
Irregulars in Tales of Demon and Gods

Read All Netorase Stories Here. (Free and Otherwise) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nonameavailable The Sadist - Volume 1 - HoTD (NEW) Tales of Demons and Gods. Dominator in DxD

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Chapter 25, 26 & 27 - Tour 1

[Ok, so there was a bit of confusion since I haven't updated it in months. But if you are confused, go back to chapter 19, and then read again. It should clear up most misunderstandings.]

"You are home," Tatsuya stood in front of the city's main gate, looking at Jun and Shen Xiu walk in with a pretty boy on their side. Although, there was some artefact that stopped his Elemental Sight.

He hadn't even stepped into the city when Miyuki rushed into his arms, hugging him tightly, "Jun Onii-sama! I missed you!!"

"I missed you too," Jun kissed her cheek, stroking her back.

Miyuki settled in his arms, "I see…you brought a guest…?"

"This is Xiao Yu," Jun introduced, "I already told you about her. Remember?"

"Yeah, the one who is pretending to be a boy?"

"Yeah, her."

Xiao Yu was covered in shame, her biggest secret didn't seem much of a secret, but she was attracted by the city, which she thought couldn't exist.

"Anyone is going to welcome me home?"

Tatsuya looked up at Shen Xiu with a smile that would barely pass for a smile as he hugged her, kissed her lips, and cupped her ass, "Welcome home."

Shen Xiu took a hot breath, "I can't wait to be in your bed…now that I am back."

"Tell me everything."

"Gladly," Shen Xiu moaned, parting her lips and kissing him passionately.

Miyuki chuckled, watching Tatsuya's hand over Shen Xiu's ass, stroking her thigh as she lifted her leg. She turned her attention towards Xiao Yu, placing her hand on the flat chest, "Now. You don't need that here."

Xiao Yu tilted her head, and the inscription that made her look like a pretty boy, but boy disappeared as if it was never there. Her adam apple disappeared, her breasts popped out, and her ass curved. Her face was covered in blush since she felt her clothes tighten around her curve, and she felt naked, "What did you do!"

Miyuki leaned in, stroking her cheek, and Xiao Yu's blush became even deeper, feeling her breasts heave, staring at the gorgeous lips that took hers, whispering to her, "Now you look so much better."

"More fuckable too," Jun, smacking Xiao Yu's ass, causing her to yelp and jump up as he grinningly walked past.

"Gross," Miyuki curled her lips, shooting a look at Jun, only to find him pulling Shen Xiu's ear and dragging her away from Tatsuya.

"Come on; you can fuck my brother later."

"Damn it! I wasn't going to have sex on the main gate!"

"Right, I believe you," Jun scoffed, looking over to Tatsuya, adjusting his clothes and smiling, "We have much to catch up about. Like what changed while I was gone?"

"Right, and there is another presence in your hair?" Tatsuya saw a tiny head pop out, which went back in, hiding.

"Ah, I forgot all about her," Jun joked around, only to get punched in the head by the Goddess hiding in his hair.

He grinned at her, looking over to Tatsuya, walking towards him, and Miyuki strolling with Xiao Yu, "Thank you for not telling others."

"Right, we know how much you hate a crowd welcoming you with open arms," Miyuki sarcastically said with a slight grin on her lips.

"He does?"

"Oh, he loves it," Tatsuya smiled, "Disappointed?"

"Not really," Jun tried to turn, forcing Shen Xiu to walk since her hand was linked with his. He started walking backwards, putting his eyes on Miyuki, "Just tired of dreams. If you know what I mean."

"Ah-huh," Miyuki hastily took a few steps forward until she was beside Tatsuya, "Now that's something to look forward to."

Tatsuya glanced at Miyuki apologetically. Since they were already near the gate, he had no plan of going back without checking on their holdings along the way, which meant stopping by Hong Family.

They got inside the carriage, and Tatsuya had to come clean, causing more than one person to be disappointed.

"You are no fun," Jun muttered, "We can always teleport, and it'd be so easy."

"I know. But it would help if you become over-reliant on those. You will lose touch with the world around you," Tatsuya looked out the window, "At least know what you are the owner of."

"Does it matter? You two are up to it. I couldn't care less," Jun shrugged.

Tatsuya exasperatedly sighed, "Jun."

"Not saying anything," Jun took Miyuki's hand, pulling her near him. He helped her sit on his thigh, putting his arm around her waist, planting a kiss on her lips.

