
Irresistible Charm

A young Doctor dedicated to her work, shut herself out of the pleasures of the world, not because she doesn’t want it, but for some unknown reason men tend too be scared of approaching her. She finds it amusing cause she doesn’t seem to be bothered, perhaps because she always feel accompanied when she walks down alone the alley back from work. A rumor began that she has anhedonia, but she didn’t seem to care about that, so it died down. On a sunny day, a patient was rushed into the emergency ward, and Laura been the best doctor was called upon, everyone was scared because the patient who was rushed in is a prominent man in the country, Laura looking undisturbed went in and came out when it wasn’t up too 30minutes looking unscathed, removing her gloves she said done, it was successful. There was an uproar in the hospital, tongues of jealousy, admiration wagged, but Laura seemed undisturbed as usual always composed giving off a cold aura. A letter came in form Las Vegas,when Laura had gone back too her office, it stated that a doctor is needed in Las Vegas too tend for a patient, everyone shivered at the thought of going too Las Vegas because it’s believed that it’s a country filled with supernatural beings(Vampires, Werewolves, Witches), no one wants too be a prey. There was a heated argument going on in the CEO’s office, The CEO said he is going to send Laura over too Las Vegas, but the other executives refused because she’s seen as the brain of the hospital, but the CEO remained adamant, it seemed like he was scared and had no choice other than sending Laura over too Las Vegas. The next day been Tuesday, Laura woke up, brushed her teeth, wore her navy blue track suit and went for her morning routine which is jogging round the compound, she was relaxed because she didn’t have any duties till in the evening, going back to the house using a napkin to dap the beads of sweat on her forehead, she received a call, picking her phone up, it was the CEO calling, when she picked up he said she should come too the hospital immediately then hung up. She sluggishly went too take her bathe, she wore a fitted black skirt, the skirt hugged her perfectly curved hips, and a cream colored loose blouse which had a a belt, making her snatched waist obvious to the public, finally she wore a nude colored heels and took a matching bag which completed the outfit. She boarded a taxi to the hospital, getting too the hospital, she met all her colleagues outside waiting for her, they all had a sad look, with her usual aloof face she walked in to the CEO’s office, he then gave her the letter and her flight ticket saying everything was ready, and all she needs too do was too head straight to the airport so as not too miss her flight. She nodded and headed straight to the airport, she didn’t complain because she is dedicated to her work, she said too herself it’s just work. What awaits her in Las Vegas? Will she be a prey? Will she finally find love? Watch out for this sizzling unending romance……..

Belacody · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1-The letter

A young Doctor dedicated to her work, shut herself out of the pleasures of the world, not because she doesn't want it, but for some unknown reason men tend too be scared of approaching her. She finds it amusing cause she doesn't seem to be bothered, perhaps because she always feel accompanied when she walks down alone the alley back from work.

A rumor began that she has anhedonia, but she didn't seem to care about that, so it died down. On a sunny day, a patient was rushed into the emergency ward, and Laura been the best doctor was called upon, everyone was scared because the patient who was rushed in is a prominent man in the country, Laura looking undisturbed went in and came out when it wasn't up too 30minutes looking unscathed, removing her gloves she said done, it was successful. There was an uproar in the hospital, tongues of jealousy, admiration wagged, but Laura seemed undisturbed as usual always composed giving off a cold aura.

A letter came in form Las Vegas,when Laura had gone back too her office, it stated that a doctor is needed in Las Vegas too tend for a patient, everyone shivered at the thought of going too Las Vegas because it's believed that it's a country filled with supernatural beings(Vampires, Werewolves, Witches), no one wants too be a prey. There was a heated argument going on in the CEO's office, The CEO said he is going to send Laura over too Las Vegas, but the other executives refused because she's seen as the brain of the hospital, but the CEO remained adamant, it seemed like he was scared and had no choice other than sending Laura over too Las Vegas.

