibilities with her secretary assisting her, and then reporting back to Mr Johnson, the chairman after she must have made Noah sign the necessary documents through her secretary. she tried in every possible means to avoid encountering Noah because they both don't see eye to eye on things in the office, always bent on annoying each other and that leads to the delay of publishing a book which has left the HR with series of complaints about them.

Noah got the habit of making out with some random girls in his office which was one of the things that annoys her the most and so redirected whatsoever that could make her meet Noah to her secretary who was always excited about going to Noah's office for errand whenever the need be.

SARAH'S VOICEOVER: I don't really know if Noah's dirty habit was what actually made me avoid him or the fact that I once had a crush on him like every other person that's in and out of the company.

Sarah was busy working when a knock came to the door and Denny walked in as soon as Sarah permitted him. Denny was in his early thirties and was one of the book designers in the company and Sarah found herself comfortable around him cause he was a bit outgoing and had the right words to say in every given mood. "I came bearing gifts" as Denny gave her the newly published book as he spoke cheerfully "that's so nice of you, thank you as she took the book and was shocked when she saw the cover design. "oh no..... erotic stripping? this is the cover? Sarah asked with a confused expression "sorry, Mr Noah made us do it. "what? why? I mean.... this is my team work and it's literally about archeology, he doesn't have to make it look like a pornographic kind of book. sarah said as her secretary interrupted, she walked in and gave Sarah a file "ma'am, Mr Noah literally refused to sign the files this time" Angela said "why?" Sarah asked "he insisted you bring the files yourself, else he won't be signing"

"why? why is he bent on making my life miserable. spoke very loudly on top of her voice, hesitates for a while and then she stood up, took the files and the newly published book and hurriedly made her way to the exit. "where are you..." as Denny tried stop her but she was too quick to leave the room even before Denny could complete his words. "I guess there's gonna be trouble this time" Angela stated as she exit the office "I hope they both don't create a scene" he spoke while making his way out of the exit.


Sarah knocked at Noah's door severally but there was no response, so she then decided to barge in despite the notice on the front door stating that he doesn't want to be disturbed but was shocked to see Noah kissing and fondling with one of his make out girls. Sarah gave a knock at the table in order to let Noah notice she was there but to no avail, she gave a second knock but this time, more harder and louder as Noah got pissed and spoke harshly to her as he stopped what he was doing with the girl, "what do you want, and by the way, didn't you see the notice on the front door? which boldly stated that I wouldn't want to be disturbed as he exhales deeply "ok i will pardon the fact that you didn't see the notice, so please if you will excuse us, we were at the middle of something when you .... but Sarah cuts in immediately"we need to talk" but Noah ignored her and continued what he was doing with the girl "Noah, I said we need to talk...now" the make out girl got pissed and rudely hit Sarah's forehead with her palm "did you just put your hands on me? Sarah spoke while she moved a bit closer to challenge her "he doesn't want you bitch" the girl spoke in an arrogant manner.

Noah wasn't pleased when the girl called Sarah a bitch. he smirked and finally spoke up "ok you should probably leave" Noah refers to the make out girl "what? as she exclaimed

"ok she's like important to my family, which kind of makes her important to me" the girl was more shocked like never before when she heard what came out of Noah's mouth but those words were pleasing to Sarah which made her feel more superior to the girl. "are you for serious"? as the girl tries to inquire more of what Noah said. "leave" Noah suddenly made it more clear to her"oh please...., am already leaving" which got the girl more angry as she spoke rudely and stood up, grabbed her purse to leave while she brushed Sarah's shoulder angrily and made her way to the exit.

"I mean...the last time I check, this building was a home of publishing known for its insistence on literature as art but not until you turned it to your brothel" Noah gave a smirk when he heard that. "why do you always have to do this in an office, this is not the first, second, third or neither is it the fourth time am seeing you in this act" I mean.... as Noah interrupted her while he stood up and walked towards her "are you jealous"? "what" as Sarah exclaimed "jea.... jealous? did you just say jealous? over what exactly" Sarah spoke while stuttering as Noah drew very closer towards her with Sarah backing his table which she glued to that supported her in avoiding bodily contact with Noah who was standing too close to her which kind of made her feel too uncomfortable "why does every interaction with me spike your blood with adrenaline" Noah spoke softly more like a whisper, in a way that she could feel his warm breath "why have you been avoiding me" spoke under his breath "can you move away a bit, you are standing to close, and am not comfortable with that" Sarah spoke with a shaky mouth "oh so sorry, I didn't know I was too close" Noah pretended not being aware that he was standing too close as he moved away from her, she watched him walk down to his sit, stared at him for a good five seconds which felt like fifteen minutes. "so are you gonna tell me what you are here for or are you gonna stand and stare" she was definitely brought back to reality upon hearing his voice. she found the situation very awkward as she wasn't quite sure what about the situation intimidated her. she quickly looked down at her hand where she had the hard copy of the document. she adjusted herself before speaking as she tried not to stutter. "I wanted you to sign this document" as she dropped the file on his desk "so why have you been avoiding me" Noah asking while busy with his system

VOICEOVER: At this point, I felt intimidated, not because of the question but because I could feel what his presence was doing to me. he definitely sent waves to anyone around and I was no exception.

Sarah struggled to produce human sound but finally did as she spoke with confidence, guess she didn't want to look weak infront of her nemesis "I have things to do, so I would appreciate it if you sign the papers right away" Sarah said while giving an obvious fake smile which made Noah chuckle "ok" Noah said as he picked up his pen and signed the documents. Noah was done signing, Sarah moved closer to his desk, took the documents and proceeded to leave "hope you love the cover page" Noah asked with a little tone of excitement. sarah paused on hearing him speak which made her remember that the newly published book was one of the reasons she came to Noah's office.