Miyuki rubbed her ass over his thigh, stroking his rust-coloured hair, giving him a sloppy wet kiss. She moaned, looking at her lover while he kissed her neck, putting his palms inside her top. Luckily for her, he took the hint and stood in the carriage, putting his hand on her stomach, stroking her head, and looking down into her eyes.

He smiled at her, moving away to the redhead woman hungrily eying him. Shen Xiu didn't wait for Tatsuya, pulling out his dick and stroking it until it was hard. She put it between her breasts, and since her dress had a cut, it made it easy.

Miyuki lifted her skirt, sitting sideways, and she gently moaned in pleasure when Jun's cock slid inside her dripping pussy. She sat there, enjoying the bumps inside the road, with her hands wrapped around Jun's neck, "You two have spoiled me."

"Oh, we have spoiled you in many ways; which one are you talking about?"

Miyuki lustfully sighed, "Ahh…ummm…you…I can't…be satisfied with a single one."

"Single what," Tatsuya glanced towards her, tearing a hole in Shen Xiu's dress. His cock came out of it, touching and brushing against her chin and cheek. He held her, shaking his hips fucking her tit-pussy.

Miyuki turned her eyes downward, tightening herself around Jun's cock, pushing her thighs inward, "One cock…one isn't enough…."

Shen Xiu parted her lips, lowering her chin so that Tatsuya's cocks rub against her lips, and went inside. She blissfully moaned, holding her breasts together, and he started swinging even harder, clearly excited by his slutty little sister's confession.

What was left between the hole and the cut of dress tore apart, and he got a hold of her head, shoving his cock inside her mouth, filling her up. Her body slid down the seat, and she put her head on the seat, opening her mouth, welcoming him.

Tatsuya put his knee on the seat, holding her hair and putting one hand on the carriage wall in front of him. He started with a slow thrust, seeing where she would gag, and pulled back before thrusting back inside.

Miyuki bit her lip, muttering in a jealous tone, "It's all Tatsuya Onii-sama's fault. If he fucks me like that, then I wouldn't need you, would I?"

"Ouch, that hurts," Jun chuckled, smacking her ass and enjoying the vibration from her head to toe, "Well, I guess I deserve it for teasing you so much, don't I?"

He bit her ear, licking her ear lobe, whispering, with an unshaken conviction, "I was going to wait till we got home, and rip your clothes apart, and fuck you until you couldn't take it anymore."

"What's stopping you," Miyuki defiantly shot a look at him, and he stood up and placed her down on the set. He cupped her cheeks; his strong fingers stroked her jaw, moving down to her neck, which he wrapped his fingers around.

She felt a fever go to her head, closed her eyes, and she got smacked lightly, "Watch."

"Yes," Miyuki took a shuddering breath, opening her eyes, feeling her thighs wet with her juices. She could even hear her liquids dripping on the carriage floor. He stroked her shoulder bone, her breasts, making her wait for the moment when he would do it.


"Godd~~!" Miyuki arched her back, watching as he started tearing her clothes apart like an animal. His monstrous cock throbbed in her sight, and her eyes blurred; her body reacted to it, wanting it addictively.

She raised her legs, wrapping them around his waist, to pull him closer. She realised he was trying to find the entrance, and when he did, he rammed his cock inside, breaking a dam inside her. Her body stretched to the limit, becoming taut as the orgasm hit her body, her mind. Only this was the beginning; he held her by her neck; it didn't matter if she shoved her nails in his skin or put scratch marks; he kept making those rough thrusts that weakened every inch of her body, sending her mind in a frenzy that she couldn't comprehend.

All she knew was she was being fucked, in the carriage, where there were other people, in front of the man she had loved in two lives. Above all, she was enjoying it. Strangely, it sent her to the person she used to be. For a moment, she felt like she was standing outside her body, the creature she saw being wrecked—the one making that slutty face was someone else.

But the next orgasm wiped even that thought out of her mind, leaving nothing. Her body shook for a while, and then she stayed on the seat as if lying lifelessly on a bed. She saw a woman with red hair, who pried over her mouth, and dropped the cum of her lover in it. She drank it instinctively, feeling life return to her eyes.

It dawned on her that Jun was still holding her waist, and as feeling returned to her body, she felt his cock inside her, hard and angry, ready to make a mess out of her.

"Don't tell me that was all you could take?"

Miyuki blankly watched the young man with rust-coloured hair, deep red eyes, and a pretty face that made her feel inadequate sometimes. Though the man behind this pretty face, she knew him, born as her big brother, but behind this façade, was a sadist and the guy that turned her into whatever she had become.