The next day been Tuesday, Laura woke up, brushed her teeth, wore her navy blue track suit and went for her morning routine which is jogging round the compound, she was relaxed because she didn't have any duties till in the evening, going back to the house using a napkin to dap the beads of sweat on her forehead, she received a call, picking her phone up, it was the CEO calling, when she picked up he said she should come too the hospital immediately then hung up. She sluggishly went too take her bathe, she wore a fitted black skirt, the skirt hugged her perfectly curved hips, and a cream colored loose blouse which had a a belt, making her snatched waist obvious to the public, finally she wore a nude colored heels and took a matching bag which completed the outfit.

She boarded a taxi to the hospital, getting too the hospital, she met all her colleagues outside waiting for her, they all had a sad look, with her usual aloof face she walked in to the CEO's office, he then gave her the letter and her flight ticket saying everything was ready, and all she needs too do was too head straight to the airport so as not too miss her flight. She nodded and headed straight to the airport, she didn't complain because she is dedicated to her work, she said too herself it's just work. Getting to the airport, she discovered that it was a first class, she awed, but still remained calm and composed, settling down, she was served pancakes with honey dripping from the top downwards to the plate, with an orange juice, looking at it she felt hungry and instantly took a bite, the taste wasn't so satisfying, she gently dropped the pancake and proceeded too take a sip from the orange juice wishing and hoping it was going too taste just like it looks, but guess what her hopes were dashed once again, it tasted sour, she dropped it, looking at it with disgust, she then signed and said at least it looks good . After the long ride she finally arrived .

Las Vegas


Coming down from the plane, a cool wind swept past me which usually gave other foreign folks an eerie feeling, but it was soothing too me, i didn't feel like i was in a strange land.I turned around looking for the supposed driver that was meant too pick me up from the airport, after waiting for about an hour, a car honked from a distance, I looked up from where I was sitting hoping too see a flashy looking car, like you know I'm good looking so a befitting car should come pick me up, I looked at the flashy black car in front of me, i stood up walking towards the car also expecting a hot young looking guy to be the driver, the window was winded down then I saw an old looking man, i carefully stepped back and acted like I didn't see any car, and looked ahead waiting for me expected ride and rider to come get me, the black car stubbornly kept on honking without moving. Tired of standing in heels, I bent down and said hello I'm Doctor Laura George, don't you think it's inappropriate to honk in front of me? Why don't you go elsewhere or perhaps forward, I'm waiting for my ride. The old looking man spoke and said get in Miss Laura you've kept the patient waiting for too long. I felt defeated, I walked too the other side, opened the door and got in, I felt so terrible, I signed and said this is going too be a long ride, due to the looks of driver, he would want too abide by all the rules, like I mean I'm a law abiding citizen but this man might just want to be too extra. As I was about too lay down to relax, the car moved like a lightning bolt, and soon enough we stopped at a magnificent building, the view before was so breathtaking that I forgot the door was already opened before me, it looked as if it was made with pure gold, because judging from the door, the pillars, the gate, all were glittering under the sunlight. It gave off an aesthetic feeling, looking up too see the roof I couldn't see it, it was so tall that one would think it's touching the sky. Hello Miss can you come down, we've arrived, I was brought back too reality, I looked at the driver embarrassingly , and said thank you, I came down still looking at car, wondering how the old man could go that fast and not have a scratch on the car. I pressed the doorbell which looked like a carefully crafted little door, I pressed the button inside the little door, I waited for a while, but no one came out, I pressed again, still no one, I had too look through the hole and I saw a hot looking guy coming forward, I was agitated, i quick took out my mini mirror from bag , arranged my hair, applied a little lipstick , I had too look good. The door opened and a saw a really hot looking guy, so tall, a well carved shiny black beards, with a haircut that complemented the beards sweetly, he had emerald green eyes, well carved eye brows, it looked like his brows were laminated cause they were neatly in place, his lips looked alluring, it looked so soft that I wanted too reach out too touch it, it was like a red apple.