
A Fight of Two Tigers

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiao Jing was stunned. She never expected her family to be so concerned about her, especially not her Third Brother, who only seemed to be adept at physical combat. The only way he ever got close to her was by punching her in the face.

The thought of that made her face ache.

"If you don't think Shining Tiger is suitable, you could join Xiao Hong at the Highest Office of General Staff," suggested Xiao Yu.

Xiao Jing tried her best to squeeze out the semblance of a smile. Her brothers, including that idiot Xiao Ye, had repeatedly been trying to get her to leave. Could it be that they were worried she would become an embarrassment to the family?

"Otherwise, you could consider joining Xiao Ye at 505. That would be suitable for you too," Xiao Yu lifted his arm and patted Xiao Jing lightly on her shoulder.

Xiao Jing's eyes widened at his touch. That rhythmic tapping on her shoulder weighed her down so much that she didn't even dare to breathe. "If I said I won't go, are you going to strangle me?" she asked carefully.

Xiao Yu stopped patting her shoulder. With raised eyebrows, he replied, "You know, I am just looking out for you. Shen Chengfeng is known to be strict and harsh. If his training doesn't kill you from the get-go, it's only going to get tougher and tougher. Given how you are built, you will never survive his training."

"I'm fine. I feel pretty, alright? If you are worried that I would disgrace the Xiao family, I promise to tread carefully, and will not let anyone know about my family background."

"That is not what I'm concerned about," Xiao Yu seemed to be on the verge of saying something else, but did not. After a long pause, he finally heaved a deep sigh and said, "That's enough. The more we discuss, the further we digress. I have already made up my mind on this. If you want to change my mind, you will have to defeat me in accordance with the Xiao family rules."

Xiao Jing was at a loss for words. Did that count as bullying? Given her weak and frail build, Xiao Yu could easily take her out with a lift of his finger.

"It looks like you don't have anything else to say." Xiao Yu walked over to the head of the bed, and casually put a set of clothes over her head. "Come with me then."

Xiao Jing inched forward cautiously, as she contemplated whether or not to sneak up on her elder brother.

Sensing some movement behind him, Xiao Yu immediately raised his arm to block her. Xiao Jing was thrown into the air when he grabbed her and jerked her forward. She was pinned to the ground and rendered immobile within seconds.

Xiao Jing initially put up a struggle, but realizing that she was utterly immobile, she decided that resistance was futile. "First Brother, my arm is going to break," she said wryly.

Releasing her hands, Xiao Yu stood up and said without a grin on his face, "It is not smart to strike a stone with an egg."

"Then how about a fight of two tigers?" A powerful voice came from a third person standing outside the door. The night breeze wafted into the room the moment the door was kicked open.

Xiao Jing blinked. Before she could figure out what was happening, her eldest brother had leaped into the air, and the desk behind him had been split into half with a loud boom. The floor even shook a little at the impact.

"Honorable men do not sneak up upon others." Xiao Yu snorted.

Looking at the body lying on the ground, Shen Chengfeng said in his low, deep voice, "General Xiao visited 501 in the middle of the night and is even attempting to bring one of mine with him. Is that what an honorable person would do?"

"I am here to collect my fourth brother. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Have you gone through the right procedures before attempting to leave with my soldier?" Shen Chengfeng questioned him instead.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed as he grimly replied to Shen Chengfeng, "The formalities will be processed tomorrow."

"Well, as General Xiao has said, the formalities would only be completed tomorrow. So before then, Xiao Jing remains one of mine. It seems quite inappropriate for General Xiao to take him away like this, especially in the middle of the night."

"Don't you engage in wordplay with me. I, Xiao Yu, will not be tied down by rigid rules."

"General Xiao is right. I, Shen Chengfeng, also hate dealing with those rigid rules. So, if after tomorrow, those formalities have not been completed, Xiao Jing shall remain in my camp, and would not be going anywhere."

Xiao Jing swallowed nervously. She could smell the tension in the air, which was so acrid that it seemed as if something had caught fire. The innocent little mermaid also had a feeling that she would be the one to bear the brunt of whatever was about to happen.

"So General Shen means to say that there is no room for discussion?" Xiao Yu clenched his fists as he fixed the other with a burning gaze.

Shen Chengfeng removed his gloves and threw them casually at the table, which had broken into half. A burnt smell drifted about in the air.

There was a shift in Xiao Yu's expression. Although he was aware of Shen Chengfeng's ability and was not afraid to go head-on with him in a regular fight, he could not believe that Shen Chengfeng was about to engage him in close combat, and had even gone to the extent of removing his gloves. It was hard to believe that he was doing all these for his useless fourth brother!

However, Xiao Yu had no difficulty understanding the threat that he was facing right now.

Seeing how things had escalated, Xiao Jing quickly stood before Xiao Yu, and said assuredly, "Commander, what are you doing? We know each other so well. It doesn't have to be this serious, right?"

"What do you think I'm capable of?" Shen Chengfeng looked past Xiao Jing at the person standing behind her.

Xiao Yu did not respond, merely staring fixedly at Shen Chengfeng's hands, which looked no different from those of a regular person. He had witnessed personally how powerful those hands could be. Not only would his blood and flesh melt into a puddle, but even steel bars would corrode. Recalling how his fourth brother had survived drinking military strength acid at home, he couldn't help but wonder whether that was Xiao Ye's objective?

As the saying went, stones from other mountains may be used to polish one's jade.

Despite Xiao Jing's weak and frail frame, she was the bane of Shen Chengfeng's existence. If they placed her next to him, the Xiao family would have the opportunity to replace the Shen family as the First Family of the Empire!

Since when had the Xiao family become so despicable that they would use one of their own as a pawn?

Besides, given Xiao Jing's identity, and the closed-off management style of the army, who was to say that she wouldn't fall for him? What if there were sparks between the two of them, set ablaze in the throes of passion?

Wouldn't it be a double whammy for them?

No way! He had to bring Xiao Jing with him, no matter what!

"I do want to see for myself whether General Xiao is as powerful as everyone says." Xiao Yu pushed Xiao Jing away as he moved forward without hesitation.

Shen Chengfeng caught the incoming fist with his hand. The smell of burning flesh filled the air. Xiao Yu took a step back and watched with furrowed brows as white smoke rose from the sleeve on his wrist. There was a sizable wound on his exposed flesh, which was now throbbing with the pain of a burn. It was incredible!