She raised her arms, putting them around his neck, lifting her. Her sweaty body pressed against his, and she could tell the muscles, every inch of his body that made her want him even more. She breathily said, "You turned me into this…take responsibility."

Jun narrowed his eyes into a smile, pulling her away from him until she wobblily stood on her feet. He shoved her face against the door, ordering, "Spread your feet."

"Yes," Miyuki sucked in a yearning breath, answering, spreading her feet; her pussy was still throbbing from the punishment it went through. She felt cold fingers inside her asshole, lubricating it, and then a tongue.

She loudly moaned, wanting him to hear her approval, but he smacked her pussy. Her feet trembled, her knees buckled, and he smacked her pussy even harder, "Your knees touch the ground, and I will make sure you don't get to orgasm for the whole week."

Miyuki quivered at the thought and straightened her knees, only to get smacked in her ass, "Did I tell you to straighten your knees."

Miyuki let out a throaty moan that escaped despite her best efforts to hold back, "No~~! God No~!"

He smacked her ass, and this time, the sound of crack rang louder than Shen Xiu's moans, "Did I tell you to speak?"

Miyuki tightened her jaw, holding back her tears, but they did slip past her cheek. She felt him stop, and she wanted to scream, tell him not to stop, wanting his tongue over her skin, her ass again, only he took a handful of her hair, shoving his cock inside her ass. He stopped for a moment and shoved back in without pulling back. She gripped the glass as tightly as she could, with the bells ringing in her head, and the sheer embarrassment, the realisation that her pussy was leaking like a waterfall as she squirted, sent her further down in the spiral.

Again, it was the same thing; again, she was breathless, out of her mind, and again, she watched herself being fucked. Her skin was red from the slaps, and her lover was on the seat, with the red-haired woman, fucking her as roughly as she was being fucked.

Again she got pulled back in her body, but this time she had the strength to shake her ass, saying words that she would never do if she were in control, "Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck my ass!!! I love it when you fuck my ass!! Onii-sama!!! Show me!!! Show me my place!! Fuck meeeee!! Yesss~~!! Yesssssssssss!!! Fuck yessssssssssssss!!!!!!"

She got smacked, the louder she screamed, even as her voice went hoarse, her ass was covered in hand prints, and her asshole was about to be torn apart—she screamed. She didn't care if anyone heard it if Tatsuya heard her if the driver of the carriage knew that she was being ruined. She wanted him to know how badly she wanted to be his submissive whore.

He arched over her, holding her head in place, his whisper, primal, sensual, "You know how much I love it when you give in to me."

Miyuki panted, "I love being your dirty little slut! So don't you dare stop fucking me like that! Fuck me!!! Cum inside me! Fill me with your cummmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!"

Miyuki stopped, feeling his body shove her up, and his cum emptied inside her ass. The moment she felt that hot jizz inside her, she too climaxed. She looked out the empty road, and his fingers made her loosen her fist, interlacing their fingers, and she stroked them with her thumb.

She closed her eyes as he gently kissed her head, lovingly kissing her cheeks, neck, and shoulder, stroking her trembling, naked, sweaty body. He was about to pull back, but she held him in place, "Stay like this."

"Mm," Jun kissed her head again, and she slowly gyrated her ass, trying to drain him until he was empty. He slowly sat down on the empty seat, watching his girlfriend sitting in his brother's arms as both watched him and Miyuki.


Jun gently brushed his palm over Miyuki's stomach, cupping her breasts and playing with her nipples.

"Nothing, that was really beautiful," Shen Xiu sat between Tatsuya's legs, leaning back in his arms and resting her head against his shoulder.

Tatsuya watched Miyuki's entranced face, enjoying Shen Xiu's kiss on his fingers, her tongue wrapped around it, "If she could even think, then I bet she'd agree; that was the best yet."

"I thought so too," Jun kissed Miyuki's head, "Maybe being a month away did some good."

He sneakily looked up at Tatsuya, "Maybe you should try that. Staying a month away from her?"

"I couldn't live a day without him," Miyuki lifted her body, her slender finger tracing Jun's jaw as she made him face her. She kissed his lips, "Welcome home, Jun Onii-sama."

"Huh, good to be home," Jun kissed her back, trying to hold back as he suppressed a wanting breath, "I still want to fuck you."

"Good," Miyuki muttered, "I still want you to fuck me."

Shen Xiu glanced toward blushing, clearly horny Xiao Yu, "What about that one?"

"She can watch, for now," Tatsuya took her lips, and Shen Xiu could care less about anything or anyone else.